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China Could Field Its Sixth-Gen Fighter Jet Before The US – Top USAF Official Apprehends

Fifth generation fighters will likely be able to face 6 gen fighters with additional upgrade as when we look on Tempest and Japanese future fighters, pretty much the design is still similar with 5 generation fighters.

The one that should be look into is this program instead.

When someone threatens your existence, the most peaceful and humane thing you can do is to build the most terrible weapons possible so that they are deterred from hostile action.

Come on, there is no imminent threat to China. Isn't China a nuclear power ?

But I am not much of a military strategist so I don't know how much change will be brought by hypersonic missiles and possible space-based laser weapons.

while listening to Salman hameed he is a prof and teach astronomy in usa he was talking about mars and a thought came to my mind how possible is a war on mars btw china and usa about control over resources and here you are tlaking about unified effort!

Maybe you are correct. China has gone too far down the isolationist / ultra-nationalist line in recent years. There is the upcoming Chinese space station but it might be possible for this space station to have residents from the Chinese sphere of influence.

Or maybe China will cooperate internationally. I have watched a Disney-Canada produced two part sci-fi series ( I don't recall the name ) which has an international but non-Chinese participation for a Mars mission - manned mission for the international group and unmanned for the Chinese project. The two groups cooperate at some point. You should watch it.

wesay do look up for kinaati on youtube amazing channel!

Link please.
The US was operating the F22, a 5.5 gen fighter, 20 years ago. They have already tested a 6th gen aircraft. Meanwhile, China has barely gotten itself into making decent 5th gen fighters. I'd give China 10 years to make their 6th gen plane, and the US 5 years. This is just the US military crying for more money.
more Chinese fan boys clogging up this forum with chest thumping posts only to be smacked back into place

we are all fans of China but not all of us are fanboys

its like the Chinese fanboys who were claiming Huawai will rule the world and US semiconductor ban has sunk and killed Huawei which by the way was the biggest smartphone maker in the World and had the backing of the Chinese Central Government with very powerful connections, now Huawei is looking at building parts for electric cars, they made complete fools of themselves

you want to take on US where it dominates ? you are very foolish and stupid, yet again most Chinese fanboys are

Is this the same guy that got banned from SinoDefenceForum for trolling?
6th generation fighter will most likely be a joint projects between Russia and China.
never,6th gen will be China's national pride,they will never share the glory with russia,china don't need russia.
The US was operating the F22, a 5.5 gen fighter, 20 years ago. They have already tested a 6th gen aircraft. Meanwhile, China has barely gotten itself into making decent 5th gen fighters. I'd give China 10 years to make their 6th gen plane, and the US 5 years. This is just the US military crying for more money.

Good point. Usa 6th generation fighter jet should be very close for induction by 2030 and China's 6th generation should be having its first flight by then. Being 10 to 15 years behind Usa is a very good achievement and keep in mind China will introduce many 6th generation technologies on to the J20s by 2030s, so J20 will itself be a very powerful jet.
more Chinese fan boys clogging up this forum with chest thumping posts only to be smacked back into place

we are all fans of China but not all of us are fanboys

its like the Chinese fanboys who were claiming Huawai will rule the world and US semiconductor ban has sunk and killed Huawei which by the way was the biggest smartphone maker in the World and had the backing of the Chinese Central Government with very powerful connections, now Huawei is looking at building parts for electric cars, they made complete fools of themselves

you want to take on US where it dominates ? you are very foolish and stupid, yet again most Chinese fanboys are

So according to ur logic we and chinese and all should bow our heads to the US diminance and totally submit to them and not imagine taking on US. Well that works for slave but not everyone have a slave mentality like u and would want to compete.
So according to ur logic we and chinese and all should bow our heads to the US diminance and totally submit to them and not imagine taking on US. Well that works for slave but not everyone have a slave mentality like u and would want to compete.

Nothing short of a world war or global economic crash worse than that of COVID can get rid of the US's dominance over the world. Simple as that.
The Americans rolled out their first stealthy aircraft in the 1960s; this was SR-71 Blackbird. There are FIVE documented events to shoot down this aircraft but all failed.

The Americans rolled out and utilized additional stealthy aircraft such as F-117A Nighthawk (low-end) and B-2A Spirit (high-end) in the 1980s which were put to use in several conflicts. Both delivered results, and B-2A surpassed all expectations.

The Americans rolled out F-22A Raptor in the 1990s, and made 5th generation technologies feasible for mass production with the F-35 program. These jet fighters have also served in several conflicts by now.

The Americans are developing B-21 Raider and will finalize it for mass production by 2022. This bomber is 2 decades ahead of B-2A in VLO considerations (the first ELO class).

No country is even close to replicating B-2A design and capabilities in operational capacity - forget B-21.

The Americans have tested a 6th generation prototype as well: https://www.defensenews.com/breakin...ll-scale-prototype-of-its-future-fighter-jet/

Now there are American aircraft and technologies which are not properly disclosed to the Public. Even some of the capabilities of F-22A Raptor are not public knowledge.

God knows what Americans will roll out in the future.

I am sure that China will roll out impressive jet fighters of its own in the near future including an advanced LO-compliant bomber type. The Chinese are also producing J-20 in numbers as well as improving them from time-to-time. These designs are good enough to complement Chinese security needs. However, direct comparisons to American products are premature and unnecessary.

The Chinese and American military philosophy and pursuits converge as well as diverge on many counts on the face of it. The Chinese are better off with charting their own course in the aspect of developing weapon systems and solutions as per their security considerations. The game is more about systems than individual designs.

From the link I shared:

"Almost every detail about the aircraft itself will remain a mystery due to the classification of the Next Generation Air Dominance program, the Air Force’s effort for fielding a family of connected air warfare systems that could include fighters, drones and other networked platforms in space or the cyber realm."

All these noises about China are to keep American military industrial complex well-funded.
The turbojet jet engine hurdle needs to be overcome by China.... They have no reliable modern powerplant for their jets... Still.
Jet engines for F35 getting to be a joke.
That conveniently ignored by all the Murica fanboys.

Not that it matters as F35 is a parody of a joke.

🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
Isn't it pathetic that the US military has to beg for its keep?
Who's begging? The US military already has record high spending, and they're practically worshipped as gods.
So according to ur logic we and chinese and all should bow our heads to the US diminance and totally submit to them and not imagine taking on US. Well that works for slave but not everyone have a slave mentality like u and would want to compete.
Empire comes and goes, nothing last forever.
just in barely 40 years, China has progressed so much, we dared to stood up against US during Korea war when they are a thousand times richer at the time.
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