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China Deployed J-11B jets in Tibet

how is J-11b different from MKM? what makes it powerful than MKI?
Ha ha.... Indians think MKI can beat the J-11B! But we all know that India will lose completely. India's MKI can't even fly properly. They need repairs. IAF is falling apart and a massive Chinese airstrike will end it completely.

J-11B has a superior radar to Russian BARS on the MKI. J-11B has superior avionics and glass cockpit. J-11B has more composites than MKI so its lighter and stronger. J-11B has RCS reducing features making it more stealthy than MKI.

China will finish building airbases in Tibet by 2012. Then China should immediately launch air strikes against Indian targets with J-11BS. Bomb the Indian mountain troops in their Tawang base and then follow up with infantry attacks. Bomb the Indian positions in Kashmir and then encourage Pakistan to do another Kirgil -- successfully this time.
After illegally occupying Tibet, killing its people, building rail and road for military proposes, building troops barracks, military exercise near border to bully neighbor.

Now, another war mongering act by china. :tdown::tdown:

And they and their prime minister wen still claim th Indian media to create the hype of chinese threat.:devil:
Still upset about 1962?
Ha ha.... Indians think MKI can beat the J-11B! But we all know that India will lose completely. India's MKI can't even fly properly. They need repairs. IAF is falling apart and a massive Chinese airstrike will end it completely.

J-11B has a superior radar to Russian BARS on the MKI. J-11B has superior avionics and glass cockpit. J-11B has more composites than MKI so its lighter and stronger. J-11B has RCS reducing features making it more stealthy than MKI.

China will finish building airbases in Tibet by 2012. Then China should immediately launch air strikes against Indian targets with J-11BS. Bomb the Indian mountain troops in their Tawang base and then follow up with infantry attacks. Bomb the Indian positions in Kashmir and then encourage Pakistan to do another Kirgil -- successfully this time.

Hold your horses my friend.. we need to get free from western border before looking at east. Also not until China and Pakistan go under a defense pact, this is not to happen.
Ha ha.... Indians think MKI can beat the J-11B! But we all know that India will lose completely. India's MKI can't even fly properly. They need repairs. IAF is falling apart and a massive Chinese airstrike will end it completely.

J-11B has a superior radar to Russian BARS on the MKI. J-11B has superior avionics and glass cockpit. J-11B has more composites than MKI so its lighter and stronger. J-11B has RCS reducing features making it more stealthy than MKI.

China will finish building airbases in Tibet by 2012. Then China should immediately launch air strikes against Indian targets with J-11BS. Bomb the Indian mountain troops in their Tawang base and then follow up with infantry attacks. Bomb the Indian positions in Kashmir and then encourage Pakistan to do another Kirgil -- successfully this time.

well i know it will hust you but please wakeup dont ee daydream do you think you are taking steps and we are not doing anything

well buddy are you forgetting

pak fa
miggage upgrade
su30 mki
mig 29

and my son do you really think usa ,uk, france, isreal,russia,japan will allow you come on dont make your fun :rofl::rofl::lol:
PLAAF on Defensive Mode (China wont threaten any country, J-11B jets deployed to Tibet for self defence)

How did you arrive at that conclusion? Any reports or evidence to back up that outstanding claim of yours?

Btw, I would like to see a minor skirmish involving PLAAF J-11B and IAF Su-30MKI. To see how these tow would perform in a real combat situation. Not for any political reasons, but purely in the context of both aircrafts' combat performance. Just for kicks!
J-11B isn't superior to MKI.

J11B is comparable to Su27. Su30 is more powerful, and maneuverable when compared to J11B.

MKI is an even advanced version of Su30. So MKI is way more advanced when compared to J-11B

MKI is so clumsy with a heavier frame, but a less powerful engine.
笑死我了, 这些阿3真tmd傻, 一点军事常识都没有, 却只会酸。哈哈
MKI is so clumsy with a heavier frame, but a less powerful engine.

Oh really?
Is that why its engines have more thrust, and the aircraft can carry higher payload?

It is heavier, but can carry more weapons, and has more powerful engines than J11B, not to mention the TVC, and canards added.

Research before posting.
Oh really?
Is that why its engines have more thrust, and the aircraft can carry higher payload?

It is heavier, but can carry more weapons, and has more powerful engines than J11B, not to mention the TVC, and canards added.

Research before posting.

Dude, WS-10A has an afterburner thrust of 132kn while MKI uses a pair of upgraded AL-31 which is 131kn.

Considering that MKI is almost as heavy as F-22 in its max take-off weight, yet a pair of 131kn engine is really weak for a such big plane.
Dude, WS-10A has an afterburner thrust of 132kn while MKI uses a pair of upgraded AL-31 which is 131kn.

Considering that MKI is almost as heavy as F-22 in its max take-off weight, yet a pair of 131kn engine is really weak for a such big plane.

Sorry to burst your bubble. A country which is not even made a piston engine for its trainer claiming a turbofan :lol:..

Here is the report from Jane's itself. By the way, it is the latest edition.. Enjoy.:P

Jane's Defence Weekly | December 22, 2010 | Inside | Zinio Digital Magazines
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