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China creates an enemy

Its best for you to refrain from calling Vietnamese "Vietcong" or Japanese "Nippon" as this will only weaken your argument.

The allusion to Nazism is nonsense,there is no reverence for Aryans,racial superiority,or attempts at genocides equivalent to the Holocaust.

Whether Zero_Wing wants to continue on his childish facade is up to him,I will not stoop to his/her level.

Both you and I know why our fellow Vietnamese and Japanese members thumb him up,its pointless to discuss it here.

Finally we all done with that lets get back on topic i for one think its great way for Japan to start building their own i mean they did the YS11 and they have the capacity all i can say and ignoring the imperialist here its :tup:
Finally we all done with that lets get back on topic i for one think its great way for Japan to start building their own i mean they did the YS11 and they have the capacity all i can say and ignoring the imperialist here its :tup:
Label me 50 cents/imperialist/racist all you want,every single time someone confronts your accusations you shy away.
Its best for you to refrain from calling Vietnamese "Vietcong" or Japanese "Nippon" as this will only weaken your argument.

The allusion to Nazism is nonsense,there is no reverence for Aryans,racial superiority,or attempts at genocides equivalent to the Holocaust.

Whether Zero_Wing wants to continue on his childish facade is up to him,I will not stoop to his/her level.

Both you and I know why our fellow Vietnamese and Japanese members thumb him up,its pointless to discuss it here.

Both terms aren't derogatory, i see no reason to discontinue applying these 2 words to be honest. :lol:
nippon is japanese word for japanese and communist viets is in no way an insult afterall it's a Communist country.
If you can't face up to your blatant racism or back up your claims that isn't my problem,every post you make only digs a deeper hole for you.

Hey whatever helps you sleep at night dude! Am done for the shake of the topic am went back if wanna continue this attack and counter or not is up to you? As for me i said my piece and i have to think of the Guy who made this topic for his sake i have to stop countering you

Both terms aren't derogatory, i see no reason to discontinue applying these 2 words to be honest. :lol:
nippon is japanese word for japanese and communist viets is in no way an insult afterall it's a Communist country.

And you wonder why? and your still guessing why?
Hey whatever helps you sleep at night dude! Am done for the shake of the topic am went back if wanna continue this attack and counter or not is up to you? As for me i said my piece and i have to think of the Guy who made this topic for his sake i have to stop countering you
How pitiful,you don't even have the decency to admit your racism.
How pitiful,you don't even have the decency to admit your racism.

I see so wanna continue this fine no bars then your asking why? i tell you because i gave us both an exist you continue with this am racist thing only a troll will do this a 50 cent troll will do so i hold it true that you are so this will for the sake of my fellow filipino i will reply to your trolling attacks for the last time.
Old news, update the latest news in SCS(east sea) threat, dude:pop:

ASEAN nations dont like big bad bullier China any more

They only highlight concern, does that means its all against China? :lol: You need to wake up from your fantasy thinking Vietnam is some world super power and most will side with you. :lol:
I see so wanna continue this fine no bars then your asking why? i tell you because i gave us both an exist you continue with this am racist thing only a troll will do this a 50 cent troll will do so i hold it true that you are so this will for the sake of my fellow filipino i will reply to your trolling attacks for the last time.
No offence,but why is your English so grammatically incorrect?

Show me my racism against Filipinos and my 50 cent posts.
They only highlight concern, does that means its all against China? :lol: You need to wake up from your fantasy thinking Vietnam is some world super power and most will side with you. :lol:

And yet the truth is people are having doubts on china so called peaceful rise
No offence,but why is your English so grammatically incorrect?
:rofl: i have address this issue long time ago to him. You ain't gonna get an answer to that question. I have advised him to return to kindergarten for the sake of debating with us here on this forum. To no avail my advise was discarded.
:rofl: i have address this issue long time ago to him. You ain't gonna get an answer to that question. I have advised him to return to kindergarten for the sake of debating with us here on this forum. To no avail my advise was discarded.

Wow a combo by both forces nice like it would work
Wow other troll wow am like a troll magnet

:rofl: i have address this issue long time ago to him. You ain't gonna get an answer to that question. I have advised him to return to kindergarten for the sake of debating with us here on this forum. To no avail my advise was discarded.

Dude ask yourself why would i do that your country's claim does not make any sense and your troll do the math
Both terms aren't derogatory, i see no reason to discontinue applying these 2 words to be honest. :lol:
nippon is japanese word for japanese and communist viets is in no way an insult afterall it's a Communist country.
Your small brain fails to swallow the common sense that it is not you to decide if a term derogatory or not. It is the individual you address who decides.

It is up to you to continue using vietcong, I can call you chinaman. you are a man from china. That's a undeniable fact, isn't it?
Your small brain fails to swallow the common sense that it is not you to decide if a term derogatory or not. It is the individual you address who decides.

It is up to you to continue using vietcong, I can call you chinaman. you are a man from china. That's a undeniable fact, isn't it?

Well its their Job sir calling us names am bit chilish today i have to admit and i do understand sometimes this d bags do get in your skin but lets all go back to topic again.
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