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China Conducts Another Mobile ICBM Test

Please don't waste time on people who don't understand humor.
Say whaaaat...???

You got a bunch of guys who have neither time in military service nor even 3rd degree away from the subject under discussion trying to make themselves credible in a military oriented discussion forum by making physics defying claims and exhibiting poor critical thinking skill.

We definitely understand these jokers. :lol:
Say whaaaat...???

You got a bunch of guys who have neither time in military service nor even 3rd degree away from the subject under discussion trying to make themselves credible in a military oriented discussion forum by making physics defying claims and exhibiting poor critical thinking skill.

We definitely understand these jokers. :lol:

We definitely don't understand how to play airforce playstation games :lol:

Guess its time to run to the mods, right? :lol:
Great achievement? According to a certain @Indo-guy, all our ICBM are Russian's. Without Russia tech, China has no ICBM.

I don't remember the origin of that debate.
@Indo-guy is actually supportive of China if you read his other posts.

I think there is some unfortunate misunderstanding between you guys because, from what I can tell, both of you agree that

A- the USSR helped PRC in various technological areas in the past.
B- China has developed a lot of indigenous capability since then.

I would acknowledge the part where you both agree and leave it at that.
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I don't remember the origin of that debate.
@Indo-guy is actually supportive of China if you read his other posts.

I think there is some unfortunate misunderstanding between you guys because, from what I can tell, both of you agree that

A- the USSR helped PRC in various technological areas in the past.
B- China has developed a lot of indigenous capability since then.

I would acknowledge the part where you both agree and leave it at that.

I did not say all ICBM came from Russia ...Somebody is twisting my words ....But till 1960 Soviets helped China immensely the most important and difficult building blocks in all domains of Nuclear , Missile ,Rockets technology .

Russia gave R-2 rocket technology to China .
China tested first Rocket in 1960 ...which was Soviet made rocket ....

Initial rockets and IRBM were totally based on R-2 Rockets technology .....China did continue its own indigenous efforts ( for which full credit is to be given to them )
After having learned basic technology ( for which China literally got readymade men,machine as well as money from Soviets ) , it was not very difficult to continue own efforts to improve technology . Full credit goes to Mao's vision in continuing from where Soviets left ..

I have posted official documents -confirming Soviet contribution to Chinese nuclear programme ...on Thread titled Soviet Russia helped to get in China Nuclear, Missile , Space technology ...
Please go through the thread if you want further details ....

Hi Developereo ,
I am highly indebted for vouching for my credibility as well as taking totally impartial stand in this whole debate !!!

Your gesture is appreciated wholeheartedly ....
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I did not say all ICBM came from Russia ....But till 1960 Soviets helped China immensely the most important and difficult building blocks in all domains of Nuclear , Missile ,Rockets technology .
Russia gave R-2 rocket technology .
China tested first Rocket in 1960 ...which was Soviet made rocket ....

Initial rockets and IRBM were totally based on R-2 Rockets technology .....China did continue its own indigenous efforts ( for which full credit is to be given to them )
After having learned basic technology ( for which China literally got readymade men,machine as well as money from Soviets ) , it was not very difficult to continue own efforts to improve technology . Full credit goes to Mao's vision ...

I have posted official documents -confirming Soviet contribution to Chinese nuclear programme ...on Thread titled Soviet Russia helped to get in China Nuclear, Missile , Space technology ...
Please go through the thread if you want further details ....

Hi Developereo ,
I am highly indebted for vouching for my credibility as well as taking totally impartial stand in this whole debate !!!

Your gesture is appreciated wholeheartedly ....

Nobody denied the contribution in the early 60s stage of PRC ballistic missile program by the Russian. But into the 80s, 90% of our ballistic missile are derived totally different from R-2 technology. With nuclear payload in mind. No countries will provide assist in ICBM development. All has to be indigenous.
Great achievement? According to a certain @Indo-guy, all our ICBM are Russian's. Without Russia tech, China has no ICBM.

You have comprehension in understanding .....
I don't think it has got to do with English language ....

You need to go back to special school and have some serious training in comprehension....before you start releasing your frustration here .

why are you twisting my words ....go back to my posts , read ,study , ponder ...and then quote me .

I have said what I have to say in thread I created exclusively to counter your nonsense !

Did I say all Chinese ICBM are Russians ?

You are trying to inflame people ,,,,because you have nothing more to vomit !!!
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it was not very difficult to continue own efforts to improve technology . Full credit goes to Mao's vision in continuing from where Soviets left ..

I think this is the part that annoys the Chinese and it is not fair. Transitioning to an indigenous capability was not a trivial task and China has done exceptionally well, especially in the face of technology restrictions from the West.

The Chinese deserve a lot of credit and admiration for that.
Nobody denied the contribution in the early 60s stage of PRC ballistic missile program by the Russian. But into the 80s, 90% of our ballistic missile are derived totally different from R-2 technology. With nuclear payload in mind. No countries will provide assist in ICBM development. All has to be indigenous.

I agree with you ....

@ Fattyacids imprudently asked me Did Russians helped China in Nuclear , missile ?

after calling me liar ,dodgy, slimy , dishonest and what not ....
He was the one who raised this question .

I just answered him with all proofs.
I don't remember the origin of that debate.
@Indo-guy is actually supportive of China if you read his other posts.

I think there is some unfortunate misunderstanding between you guys because, from what I can tell, both of you agree that

A- the USSR helped PRC in various technological areas in the past.
B- China has developed a lot of indigenous capability since then.

I would acknowledge the part where you both agree and leave it at that.

Yes, I had a few good discussions before him before. I did not dispute the fact that we got help from Russia, but to say that we owe everything to the Russia is as valid as saying Japan today owe everything to the American who assisted in their rebuilding after WW2.
So a tutor came to help a poor kid when he was in elementary school, but they parted way after a fight. The kid then went on to high school, university and got his Phd. According to him, everything that kid had achieved, he owed it to the tutor and he has to be eternally grateful??

This is what I'm taking issue with. Enough said, don;t mean to derail this thread.
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I think this is the part that annoys the Chinese and it is not fair. Transitioning to an indigenous capability was not a trivial task and China has done exceptionally well, especially in the face of technology restrictions from the West.

The Chinese deserve a lot of credit and admiration for that.

I have always admired Chinese - quite objectively and without bias ....You know it well

@ Fattyacids attacked me personally ....He was in total denial mood ....and top of that ....continued name-calling despite my very patient and civil conversation .....

when all the while I was addressing been him " dear " ......he had been calling me Liar, Dodgy , ...just like typical Indians ,

without integrity like Indian politicians , without honesty , Shameless and so on ....which not only reeked of contempt but also of racism

He is spreading venom here also by twisting my words .....I never even once said that " All ICBM are from Russia" these are his words and he is putting it in my mouth ....

You see he is trying to inflame people ....

He drew another Chinese guy similarly in argument

this all is so childish ....I know .

But thanks for your objective , impartial opinion ...I appreciate it .
I have always admired Chinese - quite objectively and without bias ....You know it well

@ Fattyacids attacked me personally ...

I think your guys' discussion was affected by the ambient animosity between Chinese and Indian posters.
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