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(China) Chinese Begin Crackdown on Islam... How true is this???

Well I don't see Chinese people beating up or killing people based on religion unlike USA. As a Muslim I'd feel much safer in China (I have many Chinese kids in school so I know what theyre like personally) than in the racist hell USA where they can just randomly grab someone who looks 'muslim' (doesnt even make sense, USA logic) and throw them into prison. (Watch khuda ke liye to know what im talking about)

Really? Haven't you seen any videos and pics of Tibetans?

Really? Haven't you seen any videos and pics of Tibetans?


Actually knew a tibetan in Khi (like 90s or something) didnt say anything about china, and even the tibetand on this forum are patriotic
But the muslims in USA what torture they go through i'd rather choose dark age roman prisons than the superior inbred white race homeland US
Oh - that is mighty nice of you. It also kind of sinks your Kashmir argument.

Pray tell me how ?

Every muslim has 3 rights on another.
1. When sneezes, his salutation will be responded to.
2. When dead, a burial be arranged.
3. When someone in need calls for help, he has to help.

Every Muslims HAS to, side with oppressed and against the oppressor ( there is no condition if the oppressed has to be muslims or not).

I never saw any pakistani saying this in threads about indian ban on cow-slaughter..Instead many were calling it as a valid reason for jihad..Its disgusting to see how you people twist and turn religious teachings to suit your agendas.

Can you quote references ?
Or maybe you just over reacted.
Its 100% true china is against Islam or any religion but they specifically cull Islamic rituals.
Pray tell me how ?

Every muslim has 3 rights on another.
1. When sneezes, his salutation will be responded to.
2. When dead, a burial be arranged.
3. When someone in need calls for help, he has to help.

Every Muslims HAS to, side with oppressed and against the oppressor ( there is no condition if the oppressed has to be muslims or not).


Your earlier post said -
The rule is simple, Muslims of China can not cause lawlessness or a chaotic situation.

such activities are banned and forbidden in Islam.

muslims of China should try to follow their religion in a peaceful manner, and if they feel that they are unable to do so
then they should migrate.

such is the principle proved by history of Islam.

FASAD (corruption & Chaos) are not allowed in Islam under any condition.

So by your logic, Kashmiris who want are unhappy with India should just migrate and not create chaos.
In this thread we have Pakistanis defending the actions of China in cracking down on Islam and we also have Indians speaking out against China's crackdown on Islam.

So basically Pakistanis are justifying and defending crackdowns on Islamic activities while Indians are speaking out against it :omghaha: :woot: :rofl:
What has PDF come to? One must thank China for this.
But the muslims in USA what torture they go through i'd rather choose dark age roman prisons than the superior inbred white race homeland US

Pakistani-Americans have become the second fastest growing and the seventh largest group in the United States, research statistics have revealed.

The population size of Pakistani-Americans increased drastically and doubled between 2000 and 2010, according to a report published by Pew Research Centre last month, as 57 per cent of the foreign-born Pakistanis were naturalised between 2007 and 2009. The report puts the figure of Pakistanis who are legal residents of the US at 120,000, with an additional 50,000 being eligible to naturalise.

According to the report, 65 per cent of the Pakistani-Americans are foreign born. However, Pakistanis who were able to acquire the legal permanent resident status in 2010 were sponsored by their immediate family members whereas only 16 per cent entered the country on the basis of employer’s sponsorship.

Pakistanis are second fastest growing group in US, says report | World | DAWN.COM

Pakistanis "hate" the US right up until the green card arrives.
1 word: 2002 Gujrat Massacre done by Modi and 5 years in jail for eating cows. Enough said.
i can smell your yindooness from ten thousand miles away. and you should learn the way chinese use the term "yindoo" because it is not a religious term by any means in chinese: the term is meant to capture the smelliness of your type and your race, not your faith. and since chinese named your type long before the anglosaxons did, i think it is fair that the chinese usage of "yindoo" be privileged over some dirty anglosaxon term used to describe their slaves.

Haha! A racist chinaman. What's next, mysophobic pigs?
umm, I doubt China is against Islam, it's just Islam is used as a rally point for scums who wants to create chaos for their own end.

It's like communism it self is just a political and economic idea, it shouldn't be a tool for violence and yet....

China has always been tolerant of other religions, except for brief period of CCP under mao, but that is China under a western ideology. Today Islam is seen as a symbol of violence though not true, it is still seen that way.

Same is the case everywhere buddy including India. No one is justifying it but only specifying that this sentiment is very common and sometimes for the right reason.

But I see hypocrisy in some people especially pakistanis where if such incident happen in India, its tagged as devil's work and India is such enemy of Islam but if same happen in China, these Chinese cheerleaders themselves either defend or remain silent for such Chinese act in the name of God know what.

Again the bottomline is, Islam in-general is not what you have specified above but in most cases its true. If you care for my words then even Godhra massacre was due to similar reason. Ever understood why havent we seen any Riot in Ahmedabad after that decade old incidence? Reason is, that Naroda region had muslim majority with their goon leaders having links with Anti India organizations otherwise who has balls to burn a running train unnecessarily having innocent pilgrims? You can try relate similar train burning incidence in China and just assume how wud Chinese had reacted to this? Today, muslim leaders in that area are moderates and hence overall muslims in gujrat are flourishing. This proves, Hindus as a whole arent anti muslims. They just hate those anti Indian, anti social elements which create unnecessary problems for development of a society.

I wud never justify what happened in Godhra and Naroda patiya after that, where innocent lives of both hindu and muslims were fumed but the question is where it all started and how. It was an unfortunate incident but post incident, it has led to a rapid development in the mentality and condition of people there. People see it as an islamic cleansing act, i see it as anti india elements cleansing act and this has been proved over 1 decade.

Its exactly similar to how Chinese work. They are criticized internationally for their human rights violations but we dont see that it is for a cause and only leads to a rapid growth. Chinese only violate human rights for those elements which are boulders for growth and prosperity.

Ever thought why China and Modi so similar in nature? Ever thought why only Gujrat is developing like China? Ever tought why china never criticized Gujrat events after knowing the truth?

We ought to do things where its needed and thats why world hail China for its work and will hail Modi in the future.
China are an oppressive anti religion regime.
they succesfuly got rid if every other religion in their country except Islam.
if Mao couldn't get rid of Islam there are nit many chances that noo ching poo or whoever is on the throne now is any bigger communist than Mao Zheng tung.
Islam has survived their communism inspired barbarism and will continue to survive.
Really? Haven't you seen any videos and pics of Tibetans?


I can see a Kashmiri feel in these pics. As we say, since its by Chinese, it shud be right but if its done by India it shud be wrong. This is how we define HYPOCRISY. :)
China are an oppressive anti religion regime.
they succesfuly got rid if every other religion in their country except Islam.
if Mao couldn't get rid of Islam there are nit many chances that noo ching poo or whoever is on the throne now is any bigger communist than Mao Zheng tung.
Islam has survived their communism inspired barbarism and will continue to survive.

"Noo ching poo"? :lol:

Nobody on Earth wants to convert to your philosophies now, just read what is happening on the news every day.
China are an oppressive anti religion regime.
they succesfuly got rid if every other religion in their country except Islam.
if Mao couldn't get rid of Islam there are nit many chances that noo ching poo or whoever is on the throne now is any bigger communist than Mao Zheng tung.
Islam has survived their communism inspired barbarism and will continue to survive.

no no... as a pakistani you are supposed to say "China is working on a few a social problems which it will solve soon. even then its muslim population is happier than anywhere else in the world including US and India"
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