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(China) Chinese Begin Crackdown on Islam... How true is this???

A lot of things are exaggerations. For example, forcing people to eat in Ramadan. Do you think China can force anyone to eat? This rumor is based out of fliers that the government put up about health risks of not eating for half a day. Which is sort of true, there are risks to fasting especially for the old. My friend's diabetic mom passed away due to kidney failure because she fasted (she was old too).

What has to be seen is, are these prohibitions covered by the Chinese constitution or are some administrators just making up things as they go? Whatever grievances the Muslims of China would have they must take a legal route and ensure that the Chinese legislate to be tolerant of their faith.

I can only say that I really do not know that there are any restrictions in the holy month of Ramadan, brother, do you have any more detailed description?
I wonder if the same article on India...what would be the comments of Pakistani then..:blink:
Really is not surprising, because the information about china is distorted by the West and some extremists.

Of course....according to our state-run media you eat kids and wipe ur ***** with holy books
Of course....according to our state-run media you eat kids and wipe ur ***** with holy books

I know that there are some crazy enough remarks, even in Chinese BBS, they are also known, can only say that some of the remarks like this allow us Chinese people more sober, good thing, I think.
I was being sarcastic....one of the weaknesses of online communication.
I was being sarcastic....one of the weaknesses of online communication.

Sorry, I did not understand what you mean.I may have some sensitive "chinese eat children."We have launched a campaign in a Chinese BBS , a lot of people want to prosecute GOOGLE.Why, because as long as you go to search for "chines eat", you will find "the chinese eat baby" is top to the search, however, as a matter of fact, it is impossible, only that it is "Google" the intentional act, notdoubt that the U.S. government must play a role here.So I have some sensitive not take into account your other meaning.However, like I said, it is or not sarcastic, it is also true in a way.So, maybe I do not need to apologize?
Why, of course the US government tells google to make that the top search....can you tell me why?
Why, of course the US government tells google to make that the top search....can you tell me why?

Do not know, but you malicious is filled in every aspect, it is overwhelming in your media, This is just one example, if you ask the reason, smear the reputation of China and the Chinese people, like you've been doing.
Twelve kittens run...I love melon hearsay. don't eat those. Monkeys (your English)
Sorry, I did not understand what you mean.I may have some sensitive "chinese eat children."We have launched a campaign in a Chinese BBS , a lot of people want to prosecute GOOGLE.Why, because as long as you go to search for "chines eat", you will find "the chinese eat baby" is top to the search, however, as a matter of fact, it is impossible, only that it is "Google" the intentional act, notdoubt that the U.S. government must play a role here.So I have some sensitive not take into account your other meaning.However, like I said, it is or not sarcastic, it is also true in a way.So, maybe I do not need to apologize?

i dont think its US propaganda. looks very real to me
Seal Shepherd - Human Fetus Eating in China - YouTube
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