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China Dominates the World TOP500 Supercomputers

Hari Prasad embarrassing himself and his countrymen once again.

India will have a 132 exaflop computer by 2020 :lol:

You do realise that getting to just 1 exaflop is considered the supercomputing equivalent of landing a man on the moon?

And here you are humiliating yourself that India will achieve 132 exaflop by 2020. That's like saying India will have a man on Pluto while the other countries are struggling to just put a man on the moon.

We all know how you embarrassed yourself in the remote sensing satellite argument last year. Should we post the link to that thread?

I know you are finding it difficult to digest but this is not my own source of information. This is our government mission for which we have earmarked Rs 11000 crore. In argument against me from yesterday, you guys have proved the quality of logic you follow and your unwillingness to accept anything from any source except yours.

We all admit India is much better and stronger than us from deep heart, as we and our leaders always say:"China is still very poor and will be a developing country for a long time." We are far behind from India which is a superpower. Leave us alone, thx.

I never said that, I simply refuted the baseless bluffs of chinese to undermine Indian achievements to which you do not want to give credit. I will always give china a credit when it is due. I am not like you people who will post hare decades old news repeatedly to just attempt to prove that India is even worse than Africa. I have substantiated with reference (Authentic) in support of my argument.
I know you are finding it difficult to digest but this is not my own source of information. This is our government mission for which we have earmarked Rs 11000 crore. In argument against me from yesterday, you guys have proved the quality of logic you follow and your unwillingness to accept anything from any source except yours.

Actually, we have difficulty to understand how in the world you got your "Elite Member" status. It is a embarrassment to PDF. Not only you lack the common sense, also you lack the decency to admit your mistakes.
They are not there yet. According to "the Hindu", all 20 satellites are injected into the SAME orbit. So there is no much difficulty to piggyback one more sack of potatoes. For some, a Big Mac is indeed a feast.


They are injected in same orbit at different time. Our next mission will inject satellites in different orbits. We carried out that experiment in this mission itself where we stopped the engine, move the vehicle in other orbit, restarted it and stopped it once again and restarted. Next mission will witness injection into different orbits.

Actually, we have difficulty to understand how in the world you got your "Elite Member" status. It is a embarrassment to PDF. Not only you lack the common sense, also you lack the decency to admit your mistakes.

I know you have many more difficulties in understanding other issues as well. This is a wonder of CPC education.
They are injected in same orbit at different time. Our next mission will inject satellites in different orbits. We carried out that experiment in this mission itself where we stopped the engine, move the vehicle in other orbit, restarted it and stopped it once again and restarted. Next mission will witness injection into different orbits.

I know you have many more difficulties in understanding other issues as well. This is a wonder of CPC education.

Of course they should be injected in different time, anything special about it?

What you have demonstrated in this thread, combined with your daily earning you willingly disclosed, it dose tell us something about India education. No wonder your guys refuse to participate PASA test after your first showing.
I know you are finding it difficult to digest but this is not my own source of information. This is our government mission for which we have earmarked Rs 11000 crore. In argument against me from yesterday, you guys have proved the quality of logic you follow and your unwillingness to accept anything from any source except yours.
Whoever wrote the news piece about India to achieve 132 exaflops computer in just four year, is either he is crazy or stupid himself or he mistook petaflops as exaflops because 132 petaflops is more a reasonable goal. If you indeed insist on it being 132 exaflops, then stop avoiding my question about how India is going to support this machine which will at least need almost 10% of the total India's power capacity. That is also the question you should be asking whomever told you this crap yourself.
Of course they should be injected in different time, anything special about it?

What you have demonstrated in this thread, combined with your daily earning you willingly disclosed, it dose tell us something about India education. No wonder your guys refuse to participate PASA test after your first showing.

Your poor reading skills is once again on display. I did not display my income willingly. Your fellow told me that it is 50 USD and not rupee. I just said that it is not a big amount but just my half day income.

We have a world wide recolonization of our education with our boys occupying World's biggest corporation at just the age in their forties. it includes NASA, Microsoft, Google, many universities of US, MIT and what ever you can bring on the card. We top everywhere. However, if telling us low IQ or bring in BS of PASA test here make you happy than so be it. I as a citizen of world's biggest democracy respect your right to be happy though it is against me and against Indians as a whole.

Whoever wrote the news piece about India to achieve 132 exaflops computer in just four year, is either he is crazy or stupid himself or he mistook petaflops as exaflops because 132 petaflops is more a reasonable goal. If you indeed insist on it being 132 exaflops, then stop avoiding my question about how India is going to support this machine which will at least need almost 10% of the total India's power capacity. That is also the question you should be asking whomever told you this crap yourself.

Ok let it be so if you can be happy with that. The article also states that CRAY will make 1 exa flop computer and ours will be faster than that. Still you bring in this shitty theory of misunderstanding. That is why I always say that you guys are poorly educated and never talk with logic.
Your poor reading skills is once again on display. I did not display my income willingly. Your fellow told me that it is 50 USD and not rupee. I just said that it is not a big amount but just my half day income.

We have a world wide recolonization of our education with our boys occupying World's biggest corporation at just the age in their forties. it includes NASA, Microsoft, Google, many universities of US, MIT and what ever you can bring on the card. We top everywhere. However, if telling us low IQ or bring in BS of PASA test here make you happy than so be it. I as a citizen of world's biggest democracy respect your right to be happy though it is against me and against Indians as a whole.

It means your are making about $100 per day, anything different? Now I am wondering the IQ level of those who make 32 rupee a day. :partay: Anyway, thank you for your entertaining value, my dear Elite Member, good night.
It means your are making about $100 per day, anything different? Now I am wondering the IQ level of those who make 32 rupee a day. :partay:

Ohhh yes, After all you guys are very well known for your high IQ. Your china town in US and other places are very well known for their wealth and cleanliness. Pizzamen is the Job requiring very high IQ that is why it is respected everywhere compared to Indian doctors , scientist , educationist and finance consultant. I bow down to you and whole china for their high IQ and commendable respect they get from whole world as a diaspora and as a country.
I know you are finding it difficult to digest but this is not my own source of information. This is our government mission for which we have earmarked Rs 11000 crore. In argument against me from yesterday, you guys have proved the quality of logic you follow and your unwillingness to accept anything from any source except yours.

Anyone, and I really do mean anyone, that thinks they can get a 132 exaflop supercomputer by 2020 is not just delusional, but mentally braindead.

Do you even realise how outrageously powerful 132 exaflops is?

This is why we laugh at Indians and India.

In June 2016, the fastest supercomputer is 93 PETAFLOPS, and you think in just 3.5 years that India will get a 132 EXAFLOP supercomputer?
Anyone, and I really do mean anyone, that thinks they can get a 132 exaflop supercomputer by 2020 is not just delusional, but mentally braindead.

Do you even realise how outrageously powerful 132 exaflops is?

This is why we laugh at Indians and India.

In June 2016, the fastest supercomputer is 93 PETAFLOPS, and you think in just 3.5 years that India will get a 132 EXAFLOP supercomputer?

Your chinese member said that China will have 200 Exaflop computer by 2020 and computer without any computation power limit by 2030/. You need to lecture him this.

You can laugh or cry and that is not our concern. We do not give a damn to what chinese think about us. We simply Ignore them because we know that they are the people not worth our attention. We have many better work to do such as 132 Exa flop computer, Venus mission, Nano missiles, reusable launch vehicle, scremjet engine, BMD of THAAD catagory, Cold fusion, Beam weapon etc.
Why you guys waste time with a deranged limpet who cheers for India no matter what is beyond me. :lol::D

Typical chinese. When can not win argument, they start personal attack.. You must find out some more abusing word from dictionary to abuse me and other Indians. Pakistani friends will help you.

Good by. Now you guys do not have anything left to argue except personal attack on me. I am leaving. Pl do not quote me. You can abuse me like ever do but do not argue. Now I do not want to come back on this forum. You can discuss here the worse than African poverty and low IQ of Indians among yourself without quoting me.

Bye bye.
Why you guys waste time with a deranged limpet who cheers for India no matter what is beyond me. :lol::D
Just look at their poor performance in academic researches, in the broader context of extremely poor education level of average people, it's very easy to understand. (well, they now probably will argue based on NASA scientist and Microsoft CEO). A president can brag about 2012 supa powa, what u can expect from the ordinary?
@HariPrasad I admire your courage to post nonsense constantly. It is not an easy job. At least I lack of the "hard facial skin" and "hard mouth" which are the core pre-conditions for such a difficult job.

Enjoy this for couple of years. India's 132 Exa flop super computer is coming up.
It is you that come here and saying that India will have a super super computer by 2020. But, currently the fastest one in India is just 901.5 TFLOP. An 132 EFLOP computer is 150,000x faster than the fastest Indian computer today. Are you serious that India can really cover such a huge gap in just four years?? That's just like a country can only produce small fish boat today, but it tells you it will produce a Ford-class alike carrier in just four years. Don't you think it is far toooo crazy?

Please accept today that we have outjumped each and every country except US in 20 satellite launch in a single flight.
It is you that come here and saying that India makes the "20 satellites" mission earlier than China. But China actually did the job last year, and no Chinese PDFer here thinks this is anything that worth brag.

It is you that come here and saying that India and US are the ONLY two countries that capable of making the "20 satellites" mission. But in fact Russia even did a "37 satellites" mission in 2014.

You guys had reduce the PPP criteria for poverty determination from 1.25 USD PPP to 0.24 USD PPP.
If you want a uniform comparision than use world bank DATA.
It is you that come here and saying China has a much lower poverty line than international standard. It is also you that request me to use the World Bank data for a uniform comparison. The funniest thing is, while I respect your request and use the World Bank data to prove you the situation in China, you surprisingly refuse to cite any data from worldbank.org directly, but show some ridiculous comments from unknown resources. I have to say, I never see any better "dual-standard" example than yours.

I respect your patriotism. But patriotism doesn't mean you have the right to post rubbish constantly. Patriotism doesn't mean you have the right to play "dual-standard" again and again. Please behave yourself.
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