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China creates an enemy

Wow and yet you still insist on the Peaceful rise BS
Pinoy stir the hornet nest by first arresting Chinese fisherman from scarborough shoal encouraged by american influence and then planned a pack of lies by claiming Chinese are bully when we outmaneuver pinoy in gaining control of scarborough shoal.

How come malaysia has no issue with China in SCS. We even allow them to drill oil in disputed area? Pinoy are some troublemaker in SCS.
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China doesn't want any big chunk of PH land, doesn't want PH pplation, does't want to sell religion/ideology/civil drug to PH, doesn't really need PH money either.

The islands are b/c they are in the way of China's new move towards maritime affairs.

China would want to sweep clean to doorway to the entries to the surrounding oceans, and also profit from PH trade. For the former is it is sufficient that PH doesn't have the power/motivation to block the way; for the latter, IMO, China need to help PH (and alike) to become productive and rich first then can good trade prosper.

The only thing PH may lose is a bit ego; but I don't think there is much ego to begin with, being a US puppy.
Pinoy stir the hornet nest by first arresting Chinese fisherman from scarborough shoal encouraged by american influence and then planned a pack of lies by claiming Chinese are bully when we outmaneuver pinoy in gaining control of scarborough shoal.

How come malaysia has no issue with China in SCS. We even allow them to drill oil in disputed area? Pinoy are some troublemaker in SCS.

Ya claiming the whole sea is ok and thats racist sir just typical racist chinese post anyway if you use logic and i know you people well never do can see this so far from the truth and your killing our life blood fishing stealing our resources and others too so ya we can arrest chinese pirates and yes because we still fish there under PSG but still being attack by chinese pirates.

Ya claiming the whole sea is ok and thats racist sir just typical racist chinese post anyway if you use logic and i know you people well never do can see this so far from the truth and your killing our life blood fishing stealing our resources and others too so ya we can arrest chinese pirates and yes because we still fish there under PSG but still being attack by chinese pirates.

You are equally racist and you pinoy is trouble maker. All Southeast asia countries are ok with China. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia ,Malaysia and Mynamar. Except you and vietnam are used by US as pawn in their struggle against China. You could have share the resources just like Malaysia drilling in the dispute area but China never say a word against it. Becos Malaysia is not stupid to be misused like you, Pinoy!


Malaysia Splits With Asean Claimants on China Sea Threat - Bloomberg

“Just because you have enemies, doesn’t mean your enemies are my enemies,” Hishammuddin said on the sidelines of meetings with counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations as well as the U.S. The Chinese “can patrol every day, but if their intention is not to go to war” it is of less concern, he said. “I think we have enough level of trust that we will not be moved by day-to-day politics or emotions.”

How many lies do you pinoy want to make up to badmouth China as some bully? The problem lies with you Pinoy.
Pinoy stir the hornet nest by first arresting Chinese fisherman from scarborough shoal encouraged by american influence and then planned a pack of lies by claiming Chinese are bully when we outmaneuver pinoy in gaining control of scarborough shoal.

How come malaysia has no issue with China in SCS. We even allow them to drill oil in disputed area? Pinoy are some troublemaker in SCS.

they have issue, same with all of us. The differences is what kind of approach they use to solving the problems.
Claiming a sea is racist?

Are you feeling unwell?

I said the post was racist please learn to read

You are equally racist and you pinoy is trouble maker. All Southeast asia countries are ok with China. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia ,Malaysia and Mynamar. Except you and vietnam are used by US as pawn in their struggle against China. You could have share the resources just like Malaysia drilling in the dispute area but China never say a word against it. Becos Malaysia is not stupid to be misused like you, Pinoy!


Malaysia Splits With Asean Claimants on China Sea Threat - Bloomberg

How many lies do you pinoy want to make up to badmouth China as some bully? The problem lies with you Pinoy.

Oh please you the real liars here cant even prove your so called claims and yes china is a bully and stop using that word your not my countrymen and only my fellow Filipinos can use that term not racist arrogant people like you

they have issue, same with all of us. The differences is what kind of approach they use to solving the problems.

The chinese imperials are more worse than the old west heck they can kill millions of their own people and yes they still continue the practice to day so them massing their military around and ignoring the International norm is basicly asking for world war 3
I said the post was racist please learn to read

Oh please you the real liars here cant even prove your so called claims and yes china is a bully and stop using that word your not my countrymen and only my fellow Filipinos can use that term not racist arrogant people like you

The chinese imperials are more worse than the old west heck they can kill millions of their own people and yes they still continue the practice to day so them massing their military around and ignoring the International norm is basicly asking for world war 3

Can't rebuke my point and start slandering? Tell me why Malaysia can settle mutually with China on SCS issue while you Pinoy cant? I know you pinoy love to lick the backside of the american. So much of your pride. :lol:
You are equally racist and you pinoy is trouble maker. All Southeast asia countries are ok with China. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia ,Malaysia and Mynamar. Except you and vietnam are used by US as pawn in their struggle against China. You could have share the resources just like Malaysia drilling in the dispute area but China never say a word against it. Becos Malaysia is not stupid to be misused like you, Pinoy!


Malaysia Splits With Asean Claimants on China Sea Threat - Bloomberg

How many lies do you pinoy want to make up to badmouth China as some bully? The problem lies with you Pinoy.
Old news, update the latest news in SCS(east sea) threat, dude:pop:
Analysis: ASEAN finds voice over South China Sea dispute
James Hardy, London
- IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
14 August 2014

In a surprise move, on 10 August the foreign ministers of the ASEAN member nations issued a joint communiqué that highlighted their "serious concerns" over "recent developments which have increased tensions in the South China Sea". They also "reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace, stability, maritime security as well as freedom of navigation in and over-flight above the South China Sea". Previous events inevitably ended with anodyne statements tamely reaffirming the parties' commitment to "resolve issues in the South China Sea in a peaceful manner".

This time it was different. "We urged all parties concerned to exercise self-restraint and avoid actions which would complicate the situation and undermine peace, stability, and security in the South China Sea and to settle disputes through peaceful means, without resorting to the threat or use of force", the communiqué added.

This is an unusually forceful language from a body that has previously struggled to find common ground on the South China Sea dispute, most notably at the 2012 ASEAN summit in Phnom Penh, when the Cambodian chairman prevented the Philippine foreign minister from speaking by turning off his microphone.

So what has changed? One school of analysis suggests that more aggressive Chinese rhetoric and activities - adopted by Beijing based on the belief that it deserves the respect that great power status confers - have inspired equally strong reactions from its neighbours.

Source: South China Sea News & Discussions | Page 489

Source: South China Sea News & Discussions | Page 489
ASEAN nations dont like big bad bullier China any more
Can't rebuke my point and start slandering? Tell me why Malaysia can settle mutually with China on SCS issue while you Pinoy cant? I know you pinoy love to lick the backside of the american. So much of your pride. :lol:

Again racist one we tryed that with you china did not stop building military bases in Philippine EZZ second your Cost Guard continue to protect pochers and other criminal activities in our EZZ which means exclusive economic zone even that you can not respect and now your claim almost internal waters of the Philippines from North Luzon all the way down to Sulu waters just last week a chinese ship was caught within Philippine waters just next to jolo island so tell me were your peaceful rise and show your evidence to ITCLOS if your country so in the right and again racist jerk allow me to correct you and the other arrogant jerks out here the Pinoy term is only for us using this to insult us or belittle us is nothing short but racist.
Again racist one we tryed that with you china did not stop building military bases in Philippine EZZ second your Cost Guard continue to protect pochers and other criminal activities in our EZZ which means exclusive economic zone even that you can not respect and now your claim almost internal waters of the Philippines from North Luzon all the way down to Sulu waters just last week a chinese ship was caught within Philippine waters just next to jolo island so tell me were your peaceful rise and show your evidence to ITCLOS if your country so in the right and again racist jerk allow me to correct you and the other arrogant jerks out here the Pinoy term is only for us using this to insult us or belittle us is nothing short but racist.
Quite rich coming from you,apparently racism only applies to Chinese members.

"Chinaman" ring a bell?
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