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China delivers 6 JF-17 Thunder fighters to Myanmar

that's why we already ordered 6 Su-30SME from Russia and the delivery will be started at the end of next year. bro
according to some sources, Myanmar AF is considering to decommission their F7 fleets ( total 64 ) in very soon and will be replaced with JF-17 gradually.So there is a huge potential to buy more (may be 16 more ) if Myanmar AF is satisfied with the performance of JF. that's why they even have a talk to assemble them in Myanmar. bro

Su30sme will be massive for Myanmar but only for air superiority role. Other then that JF17 have a lot of merits over Su30SME in case of Myanmar. Its single engine LOT LOT less fuel consumption, Dirt cheap to maintain compared to Su30. Familiar RD93 Engines as you already have Mig29s having similar RD33 Engines so maintenance infrastructure no issue will come at half the cost of Su30. Similar Range to Su30, much small radar cross section, And almost all capabilities that su30 have to offer operationally, Plus if i am not wrong Russian Flankers are notorious for maintenance issues, even the massive and experienced Indian Air force have been complaining for maintenance issue for their much modern variant of Flanker Su30 MKI. and also no strings attached, you can order custom variant for your needs.
Other then the KLJ Series of AESA Radar for Pakistan that are currently not available for export variants, their is the other air Cooled AESA Radar in development by AVIC that will be available to you in a short while. hope it satisfies your defense needs.
It might not be a Flanker or F15(And it does not need to be) but its definitely comparable to modern Mig29s F16s and Gripen.
Su30sme will be massive for Myanmar but only for air superiority role. Other then that JF17 have a lot of merits over Su30SME in case of Myanmar. Its single engine LOT LOT less fuel consumption, Dirt cheap to maintain compared to Su30. Familiar RD93 Engines as you already have Mig29s having similar RD33 Engines so maintenance infrastructure no issue will come at half the cost of Su30. Similar Range to Su30, much small radar cross section, And almost all capabilities that su30 have to offer operationally, Plus if i am not wrong Russian Flankers are notorious for maintenance issues, even the massive and experienced Indian Air force have been complaining for maintenance issue for their much modern variant of Flanker Su30 MKI. and also no strings attached, you can order custom variant for your needs.
Other then the KLJ Series of AESA Radar for Pakistan that are currently not available for export variants, their is the other air Cooled AESA Radar in development by AVIC that will be available to you in a short while. hope it satisfies your defense needs.
It might not be a Flanker or F15(And it does not need to be) but its definitely comparable to modern Mig29s F16s and Gripen.
MiG 29 is twin engined.
Hi mate, the geopolitical and strategic environment is very complex in the region of BD and Burma where there is a fight going on between the China/Russia and US/West for influence. Similar to Gawadar, China wants to use Burma as a back-up port. The West knew this and wanted to create issues. They supported An-Sung-Su-chi for regime change, and gave her a noble peace prize. But she soon realized the dangerous game the West was playing. So she decided to stick with the betterment of her fellow Burmese rather than the West. Overnight she became a villain.

Unfortunately, the Rohingya issue was created by the West using their local assets. Once the issue was created there was some reaction from Burma, which the Western media posted as front page news. However the Western local assets did most of the killing of innocent people. The Western agenda was dangerous that also involved supporting separatist groups. BD was heavily involved in this, and acted as a front man for the Western agenda. Indian involvement was there but not that much as it saw a destabalised Burma would create huge issues on its Eastern borders. Enter China who managed to defuse the situation by controlling most of the separatist who have historic relations with China. And hence you also see Burma being military supported. Pakistan being the ally of China, supported Burma, and also as a payback to BD who have created many issues for Pakistan at the behest of India and other powers. A strong Burma is good for the region, and to keep BD in check.
So everybody wants to keep BD in check
BD must be doing many thing right...
Its a fact, not an opinion. The contract was signed by CAC , the FC-1M were delivered by CAC, training and will also be provided by CAC.
And reports from official source in IDEAS2018 quote and MDAP book that we delivered our parts(59%airframe) and those were integrated with avionics (Myanmar selection ) in china
Its customers choice to go with Chinese Pakistani western blend vs purely Chinese as thunder is open source

Its a fact, not an opinion. The contract was signed by CAC , the FC-1M were delivered by CAC, training and will also be provided by CAC.

In case of Myanmar, the final assembly was done in Chengdu. PAC manufactured its share of 60% air frame and shipped it to China, which assembled its share of 40% and shipped/ferried them to Myanmar.
As avionics were suppose to be integrated in china
here comes the jf-M
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Chinese government allows the"Kun Loong-600(鲲龙)/AG-600" aircraft to export to the world and serve customers worldwide
2018-12-15 14:51

Having a large seaplane like the CHINA AG600 is of great significance to the development of China's oceans. As the US think tank said: seaplanes have an irreplaceable role as a maritime weapon platform and the implementation of offshore rescue: rescue, not to mention, in military use, future wars emphasize light, rapid deployment, flexible and flexible Strength, the seaplane can carry materials, send troops, refuel in the air, and carry out surveillance and investigation. The key point is that it has the ability to take off and land on the water and can stay in the sea. As China moves toward the ocean, the above functions of the AG600 are very helpful in improving the naval's ability to fight in the open sea.

The CHINA AG600is the first large-scale seaplane designed in China, and it has to be touched by many designs. The current CHINA AG600 still has some small design problems. After the seaplane design is mature, in addition to being able to use it by itself, China can also compete in the international market.
At present, the supply of seaplanes in the international market does not match the actual needs. Many countries with seaplane demand can't make large seaplanes because their technical difficulties are too complicated. At present, the mature suppliers of large seaplanes are only Canada, Japan and Russia. Although there are more than 10,000 seaplanes in the world, they are all mini-machines with a maximum take-off weight of less than 2.5 tons, mainly sporting aircraft and sightseeing machines. There are not many marine aircraft for military use. The emergence ofCHINA AG600 is the breaking of this pattern. In the future, the CHINA AG600 will be able to generate revenues. In East Asia alone, Singapore and Malaysia have actual needs for seaplanes.






I wish someone would post a picture of the JF17 Block II cockpit, wonder if there has been camy changes, however subtle !
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