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China counters India's $2 billion with whopping $24 billion for Bangladesh

I am not convinced yet. But i am keen observant on how the whole game is going to pan out. CPEC is reality because the first stage of CPEC is already started which is confirming it is no longer myth now. Whereas for economical projects in Bangladesh, right now it is all talk.
Fair enough, all I would say China is BD largest development partner and has been so for decades. There is nothing unusual here. I am unaware of any Chinese project that has been signed and subsequently not completed.

Recently competing proposal for a development of deep seaport by china and Japan was awarded to Japan. Some ppl blew it out of all proportion as evidence of BD recalibration. Not so...... BD has so much infrastructure development requirement that china, Japan, EU, USA, India, Aliens from outer space can participate simultaneously.
India is itself seeking billions in investment from China the way China sought investment's from US and other western countries. Please remember it's all about money. If China or Japan or USA invests , it will result in better returns on Indian investment. With Bangladesh we have special connect which will always remain. We have no dispute with Bangladesh. If China has decided to invest it means it has no plans to disrupt Brahamputra water flow as well....it's all win win for India . Bangladesh will not attend SAARC meet...
12:00 AM, October 15, 2016 / LAST MODIFIED: 02:53 AM, October 15, 2016
Sino-Bangla Venture: 13 companies to invest $13.6b
Staff Correspondent
Thirteen Bangladeshi entities and the same number of Chinese companies yesterday signed 13 joint venture agreements involving $13.6 billion to increase bilateral trade between the two countries.

Under the agreements, Chinese investors will invest in infrastructures, power, railways, sports and special economic zone, said Sun Xiao, a deputy director general of China Chamber of International Commerce.

Of the Bangladeshi bodies, 11 are private companies including Beximco Group and Meghna Group. The other two are the Ministry of Youth and Sports and state-owned Bangladesh Power Development Board.

On the Chinese side, around eight are state-owned and the rest are from the private sector, Xiao said at a media briefing after the signing ceremony at Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka.

Under one of the agreements, a Chinese construction company will build a cricket stadium at Cox's Bazar while Beximco and Meghna signed deals for power generation.

“The 13 agreements are different from the other agreements signed in the last two days before and during the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping in Bangladesh,” Xiao said after a forum meeting among the Bangladeshi and Chinese businessmen.

The companies did not reveal the details of their investment plans yet, he said. Seven Chinese state-owned companies signed investment and import agreements worth $186 million with 13 Bangladeshi companies on Thursday, aiming to boost bilateral trade.

Before the signing of the agreements, Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed at the Bangladesh-China Business Forum held at Sonargaon Hotel demanded duty-free facility for all Bangladeshi products exported to China.

Currently, Bangladesh enjoys duty benefit on export of 5,054 products to China under bilateral agreement. Besides, under the WTO rules, Bangladesh as a least developed country (LDC) enjoys duty benefit on export of 97 percent Bangladesh-originated products to China.

“Had the Free Trade Agreement been in place between the two countries, both the partners would have benefited,” the minister said.

“We have decided to award a special economic zone for Chinese investors at Chittagong to attract more Chinese investment in the country.”

The minister also said the exports from Bangladesh to China will reach $2 billion in next three to four years as Bangladesh exported goods worth $808.14 million in fiscal year 2015-16.

In the last fiscal year, Bangladesh imported goods worth $9.64 billion from China, the largest trading partner of Bangladesh.

Tofail said Bangladesh's investment policy for foreigners is very flexible and the investment is legally protected. So, the Chinese investors can invest in Bangladesh.

Regarding the widely discussed Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar economic corridor, the minister said once the agreement on this is fully operationalised, all the participating countries would be benefited in carrying goods.

“We believe that more Chinese investment will come to Bangladesh once the special economic zone for Chinese investors is set up,” said Chen Zhou, vice-chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

Bangladesh would also be immensely benefited from the Chinese investment in the special zone because of the employment generation from such initiative, he said. He suggested Bangladesh transform and upgrade its products for higher growth of exports to China.

It is a matter of encouragement that Bangladesh joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank from which Bangladesh would be immensely benefited, he said.

The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) and CCPIT jointly organised the forum meeting.

FBCCI President Abdul Matlub Ahmad sought Chinese investment in agro-processed goods, leather and leather goods, ICT products, frozen foods, jute and jute goods, pharmaceuticals and shipbuilding sectors.

“If we look at infrastructure, multi-modal transport, ports, and connectivity are being developed, many of which are progressing with the support from China,” Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said.

Moreover, several investment agreements were signed between Bangladeshi and Chinese companies at the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) yesterday.

If we count the private agreement total Chinese investment is near 40 Billion dollar .
India is itself seeking billions in investment from China the way China sought investment's from US and other western countries. .

india is busy setting Brahmos missile and tank division against China, that suits india better.
I told you so,

my post from Oct 4, 2016.

"she is trolling Pakistan.

Actually she had no problem being in alliance with Jamaat in the early 90's.

She will turn on a dime aganst India if she needs to !!!

She is a politician."

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/pakistan...ladesh-pm-haseena.453249/page-8#ixzz4N7NTIWWG

I never understand why people are ever surprised. Don't believe in anything a politician says, judge them on what they do.

Hasina knows how to play interests off one another..... BD won't get involved in India Pakistan issues ever.

I believe her in that she probably is genuinely pissed off at pak reaction to her pogrom against opposition politicians. After all internally she has cowed the opposition ..... unfortunately internationally her clout does not extend beyond India thus opposition to her dictatorial behaviour probably comes as a shock.

But if interest served BAL will ally with Jamat in an instance.

Not going to a saarc summit costs nothing and plays well with her cash cow India. However she is not so upset by Pakistan to actually take any steps that has any real meaning.

Politics is the art of B.S and she is a master.
This will cement Sheikh Hasina place in BD as the most important person in BD's history after Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation. She presided over the economic revival of BD. This also signals the permanent demise of Khaleda Zia and the BNP.
This will cement Sheikh Hasina place in BD as the most important person in BD's history after Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation. She presided over the economic revival of BD. This also signals the permanent demise of Khaleda Zia and the BNP.

indians are going crazy by the minute, poor thing.
indians are going crazy by the minute, poor thing.

Why?.India wants Hasina at the helm of affair in BD. Anything that strengthen Hasina's hand will be welcomed by India.
Why?.India wants Hasina at the helm of affair in BD. Anything that strengthen Hasina's hand will be welcomed by India.
indian bitc*h hasina found new sugar daddy. ouch, ouch and ouch.

I do not like BAL or Hasina but calling it a proxy regime is inaccurate. The first place Hasina went following her election is Beijing not Delhi. She is as china centric as BNP, JP or Jamat. The crazy thing about BD politics is there is virtually no policy difference between the parties. Our polity like everywhere else is driven by larger than life personalities with a toxic dose of narrative regarding the birth of nation.

These comments are your own but comparing these against ground reality make these comments laughable and novice.
This will cement Sheikh Hasina place in BD as the most important person in BD's history after Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation. She presided over the economic revival of BD. This also signals the permanent demise of Khaleda Zia and the BNP.

Too early to say. BNP has been written off before and so has BAL.

The current government lacks legitimacy and can only carry on for so long.

India should not have messed in BD internal politics. It should not matter who is in power in BD, state to state relation should be above such consideration.

Once BAL goes India loses all clout in BD.

BD is not made for one party rule, BAL government is illegal and is just one jolt away from being toppled. There is nothing India can do about that. Prepare your check book , the next GOB will demand even greater payment from you to continue maintain status quo.

indian bitc*h hasina found new sugar daddy. ouch, ouch and ouch.

These comments are your own but comparing these against ground reality make these comments laughable and novice.

Yes they are my own and I stand by them. Happy to reconsider position if you point out the inaccuracies.

BAL has to pay the price with BD interest to retain indias support, absolutely. They have put party above country.

But proxy regime I do not think so. Eliminate BNP/Jamat is all BAL doing in my opinion. They are fascist and one party rule has always been their goal. I don't think that is directed by anyone other than themselves.

I recognise capacity of BAL to instigate abuse of power themselves without any outside assistance.

My main point of policy differences between the major parties..... I am unaware of any in the big issues such as defense, economy, foreign policy vis-a-vis world powers and institutions.
Bangladesh is always out of of Indian grip since its forces were taken out of this land after Sk. Mujib came back. The next was when President Ziaur Rahman made diplomatic inroads toward China. Now, it is Chinese President's visit that makes it more difficult for India. Tell me exactly what are the Indian successes in BD. I think, it is nothing except that BD-India border is almost tension-free.

The Indian success is brining the AL into power against the majority wishes of the people and retaining the party in power for 8 years despite Pilkhana massacre, Rana Plaza collapse, Bangladesh Bank heist, Shapla Chhatre massacre, abductions and secret killings of thousands etc ...

prosperous Bangladesh is good for India

The last thing India wants is a prosperous Bangladesh ...

This will cement Sheikh Hasina place in BD as the most important person in BD's history after Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation. She presided over the economic revival of BD. This also signals the permanent demise of Khaleda Zia and the BNP.

A little to presumptive ... SH will be the most important person in BD history after Ziaur Rahman if she dies from an Indian bullet ...
india is busy setting Brahmos missile and tank division against China, that suits india better.

You seem to be getting high on loans being extended to you. Just Chill. If u take loan from one you will become subservient, if u take it from 20 , you will retain your freedom. India is helping you guys ....pushing Japan and USA Etal and also putting it's money.

As far as defensive posture is concerned....These are defensive measures . Remember China claims Arunachal and over last three decades it has developed lot of infra on Tibet side. India will take time to develop infra on its side so in the interim measures, it is fortifying it's defenses.

China''s investment in India is more than what it is and will be in Bangladesh.
Too many jaamatis in this thread. All I can say is general people of Bangladesh doesn't see a difference between BAL or BNP. They want prosperity. These deals definitely puts Hasina in good lights among general people. If Hasina can pull off Padma bridge project successfully during her reign, she will be cememnted as one of the most successful politicians of Bangladesh.

The current government lacks legitimacy and can only carry on for so long.
No it doesn't among the eyes of foreign powers

All that money, very good thing to happen to all of India's smaller neighbors.
But (a big one !) Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh have to understand that nothing dramatic can happen in the region without India's co-operation. As far as these countries don't go against India's national interests everything will be peaceful. Sri Lanka's situation is somewhat better, it has sea routes but Bangladesh ? With 90% of its borders stuck with India they need to be very careful with every decision they take.

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