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(China) Chinese Begin Crackdown on Islam... How true is this???

The rule is simple, Muslims of China can not cause lawlessness or a chaotic situation.

such activities are banned and forbidden in Islam.

muslims of China should try to follow their religion in a peaceful manner, and if they feel that they are unable to do so
then they should migrate.

such is the principle proved by history of Islam.

FASAD (corruption & Chaos) are not allowed in Islam under any condition.

I never saw any pakistani saying this in threads about indian ban on cow-slaughter..Instead many were calling it as a valid reason for jihad..Its disgusting to see how you people twist and turn religious teachings to suit your agendas.
I never saw any pakistani saying this in threads about indian ban on cow-slaughter..Instead many were calling it as a valid reason for jihad..Its disgusting to see how you people twist and turn religious teachings to suit your agendas.

That is called the Islamic concept of "taqqiya". You cant blame them.

Source:- Taqiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As an American, you should be ashamed of yourself. You aren't living in sh!thole called India where you defend the oppression of minorities!
Wow this guy looks like caught fire in his pants!! Don't act your usual idiotic self and tell me since when asking people to follow of laws of land is equivalent to oppression of minorities? The problem with people like you is that you can never get out of your mullah mindset and start abusing as soon as someone ask your likes to follow rules. Btw, the law like limited time for prayers on Fridays is because more than often Mullahs use after prayer meeting for discussing their deadly plans so if they get less group discussion time there is a good possibility of preventing loss of Human lives!! Btw, sh!thole is the place you came from and that's the reason you carry a sh1tty mindset!!

I'm disgusted to see a man with American flags "defending" religious oppression by saying "their land, their laws" ...What an idiot you are...
What can be done for lunatics who lives frustrated lives and are always sitting on triggers ready to explode!!

Have you ever seen me, or other Pakistani-Americans defending KSA? If anything, we go over-board in criticizing it....
Yes you are, see below.

BTW, Saudis do NOT ban the practice of any religion..its just that you can not built any church or mosque etc..Yes, you read it right..not only Christians, but even Muslims aren't allowed to built their mosques in KSA...Also, only "Saudis" can buy or have private property in KSA...and hence you don't see any other religious institutions in KSA..cuz all the Christians/Hindus/Sikhs etc are "immigrants" in KSA..and immigrants can't own property..

Btw, there are many private churches in KSA...immigrants rent houses and renovate them into churches..and everyone knows that this is a church etc..
China as far as I know allows Mosques to be built without any restrictions so they are doing better than KSA anyways. They are just implementing preventive mechanisms to contain the long duration gatherings of people which more than often results into destructive discussions only. Nothing wrong with it!!

Unlike you, I have lived in KSA....central KSA to be precise..the MOST "orthodox" part of Saudi Arabia ;)
You got a deadly combination and this is quite visible in the posts you make here on PDF!!!!
A lot of things are exaggerations. For example, forcing people to eat in Ramadan. Do you think China can force anyone to eat?

Well actually i've heard from a chinese that a muslim govt official can get sacked if he is found out to be fasting in ramadan,while on duty..Not sure about the students though..

So brave, O Mard-e-Momin. Picking up on someone who has been banned by friendly Umpire rather than arguing him face to face, height of cowardice, isn't it?

Anyway you are one of those numbskull lawyer of Pakistan. Nothing good could be expected from your ilk.


How many pens in your bumajig wha?
Yeah I agree but you don't get it every where. Can you expect such freedom in the hub of Islam the whole Arab lands?

Stop talking out of your a$$ for a second. Come to Kuwait and see the churches here, I have not onece seen people disrespecting the attendees, even though the ones attending the churches dont even respect peoples private properties.
Stop talking out of your a$$ for a second. Come to Kuwait and see the churches here, I have not onece seen people disrespecting the attendees, even though the ones attending the churches dont even respect peoples private properties.

I may be wrong in generalizing it to whole Arab lands but my statement more or less true with few exceptions like Dubai, Kuwait etc.
i can smell your yindooness from ten thousand miles away. and you should learn the way chinese use the term "yindoo" because it is not a religious term by any means in chinese: the term is meant to capture the smelliness of your type and your race, not your faith. and since chinese named your type long before the anglosaxons did, i think it is fair that the chinese usage of "yindoo" be privileged over some dirty anglosaxon term used to describe their slaves.

if you are a chinese as you say, what are you doing here? shouldnt you be making shoes in your sweatshop?
I may be wrong in generalizing it to whole Arab lands but my statement more or less true with few exceptions like Dubai, Kuwait etc.

That is still more based on assumptions, and info that you get from where you are. Yes its not all rosy everywhere but its not as bad either.
The CPC makes mistakes just like any government, and is corrupt just like any government.

However I don't see any issue with their policy on religion. This is not oppression, these are restrictions.

And restrictions are an inevitable follow-up to the terrorist attacks we have been experiencing in Xinjiang.

Offcourse, but "banning Hijab" or "you are not allowed to fast" thingy will not ever help in curbing Islamic Extremism--a phenomenon I despise more than you and a phenomenon I studied/study on academic basis..I used to work with professors who worked on Al Qaeda on behalf of U.S government etc..but thats another story and I never talk about it in forums etc..but in short : Let me tell you, this is SO wrong.

Banning Hijab, controlling Ramadan etc doesn't make any sense..does it? Well, banning private visit to Saudi Arabia does seem to have some logic behind it...Sending people in groups via government makes sense...but can you explain to me the logic of banning ramadan, Hijab, and other Islamic Practices that people do in their own personal space/capacity?
For Pilgrimage to Mecca, need application based one China-Saudi Arabia agreement since only 3 million can go to Mecca every year, 13800 Chinese Muslim went to Mecca in 2012, they directly went Mecca by 82 charter flights from Urumqi and Beijing organized by CIA(China Islamic Association).????????
Stop trying to portray China as "anti-Islam" China is one of the most helpful countries to Muslim countries. One of China's most important bilateral strategic relationships and most permanent ally is a Muslim country named Pakistan.

This is just a propaganda campaign internet actors are engaged in. China has never invaded a Muslim country, never attacked a Muslim country, never has perpetrated genocide against Muslims, in fact China has been a historical ally of Muslims going back to the Silk Road and the days of the Rashidun Caliphate.

Right !
Well actually i've heard from a chinese that a muslim govt official can get sacked if he is found out to be fasting in ramadan,while on duty..Not sure about the students though..

Its obviously not true, how do they ensure this? Boss has to ensure every person takes a sip of water in front of him?
India is the only place where muslim are being oppressed, China being the most open society in the world give its muslim population full right to live like living in Makkah.

sarcasm fail
Give total religious freedom in private.....restrict it in public life. The US was one of the first to do this....the Chinese perfected it. Faith should be between an individual and his/her god. Don't impose your beliefs on me.

Didn't check.....what DOES this have to do with Pakistan? (perhaps move this thread?)

Well I don't see Chinese people beating up or killing people based on religion unlike USA. As a Muslim I'd feel much safer in China (I have many Chinese kids in school so I know what theyre like personally) than in the racist hell USA where they can just randomly grab someone who looks 'muslim' (doesnt even make sense, USA logic) and throw them into prison. (Watch khuda ke liye to know what im talking about)
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