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China Civilian Nuclear Industry, Technology, Exports and Supply Chain: News & Discussions

For the umpteenth time, China is not ahead of US in supercomputing.

And where did you prove that the chart is wrong?

2. By everyone, even Chinese themselves. Look up Shanghai Rankings. Also, even Chinese kids, the best of the best, flock to academic Meccas like MIT, Harvard, and Stanford.

3. US spends money with some efficiency.

4. A country's capability to innovate, research, and create defense equipment shows in all fields, when there is one.

5. Reactor and related quieting technologies are central to producing a stealthy sub.

6. The things US doesn't make, it imports, both the expertise, talent, and equipment from its allies. Means it has the access to it.

7. Ya show the WIPO data, and see for yourselves, US leads in international PCT patent filings.
You want to continue live in denial is ok. But lying and not providing facts is bad :enjoy:
Something like the TES-3?

The four reactor coolant pumps at unit 1 of the Haiyang nuclear power plant in China's Shandong province have been operated simultaneously at full speed for the first time. The AP1000 is set to begin operating by the end of the year.

The plant is a pressurized water reactor with improved use of passive nuclear safety. It is a generation 3.5 reactor

Because of its simplified design compared to a Westinghouse generation II PWR, the AP1000 has:

50% fewer safety-related valves
35% fewer pumps
80% less safety-related piping
85% less control cable
45% less seismic building volume

It has a core cooling system including passive residual heat removal by convection, improved containment isolation, passive containment cooling system to the atmosphere and in-vessel retention of core damage (corium) with water cooling around it. No safety-related pumps or ventilation systems are needed

In 2008 and 2009, Westinghouse made agreements to work with the Chinese State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC) and other institutes to develop a larger design, the CAP1400 of 1,400 MWe capacity, possibly followed by a 1,700 MWe design. China will own the intellectual property rights for these larger designs. Exporting the new larger units may be possible with Westinghouse's cooperation

Westinghouse has been working with SNPTC and SNERDI in China to develop jointly a passively safe 1500 MWe (4040 MWt) two-loop design from the AP1000, the CAP1400, with 193 fuel assemblies and improved steam generators, operating at 323°C outlet temperature, 60-year design life, and 72-hour non-intervention period in event of accident. Average discharge burn-up is about 50 GWd/t, maximum 59.5 GWd/t. Operation flexibility includes MOX capacity, 18 to 24-month cycle, and load-following. Seismic rating is 300 gal. The CAP1400 project may extend to a larger, three-loop CAP1700 or CAP 2100 design if the passive cooling system can be scaled to that level

In November 2015 SNPTC said that CAP1400 construction would start on 31 March 2016, the delay being to ensure that the primary coolant pump issues on AP1000 were sorted and to avoid winter conditions for the major concrete pour. It is expected to take 56 months to build, with later units coming down to 50 months. Westinghouse is providing technical consulting services to SNPTC for the design. More than 80% of the components will be indigenous, and contracts for 21 of 29 long lead time components had been signed by February 2015. Construction cost is expected to be CNY 15,751/kWe ($2454/kWe) and power cost CNY 0.403/kWh for the first unit and dropping to CNY 0.38/kWh (USD 5.9 cents) subsequently. A 2014 government figure is CNY 42.3 billion ($6.5 billion) for the first two units.

In September 2007, Westinghouse and its partners the Shaw Group received authorization to construct four AP1000 units in China: two at Sanmen in Zhejiang province and two more at Haiyang.

Sanmen unit 1 is expected to be the first AP1000 to begin operating later this year, while Haiyang 1 is also expected to start up by the end of the year.

SNPTC announced last month that the four main pumps at Sanmen 1 had been operated continuously at full speed for five hours as part of the unit's start-up. The company said that, at full-speed, the pumps' vibration, stator temperature and bearing temperature were within the normal range.

Four AP1000 reactors are being built in the USA - two each at Vogtle and Summer - while three AP1000s are also proposed for the Moorside site in the UK.

Another blow to coal fired power station. Once these 3 stations enter service, it will further decrease China coal consumption and provide cleaner air.
China building small lead cooled fast nuclear reactor that can fit inside a shipping container and generate 10 MW of heat or about 4 MW of electricity
October 25, 2016
China is making a small lead-cooled reactor that would fit inside a shipping container. It will measure about 6.1 meter long and 2.6 meter high and would be able to generate 10 megawatts of heat, which, if converted into electricity, would be enough to power some 50,000 households

It is also capable of running for years or even decades without refuelling, and scientists say that because it produces neither dust nor smoke, even on a small island a resident would hardly notice its existence.

The research is partially funded by the People’s Liberation Army.

Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, a national research institute in Hefei, Anhui province, say they hope to be able to ship the first unit within five years.

The Chinese researchers admit their technology is similar to a compact lead-cooled thermal reactor that was used by the navy of the former Soviet Union in its nuclear submarines in the 1970s.

However, China would probably be the first nation to use such military technology on land.

While these “baby” reactors would able to generate large quantities of electricity and desalinate huge supplies of seawater for use as fresh water, they have also attracted serious environmental concerns.



The project "ACPR50S" has formally started (中广核海上实验堆平台建设正式启动)

We need something like that in BD. Out there at sea if something goes wrong at least we'll be protected on land. It's a brilliant idea!
China builds its 1st marine nuclear power station
2016-11-05 07:39:31 CRIENGLISH.com Web Editor: Xu Yaqi

The construction of China's first marine nuclear power station began on Friday, November 4, 2016.
The floating nuclear plant, named ACPR50S and designed by China General Nuclear Power Corp (CGN), will provide electricity, heat and fresh water for marine resources exploration, as well as the everyday life and production of island residents.

CGN has released its contract with Dongfang Electric, a company that will provide reactor pressure vessels for key parts of the power station's experiment reactor.

Reactor pressure vessels have the longest production cycle in the whole project; therefore, they will largely determine how long the plant can be completed.

CGN is also going to use the VR technology to simulate the scenes of construction, which can help prevent and analyze accidents.


China, UK unveil new R&D centre
10 November 2016

China and the UK yesterday signed a Heads of Terms Agreement and held an unveiling ceremony for their Joint Research and Innovation Centre (JRIC) to be opened soon in Manchester, England. The event is the latest milestone since the JRIC was first announced during former Chancellor George Osborne's visit to Beijing in September 2015.

The latest development was announced by the UK's National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), the lead organizations for the centre. Ma Kai, vice premier of China's State Council, and Lucy Neville-Rolfe, UK minister of state for energy and intellectual property at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, unveiled a plaque for the JRIC.

NNL said the JRIC aims to inspire innovation in nuclear research and development through UK-China collaboration. This will develop, it said, "leading-edge research and innovative technologies which will support safe and reliable nuclear energy around the globe".

The two sides have been identifying the key priority areas of research, and the full program of work will be finalised in due course, NNL said.

A principles agreement on the ownership and exploitation of intellectual property, developed partly in conjunction with the UK government's Intellectual Property Office, has also been agreed.

Initial work may include developing advanced manufacturing methods that "could improve the consistency, speed and cost of modular manufacture"; and transferring innovation in virtual engineering, which has been "developed and demonstrated successfully in other industrial sectors, further into the mind-set of the nuclear landscape", NNL said.

Qian Zhimin, CNNC president, and NNL managing director Paul Howarth had yesterday "jointly introduced the research strengths of the two sides and the future development strategy of the research centre," CNNC said.

It added: "Inauguration of the research centre marks a new chapter in Sino-UK collaboration in nuclear energy, building upon past cooperation in nuclear energy investment, that will allow more cooperation in scientific research, technology, and throughout the whole nuclear industrial chain."

With NNL and CNNC each owning a 50% share, they will jointly pay for the centre's research and development expenses and plan to invest 422 million yuan ($65.1 million) over a five-year period, CNNC said.


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