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China confirms two more civilian Nuclear reactors for Pakistan.

China is well on track to firm up the sale of two more nuclear reactors to Pakistan, raising serious concern in India which has conveyed its objections at both the political and official levels in China, as well as the Nuclear Suppliers Group in the last few months.

The deal in question will constitute the first foreign sale of China’s indigenous 1,100 MW nuclear reactor series called ACP 1000 which is set to be a major technological advance for Beijing.

The project, which is to be located off Karachi (KANNUP 2 and 3), is valued at about $9.6 billion.

China to give Pakistan two more nuke reactors, India protests - Indian Express

Keep crying India :lol:

I stopped reading here :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
But Indian Express didn't stop writing there :rolleyes:

This is what they have to do- "Reporting"
It is up to us to read, think, believe, apply logic and decide if need to read any further. That is why I used I :smart:

Now that is some money to spend. Even we will hesitate to spend that kind of money on anything during this crisis period. You can see our defense projects going slow. Pakistan is even thinking of canceling the j-series fighters. 10 billion is a lot of money
This is what they have to do- "Reporting"
It is up to us to read, think, believe, apply logic and decide if need to read any further. That is why I used I :smart:

Now that is some money to spend. Even we will hesitate to spend that kind of money on anything during this crisis period. You can see our defense projects going slow. Pakistan is even thinking of canceling the j-series fighters. 10 billion is a lot of money

So, You mean your media pull news from backside ---- I also believe so :rolleyes:
So, You mean your media pull news from backside ---- I also believe so :rolleyes:

No. These deals crop up from time to time but seldom materializes. There are good chances the deal will be dead after initial engagement. I have my doubts on India-France Rafale deal too
China is a true friend, they help us with weapons technology, civil nuclear and other things, we get both civilian and military assistance that keeps us trucking.

Where were they during 1965. 1971 & 1999...:partay:
You are a senior member and i haven't talked to you before(i guess)...so with an assumption that you are here for debating and not trolling i would like to share my thoughts....

But it appears China wasn't fazed by it.

Till now, we have yet to see any real Indian involvements on explorations in the South China Sea. The situation is now very clear, China is having non of it. We are not Russia, India does not buy arms from China, nor does China count on India being our main buyer. Truth is, India has little leverage over what we provide Pakistan, be it for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

You are not entirely right...Yes, we don't have any leverage on what you sell or buy to Pakistan directly...having said that this is not how geo-politics works. I mean which country would happily take anything that have a direct implications on its interests. You will find over-engagement of India in her Eastern flank as well more and more close co-operation with US...to be honest it is a catch 22 situation for both of us...

China went from securing a deal with Pakistan on its Gwader Port, to building a mega port in Sri Lanka, to securing deals with Maldives and Seychelles to setting up tents in the LOC and now this.

Pakistan's security is important to China, not simply because are we time tested allies, Pakistan also serves as an important gateway to the middle-east as well as Afghanistan. Pakistan's national interest are often part of China's national interest as we are both bordering India, who isn't shy when it comes down to undermining both China and Pakistan's national interests and securities.

A pure baseless charge...In fact for long we were not even in a position to undermine your interests in any possible way..however since decades you have been arming our arch rival...so if any the charge is on you!!...let's not deny the obvious, will you??...With the economic progress now we are in a position to return the favor and work is in progress..

End of the day, our relationships are rather different to one that is shared and enjoyed by Russia and India. So don't be too optimistic when brandishing that South China Sea card.
Well, you got to understand there is a unwritten law - you scratch my back i will scratch yours...you mess with me, i will mess with you....you can very well ignore the Indian involvement in south china sea but won't change the fact...

Relations with Japan/Vietnam and all your neighbors is going to see lot of attention from India...so is with US...
You are a senior member and i haven't talked to you before(i guess)...so with an assumption that you are here for debating and not trolling i would like to share my thoughts....

You are not entirely right...Yes, we don't have any leverage on what you sell or buy to Pakistan directly...having said that this is not how geo-politics works. I mean which country would happily take anything that have a direct implications on its interests. You will find over-engagement of India in her Eastern flank as well more and more close co-operation with US...to be honest it is a catch 22 situation for both of us...

A pure baseless charge...In fact for long we were not even in a position to undermine your interests in any possible way..however since decades you have been arming our arch rival...so if any the charge is on you!!...let's not deny the obvious, will you??...With the economic progress now we are in a position to return the favor and work is in progress..

Well, you got to understand there is a unwritten law - you scratch my back i will scratch yours...you mess with me, i will mess with you....you can very well ignore the Indian involvement in south china sea but won't change the fact...

Relations with Japan/Vietnam and all your neighbors is going to see lot of attention from India...so is with US...

You mess with us, we have a helluva lot more tools to make life a living hell for India.

We can simply fund and arm the dozens of separatist groups inside India, we can build military bases all around India, we can veto any Indian involvement in the UNSC, we can arm India's neighbours like Pakistan with strategic weapons, we can geopolitically cut off Indian energy deals by outbidding Indian firms, we can cut off exports to India which your poverty-stricken population greatly rely on for affordable Chinese goods.

India is a lightweight going up against a heavyweight. No amount of jingoistic boasting can counter a much stronger geopolitical rival.

If the CPC decided to really play hardball, we could have a strategy to isolate the Indian regime like we isolated the Taiwanese regime. We have the money and international relations to subtlety isolate the Indian regime overtime. Never underestimate to brilliance of the CPC.

We have far greater comprehensive national strength vis-a-vis India :coffee:
You mess with us, we have a helluva lot more tools to make life a living hell for India.

We can simply fund and arm the dozens of separatist groups inside India, we can build military bases all around India, we can veto any Indian involvement in the UNSC, we can arm India's neighbours like Pakistan with strategic weapons, we can geopolitically cut off Indian energy deals buy outbidding Indian firms, we can cut off exports to India which your poverty-stricken population greatly rely on for affordable Chinese goods.

India is a lightweight going up against a heavyweight. No amount of jingoistic boasting can counter a much stronger geopolitical rival.

If the CPC decided to really play hardball, we could have a strategy to isolate the Indian regime like we isolated the Taiwanese regime. We have the money and international relations to subtlety isolate the Indian regime overtime. Never underestimate to brilliance of the CPC.

We have far greater comprehensive national strength vis-a-vis India :coffee:

I would agree. With no more Russia to back us,India can be pressurized by China anyday.
The deal in question will constitute the first foreign sale of China’s indigenous 1,100 MW nuclear reactor series called ACP 1000 which is set to be a major technological advance for Beijing.

1,100 MW reactors, that is very nice. :D

The last ones we sold to Pakistan were about half that, if I remember correctly.

Does anyone know how many MW is Pakistan's entire power grid, and how much are the shortfalls that need to be filled?
You mess with us, we have a helluva lot more tools to make life a living hell for India.

We can simply fund and arm the dozens of separatist groups inside India, we can build military bases all around India, we can veto any Indian involvement in the UNSC, we can arm India's neighbours like Pakistan with strategic weapons, we can geopolitically cut off Indian energy deals by outbidding Indian firms, we can cut off exports to India which your poverty-stricken population greatly rely on for affordable Chinese goods.

India is a lightweight going up against a heavyweight. No amount of jingoistic boasting can counter a much stronger geopolitical rival.

If the CPC decided to really play hardball, we could have a strategy to isolate the Indian regime like we isolated the Taiwanese regime. We have the money and international relations to subtlety isolate the Indian regime overtime. Never underestimate to brilliance of the CPC.

We have far greater comprehensive national strength vis-a-vis India :coffee:

Are you done or still want to carry on with the verbal diarrhea...To be honest members like you are a disgrace to this forum....anyhow not interested in some long jingoistic claims...just one point...if you could have done what you are saying you can, you would have already done them...so chillax and enjoy ur :coffee:
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