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China Could Field Its Sixth-Gen Fighter Jet Before The US – Top USAF Official Apprehends

PLAAF now needs some real combat exhibitions. The air forces of US, Russis, UK and France all have real combat records over the last 20 years. So do both Pakistan and India. It will certainly help PLAAF to assess and modify their combat readiness and requirements accordingly.

I suggest bombing the crap out of TIP in Idlib. TIP is composed of Uyghur separatists.
I suggest bombing the crap out of TIP in Idlib. TIP is composed of Uyghur separatists.

That is too easy task. Do these separatists have an air force to test the full spectrum of the air combat ? Still, I am sure PLAAF won't go to idlib.
Bro, you're literally moving the goal post, and arguing strawmen.

Your point was that the US military has to beg, and China doesn't. I said neither have to beg, and all you did was prove nothing, while moving the goalposts forward.

Just stop.
Not at all, I'm merely shooting down all the rather weak points you're raising. I appreciate that you fancy yourself a bit suave, but you're not Gordon Freeman sipping on his coffee.

I'll believe the US isn't begging when its generals stop their pathetic whining about China. Seriously, when has anyone ever seen a PLA general hyping up America to squeeze more money out of the NPC?

As for stopping, getting me to stop is really easy: stop responding to me. If you keep trying to get the last word in, I'm going to keep the heat coming.
Ignore the 50 cent nibba , when the F-22 came out China still had 3rd and 4th gen aircrafts.
My dude, did you just use the n-word to describe a Chinese guy? :lol:
Take a good long look in the mirror. It doesn't matter how much you wish you were white, you aren't white and you're never going to be. Sad but true.
Not at all, I'm merely shooting down all the rather weak points you're raising. I appreciate that you fancy yourself a bit suave, but you're not Gordon Freeman sipping on his coffee.

I'll believe the US isn't begging when its generals stop their pathetic whining about China. Seriously, when has anyone ever seen a PLA general hyping up America to squeeze more money out of the NPC?

As for stopping, getting me to stop is really easy: stop responding to me. If you keep trying to get the last word in, I'm going to keep the heat coming.

My dude, did you just use the n-word to describe a Chinese guy? :lol:
Take a good long look in the mirror. It doesn't matter how much you wish you were white, you aren't white and you're never going to be. Sad but true.

First of all nibba here in America can either mean bro or a black person , I did not say he's a black person so shut your fking trap.

No I don't care since I don't wanna be white , where tf in my statement did you pull out of your @ss that I want to be white. Your 2 IQ brain translated basic things as me being white ? :rofl:

You can't even handle basic facts about China , everyone and there mother knows how China truly works after Covid-19.

I can be happy knowing at least my country didn't spread a virus that killed millions and crashed the global economy.
First of all nibba here in America can either mean bro or a black person , I did not say he's a black person so shut your fking trap.

No I don't care since I don't wanna be white , where tf in my statement did you pull out of your @ss that I want to be white. Your 2 IQ brain translated basic things as me being white ? :rofl:

You can't even handle basic facts about China , everyone and there mother knows how China truly works after Covid-19.

I can be happy knowing at least my country didn't spread a virus that killed millions and crashed the global economy.
You can blather on all you want, I know your type. Singing the white man's praises and professing your faith in "democracy" isn't going to make you their equal and it certainly won't make them respect you - you'll just get a pat on the head. Like a dog.

Maybe that's all you want.
Not at all, I'm merely shooting down all the rather weak points you're raising. I appreciate that you fancy yourself a bit suave, but you're not Gordon Freeman sipping on his coffee.

I'll believe the US isn't begging when its generals stop their pathetic whining about China. Seriously, when has anyone ever seen a PLA general hyping up America to squeeze more money out of the NPC?

As for stopping, getting me to stop is really easy: stop responding to me. If you keep trying to get the last word in, I'm going to keep the heat coming.

My dude, did you just use the n-word to describe a Chinese guy? :lol:
Take a good long look in the mirror. It doesn't matter how much you wish you were white, you aren't white and you're never going to be. Sad but true.
Dude, I don't fancy myself as anything more than a guy on the internet with an opinion.

You haven't actually shot down a single one of my points, not one. In fact, you've purposefully ignored my points, and created strawmen to argue against.

I'm asking you to stop, because you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. All you're doing is putting in the minds of those who're serious about discussion on this forum, that you are not worth talking to.

But let's say you're right, what does that change exactly? The US still out spends every single nation on earth when it comes to military R&D, including China.

No amount of you making ridiculous logically flawed statements will change that fact.
Dude, I don't fancy myself as anything more than a guy on the internet with an opinion.
Then act like it.
You haven't actually shot down a single one of my points, not one. In fact, you've purposefully ignored my points, and created strawmen to argue against.
I've shot down every single one. You claim that the US military's begging is just the normal jockeying for position among the players in any bureaucracy, and I've demonstrated that to the contrary, nowhere other than in America is this done. There's no other country - not even another so-called "democracy" - where the military embarrasses itself every single parliamentary budget session by begging and screeching that the barbarians will breach the gates this instant if the legislators don't gib moar monies.

Don't talk about strawmen, you operate a strawman factory. The only counter you have is the non-sequitur that America's military is the best-funded on Earth. I dispute that, but even if it's true then all you've proved is that they're effective beggars.
All you're doing is putting in the minds of those who're serious about discussion on this forum, that you are not worth talking to.
Take a look around you and point out to me a single serious discussion that goes on in this forum. You certainly seem to think I'm worth talking to, you've responded to every post I've made and you're going to respond to this one.
But let's say you're right, what does that change exactly? The US still out spends every single nation on earth when it comes to military R&D, including China.
Let's parse that statement carefully. What does it mean for the US to outspend China on military R&D? It must certainly mean that the money the US spends effectively (i.e., netting out military-industrial complex grift like the $1,280 coffee cup) exceeds China's when adjusted for purchasing power parity. I don't know of anyone who's done this analysis, but this is the closest thing to it I can find

It's crystal clear which side has the momentum. That graph completely explains America's reaction in recent years, from the frenzied panic of Donald Trump to Joe Biden's quiet desperation.
No amount of you making ridiculous logically flawed statements will change that fact.
You're in no position to evaluate the logical validity of the claims I make. You've demonstrated no significant contribution to this forum in all your years here - all I see from you is snide and bitter interjections in discussions that don't concern you.

No amount of pom-pom waving for America will change the fact that time is on its opponent's side.

Since you seem so concerned with "serious discussion", point me toward a single contribution you've made to this forum. Something like this:

Can you do that, "PDF think tank: analyst"?
@waz @LeGenD @Horus @WebMaster @Irfan Baloch

To Mods: I've tried to be reasonable, but his attitude has gotten worse. He's not only attacked me with personal attack, but other title holders such as @dbc as well.

As I've been told not to engage with people who start throwing around insults, I'm going to stop right here, and leave it up to you.

Then act like it.

When have I ever acted otherwise? You on the other hand seem to be suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect.

I've shot down every single one. You claim that the US military's begging is just the normal jockeying for position among the players in any bureaucracy, and I've demonstrated that to the contrary, nowhere other than in America is this done. There's no other country - not even another so-called "democracy" - where the military embarrasses itself every single parliamentary budget session by begging and screeching that the barbarians will breach the gates this instant if the legislators don't gib moar monies.

You have NOT demonstrated otherwise. Stop pretending you have. You simply move the goal post forward to effective spending, which is irrelevant to the conversation at hand.

You've shown that you have ZERO clue how government and bureaucracy works.

Don't talk about strawmen, you operate a strawman factory. The only counter you have is the non-sequitur that America's military is the best-funded on Earth. I dispute that, but even if it's true then all you've proved is that they're effective beggars.

This is by far the stupidest claim you've made. By your logic, any project that needs funding shouldn't have any justification what so ever of receiving those funds. No study should be put forth, no talks should occur, nothing should happen, and any dumb project that comes to the table should receive automatic funding.

Not just that, by your own logic, every single (not just military) government agency is begging for funds, when they request them from the government.

Once again, you've proven you have no idea what you're talking about.

Take a look around you and point out to me a single serious discussion that goes on in this forum. You certainly seem to think I'm worth talking to, you've responded to every post I've made and you're going to respond to this one.

You aren't, I'm just petty.

Let's parse that statement carefully. What does it mean for the US to outspend China on military R&D? It must certainly mean that the money the US spends effectively (i.e., netting out military-industrial complex grift like the $1,280 coffee cup) exceeds China's when adjusted for purchasing power parity. I don't know of anyone who's done this analysis, but this is the closest thing to it I can find

It's crystal clear which side has the momentum. That graph completely explains America's reaction in recent years, from the frenzied panic of Donald Trump to Joe Biden's quiet desperation.

See what I mean? You've moved the goal post.

The discussion went from begging, to me having to point out that they don't need to beg, because they're a massively funded organization, to you now talking about effective spending.

You moved the goal post from begging to effective spending. Which, by the way, you can't actually prove, because those figures aren't in the public realm. Neither China, nor the US release enough figures publicly to ascertain what is and isn't effective spending.

You're in no position to evaluate the logical validity of the claims I make. You've demonstrated no significant contribution to this forum in all your years here - all I see from you is snide and bitter interjections in discussions that don't concern you.

I'm in every position to do so, because of the very fact that you're talking to me. If you're gonna bs me, then I have every right to point out why you're spouting bs.

Boy, I've been l on this forum for much longer than you have, I've contributed far more to discussions that you've had your account.

No amount of pom-pom waving for America will change the fact that time is on its opponent's side.

We're not talking about the future, once again, moving the goalposts.

Since you seem so concerned with "serious discussion", point me toward a single contribution you've made to this forum. Something like this:

Can you do that, "PDF think tank: analyst"?

Congratulations, you made a thread.🙄

Ignoring the fact you're engaging in character assassination here, to try and hide from the fact that you have zero idea what you're talking about, I actually have started quite a few threads and explained topics I think are important, the last major one being a history of Afghanistan, and how it related to Pakistan.

But I don't need to justify myself to you. You think yourself smarter than you actually are.
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I'm going to stop right here, and leave it up to you.
He said right before he wrote several paragraphs.
You on the other hand seem to be suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect.
On the subject of character assassination...

And it's no character assassination on my part to point out that you seem to be suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder to debate me.
You simply move the goal post forward to effective spending, which is irrelevant to the conversation at hand.
No. Since you think you're so very clever, you should have understood that I was making two distinct points. The first point was about the uniqueness of the behaviour of the US military in how it secures funding, which I polemically refer to as begging. The second point about effective funding was to refute your snide imputation that the US military was so richly funded that it makes all others - the PLA specifically - seem like paupers in comparison.

I'll say this once again in the hope that you'll finally get it: No other organization in any other national bureaucracy behaves like the US military does. The Finnish military doesn't go crying to its country's parliament every year that Russia will overrun it if it doesn't approve exorbitant funding.

Here's something someone as obviously intelligent as yourself should be able to clarify for me: Whenever these kinds of articles like the OP come up, people like you always claim that it's just scaremongering and hyping the "China threat" to scrounge up more money. If China's not dangerous enough to merit this concern, isn't what the US military is doing fundamentally dishonest and fraudulent?

I'll admit that you're correct in your assertion that what the US military is doing isn't begging. It's worse than begging, it's extortion.
Neither China, nor the US release enough figures publicly to ascertain what is and isn't effective spending.
I'm sure one as intelligent and accomplished as yourself, what with your blue username, understands that it's impossible to have a debate or reach a conclusion about unfalsifiable propositions. We can both claim super-secret budgets to our hearts' content.

Even if we can't reach an ironclad conclusion about effective spending, the trends illustrated by the graph I posted are very clear and should cause thoughtful people to re-examine their assumptions about China and its military capacity.
Boy, I've been l on this forum for much longer than you have, I've contributed far more to discussions that you've had your account.
<Insert Navy seal copypasta>
Then it should be easy to link to a single insightful or thought-provoking post or comment you've made. I sure haven't seen anything like that from you, and I see you popping up in discussions more often than I'd like.
We're not talking about the future, once again, moving the goalposts.
That's not moving the goalposts, that's just me taking a cheap shot. I admit that I have a tendency to play the man and not the ball.
Congratulations, you made a thread.🙄
One of several, and not even one of my better ones. Since you've been here for such a long time, surely you can point me to something comparable you've written.
I actually have started quite a few threads and explained topics I think are important, the last major one being a history of Afghanistan, and how it related to Pakistan.
A link, if you please.
You think yourself smarter than you actually are.
Then it should be very easy to expose me. Why have you failed to do so?
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