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China Conducts Another Mobile ICBM Test


Jan 27, 2010
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China’s military recently carried out a third test of a long-range DF-31A ballistic missile capable of hitting the United States with nuclear warheads.

U.S. officials with access to intelligence reports said the flight test of a DF-31A road-mobile ICBM took place July 24 in China and highlights Beijing’s large-scale nuclear force buildup.

The test was carried out in complete secrecy as part of China’s policy of not revealing details of its strategic nuclear forces in public.

A Pentagon spokesman had no comment on the flight test. “I recommend you contact the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China,” Lt. Col. Todd Breasseale said.

Chinese Embassy spokesmen did not respond to email requests for comment about the ICBM test.

The U.S. officials did not provide further details of the flight test.

However, it was the third flight test of a DF-31A within the past year.

By contrast, the Obama administration has put off U.S. ICBM tests several times in recent years in what military officials said were politically motivated delays. A Minuteman III missile test was put off last year until after the presidential election and delayed again until May over concerns an ICBM flight test would be misconstrued by North Korea, which has its own long-range missiles.

Missile analysts said the latest DF-31A test probably was carried out from the Wuzhai Space and Missile Test Center, where earlier tests occurred.

Until last month, China’s most recent DF-31A test took place Nov. 30 when an ICBM was fired from Wuzhai to an impact range in western China.

An earlier DF-31A test took place Aug. 30, 2012, also from Wuzhai, a missile launch center located in Shanxi province, about 267 miles southwest of Beijing.

It could not be learned whether the latest test involved a single dummy warhead or multiple warheads.

China is developing multiple-independently targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs, for its missiles and also has used decoy warheads designed to fool U.S. missile defense sensors.

A recently published report by the Air Force National Air and Space Intelligence Center concluded “China has the most active and diverse ballistic missile development program in the world.”

“It is developing and testing offensive missiles, forming additional missile units, qualitatively upgrading missile systems, and developing methods to counter ballistic missile defenses,” the report said. “The Chinese ballistic missile force is expanding in both size and types of missiles.”

According to the report, China’s military has “more than 15” DF-31A launchers for the solid-fueled, single-warhead ICBM that has a range greater than 6,835 miles. Other missile specialists say the DF-31A is capable of carrying up to five nuclear warheads.

The July 24 DF-31A test came exactly a year after the Chinese conducted what U.S. officials said was one of the first flight tests of a new longer-range ICBM called the DF-41, which is expected to be China’s first long-range missile outfitted with multiple warheads.

The Pentagon’s 2011 annual report on China’s military stated that China is continuing to modernize its nuclear forces by enhancing silo-based ICBMs and adding harder-to-detect mobile missile.

“In recent years, the road-mobile, solid-propellant [DF-31 and DF-31A] intercontinental range ballistic missiles have entered service,” the report said, adding that the DF-31 A “can reach most locations within the continental United States.”

Rick Fisher, a China military affairs specialist at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, said the latest flight test shows that Beijing’s military has a robust missile-testing program.

“The DF-31A could be deployed with two to three brigades, which all engage in active year-around training which includes live launches at regular intervals,” Fisher said.

“This latest DF-31A test also highlights the fact that China’s nuclear missile arsenal continues to grow,” he said. “The DF-31A fleet will soon be joined by an initial force of up to 36 JL-2 or JL-2A submarine-launched nuclear missiles within the next year, and these will be followed by multiple warhead or MIRV capable DF-41 road mobile ICBMs.”

The DF-41 is expected to be capable of carrying up to 10 nuclear warheads.

China’s military uses extreme secrecy to mask its strategic nuclear missile programs.

A senior Chinese official revealed during talks with U.S. officials in Beijing in 2009 that even the number of Chinese nuclear weapons is a closely guarded secret.

Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei was quoted in a classified State Department cable made public by Wikileaks that said that if China revealed the size of its nuclear arsenal, it would eliminate its deterrent value.

China conducted a series of flight tests beginning in July 2012 that included the DF-31A, a silo-based DF-5 ICBM test, the DF-41 test, and a flight test of a new JL-2 submarine launched ballistic missile.

All the tests were not made public and Pentagon spokesmen also declined to comment on those tests.

China conducts another mobile ICBM test | Washington Free Beacon

According to US intelligence reports,China has only 20 nuclear warheads。:wave:

According to US intelligence reports,China has only 20 nuclear warheads。:wave:

I think they mean 20 missles that could reach the United States. Not 20 warheads at all.
China has conducted 5 ICBM tests in last year, and with this one in this year, so China only has 14 ICBMs left in its inventory according to their logic. :coffee:

I've read that intelligence report. They believe that at present, China has 20 missiles capable of hitting the United States. And in 2020 in their assumptions of such rockets is 100.
100 rockets - the minimum amount needed to break through the US defense guaranteed. (that's why they hardly insist to get Russia to sign a new START)
According to their assumptions, again.
Only 20 :lol: .. I guess you mean that China developed 20 types of missles over the last 7 decades.

According to US intelligence reports,China has only 20 nuclear warheads。:wave:

China has conducted 5 ICBM tests in last year, and with this one in this year, so China only has 14 ICBMs left in its inventory according to their logic. :coffee:


Congrats China :china:

According to US intelligence reports,China has only 20 nuclear warheads。:wave:
I think they mean 20 missles that could reach the United States. Not 20 warheads at all.
China has conducted 5 ICBM tests in last year, and with this one in this year, so China only has 14 ICBMs left in its inventory according to their logic. :coffee:



According to whose logic?

If there is a God, please help China...!!! Please, dear God in Heaven in whatever incarnations You have over the ages...!!!

Every ICBM launch test is a DESTRUCTIVE test. That means you lose the launcher, the bus, and the nose section that houses the warhead.


Minuteman 3 Test Launch Still on Hold The Santa Barbara Independent
The last Minuteman 3 test launch took place at Vandenberg in November 2012 and delivered a dummy warhead to the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean, 4,200 miles away.

A live weapons test is called a 'hot' test and that usually includes FULL employment of the weapon.

Mr. ChineseTiger1986,

Please...Please...Please...That was almost physically painful to read from you.

What happened to critical thinking? What prompted you to believe that someone would even IMPLY that an ICBM test launch would be a hot launch?

Even the article hinted that the test carried carried dummy or dummies warheads...

It could not be learned whether the latest test involved a single dummy warhead or multiple warheads.

So how in the world could you conclude that the article's author even IMPLY that the test launch was hot?

I do not know if YOU genuinely believe that this Chinese test launch was a hot test and really...I do not care.

But for you to actually believe that someone else would believe that to prompt you to make that comment reveals far more about you than about any person you attempted to mock.




According to whose logic?

If there is a God, please help China...!!! Please, dear God in Heaven in whatever incarnations You have over the ages...!!!

Every ICBM launch test is a DESTRUCTIVE test. That means you lose the launcher, the bus, and the nose section that houses the warhead.


Minuteman 3 Test Launch Still on Hold The Santa Barbara Independent

A live weapons test is called a 'hot' test and that usually includes FULL employment of the weapon.

Mr. ChineseTiger1986,

Please...Please...Please...That was almost physically painful to read from you.

What happened to critical thinking? What prompted you to believe that someone would even IMPLY that an ICBM test launch would be a hot launch?

Even the article hinted that the test carried carried dummy or dummies warheads...

So how in the world could you conclude that the article's author even IMPLY that the test launch was hot?

I do not know if YOU genuinely believe that this Chinese test launch was a hot test and really...I do not care.

But for you to actually believe that someone else would believe that to prompt you to make that comment reveals far more about you than about any person you attempted to mock.


dont act up again please!

the comments made by ChineseTiger1986 are side talks, colour commenting on the main article posted

The focus is whether you believe or do not believe in the article that the test was done

whether the test was "hot" or "dummy" is much less important to the issue at hand

Talking about "critical thinking" ah Yes I did use the term many time on the fourm!
All US ICBM/SLBM tests were also using the dummy warheads, ouch. :coffee:

A Trident 2 missile carrying a load of dummy warheads was successfully launched Sunday night from a submerged nuclear submarine off the coast of Florida in the 30th test firing of the Navy's most powerful nuclear weapon system.

What is there for me to 'ouch' about? An ICBM test launch is SUPPOSED TO CARRY DUMMY WARHEADS. Did I not showed you that already? :lol:

Well, all you Viet members here have some sort of twisted logic and imagination, so spare us of not being able to carry out a proper conversation with you people. :coffee:
Well, all you Viet members here have some sort of twisted logic and imagination, so spare us of not being able to carry out a proper conversation with you people. :coffee:
Me with twisted logic and imagination? :lol:

Oh ye with the supposedly 'high Chinese IQ'...Here is my logic...

First...All ICBM test launches are destructive tests. We lose the rocket (propulsion), the bus, and the nose section that houses the warhead and associated avionics. We can salvage some pieces of them for study and possibly recondition them for other purposes such as lab test platforms, but as a whole, the entire weapon is lost without being in combat.

Second...Given how expensive and dangerous are nuclear warheads, who in their right minds would conduct a hot, meaning real warhead installed, on a test launch? The nose section is not -- NOT -- designed to survive an impact, not even with water. So even though it is possible to rig the warhead not to nuclear detonate, given the fact that the nose section cannot survive an impact, not even with water, why risk losing valuable high grade fissionable materials and the associated hardware that make it go ka-blooey? No, I would not take that risk and I would install a dummy warhead that is an exact weight match to the real nuclear warhead.

Are you following me so far, ye with the supposedly 'high Chinese IQ'?

Third...The US have a history of ICBM test launches with dummy load in support of 1 and 2 as shown by at least one news source.

Fourth...This mean the author of this article knows 1 thru 3 because he said this of the Chinese test launch...

It could not be learned whether the latest test involved a single dummy warhead or multiple warheads.
The author believes that this Chinese ICBM test launch would logically and sanely contains at least one dummy warhead. He does not need to clarify '...or multiple dummy warheads.' People with critical thinking skill would understand.

So when YOU, ye with the supposedly 'high Chinese IQ', said this...

China has conducted 5 ICBM tests in last year, and with this one in this year, so China only has 14 ICBMs left in its inventory according to their logic. :coffee:
Who are you referring to, as in 'their logic'? Whose logic were you trying to mock? Who, based upon 1 thru 3, would stupidly assume that China would conduct hot ICBM test launches? Who do you believe would think this stupidly, especially when the author clearly stated what he know?

In trying to mock Americans, you ended up looking the fool.
China’s military recently carried out a third test of a long-range DF-31A ballistic missile capable of hitting the United States with nuclear warheads.

U.S. officials with access to intelligence reports said the flight test of a DF-31A road-mobile ICBM took place July 24 in China and highlights Beijing’s large-scale nuclear force buildup.

The test was carried out in complete secrecy as part of China’s policy of not revealing details of its strategic nuclear forces in public.

A Pentagon spokesman had no comment on the flight test. “I recommend you contact the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China,” Lt. Col. Todd Breasseale said.

Chinese Embassy spokesmen did not respond to email requests for comment about the ICBM test.

The U.S. officials did not provide further details of the flight test.

However, it was the third flight test of a DF-31A within the past year.

By contrast, the Obama administration has put off U.S. ICBM tests several times in recent years in what military officials said were politically motivated delays. A Minuteman III missile test was put off last year until after the presidential election and delayed again until May over concerns an ICBM flight test would be misconstrued by North Korea, which has its own long-range missiles.

Missile analysts said the latest DF-31A test probably was carried out from the Wuzhai Space and Missile Test Center, where earlier tests occurred.

Until last month, China’s most recent DF-31A test took place Nov. 30 when an ICBM was fired from Wuzhai to an impact range in western China.

An earlier DF-31A test took place Aug. 30, 2012, also from Wuzhai, a missile launch center located in Shanxi province, about 267 miles southwest of Beijing.

It could not be learned whether the latest test involved a single dummy warhead or multiple warheads.

China is developing multiple-independently targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs, for its missiles and also has used decoy warheads designed to fool U.S. missile defense sensors.

A recently published report by the Air Force National Air and Space Intelligence Center concluded “China has the most active and diverse ballistic missile development program in the world.”

“It is developing and testing offensive missiles, forming additional missile units, qualitatively upgrading missile systems, and developing methods to counter ballistic missile defenses,” the report said. “The Chinese ballistic missile force is expanding in both size and types of missiles.”

According to the report, China’s military has “more than 15” DF-31A launchers for the solid-fueled, single-warhead ICBM that has a range greater than 6,835 miles. Other missile specialists say the DF-31A is capable of carrying up to five nuclear warheads.

The July 24 DF-31A test came exactly a year after the Chinese conducted what U.S. officials said was one of the first flight tests of a new longer-range ICBM called the DF-41, which is expected to be China’s first long-range missile outfitted with multiple warheads.

The Pentagon’s 2011 annual report on China’s military stated that China is continuing to modernize its nuclear forces by enhancing silo-based ICBMs and adding harder-to-detect mobile missile.

“In recent years, the road-mobile, solid-propellant [DF-31 and DF-31A] intercontinental range ballistic missiles have entered service,” the report said, adding that the DF-31 A “can reach most locations within the continental United States.”

Rick Fisher, a China military affairs specialist at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, said the latest flight test shows that Beijing’s military has a robust missile-testing program.

“The DF-31A could be deployed with two to three brigades, which all engage in active year-around training which includes live launches at regular intervals,” Fisher said.

“This latest DF-31A test also highlights the fact that China’s nuclear missile arsenal continues to grow,” he said. “The DF-31A fleet will soon be joined by an initial force of up to 36 JL-2 or JL-2A submarine-launched nuclear missiles within the next year, and these will be followed by multiple warhead or MIRV capable DF-41 road mobile ICBMs.”

The DF-41 is expected to be capable of carrying up to 10 nuclear warheads.

China’s military uses extreme secrecy to mask its strategic nuclear missile programs.

A senior Chinese official revealed during talks with U.S. officials in Beijing in 2009 that even the number of Chinese nuclear weapons is a closely guarded secret.

Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei was quoted in a classified State Department cable made public by Wikileaks that said that if China revealed the size of its nuclear arsenal, it would eliminate its deterrent value.

China conducted a series of flight tests beginning in July 2012 that included the DF-31A, a silo-based DF-5 ICBM test, the DF-41 test, and a flight test of a new JL-2 submarine launched ballistic missile.

All the tests were not made public and Pentagon spokesmen also declined to comment on those tests.

China conducts another mobile ICBM test | Washington Free Beacon

It seems that China might be interested in testing their old missiles with conventional war heads against India in near future if a war breaks out.
The article said:

The July 24 DF-31A test came exactly a year after the Chinese conducted what U.S. officials said was one of the first flight tests of a new longer-range ICBM called the DF-41, which is expected to be China’s first long-range missile outfitted with multiple warheads.

China conducted a series of flight tests beginning in July 2012 that included the DF-31A, a silo-based DF-5 ICBM test, the DF-41 test, and a flight test of a new JL-2 submarine launched ballistic missile.
This means the US monitored China regarding weapons testing, on land and sea. So where are the open water testings for the DF-21D?
wow!! .....awesome

........donfang is surely the best on planet eath
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