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China Builds Military Airstrip in Disputed South China Sea

This trick can't prove that Paracel and spartly belong to China, also like Pham Van Dong's letter ... or stupied more like SCS belong to China because it was name "South China Sea".
Propaganda trick from PRC always very weak: mix and twist about EEZ and 9-10-11-dash-line and disputed area and non-disputed areas. Reef, shoal and Islands ... and many thing more.

lol, you vietnam call south china sea as east sea can never mean that belong to you vietnam, and nobody even admit that name as " east sea" , but its international name is south china sea, i guess your vietnamese properganda is more stupid and laughable

Until now, nobody, even Chinese scholar can explain What did Chinese used to base on when they draw 11-dash-line, and became 9-dash-line, and now become 10-dash-line which has not coordinates, longitude ... or anything to identified its area or position.

Any argument is useless if you can't explain what's exactly those maps and your base to claim on SCS !
well, thats you vietnamese, you vietnam dont have anything to prove you vietnam have those reefs before france took those island from china , your plain claiming is just useless in anywhere, you can continue claiming at it, but it will never work, china will do whatever they want to on their own reefs, like this building artificial island work
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lol, you vietnam call south china sea as east sea can never mean that belong to you vietnam, and nobody even admit that name as " east sea" , but its international name is south china sea, i guess your vietnamese properganda is more stupid and laughable
well, thats you vietnamese, you vietnam dont have anything to prove you vietnam have those reefs before france took those island from china , your plain claiming is just useless in anywhere, you can continue claiming at it, but it will never work, china will do whatever they want to on their own reefs, like this building artificial island work
We call it East Sea, because it place on eastern side, and it has nothing to do with our proof about our claim on SCS, I guess your head always spin with that "name it, and it belong to you". :lol:

Only your words are useless for Chinese claim, kid, but if it will help you got 50 cents for your life, so "whatever" like you said ... :enjoy:

hundreds years before Chinese draw stupid-dash-line, other countries recognized Paracel was part of Vietnam (An Nam) :azn:


18th century European map showing the Paracel Islands as part of Cochinchina (Vietnam)


Atlas produced by Belgian geographer Philippe Vandermaelen (1795-1869), published in 1827 in Belgium, showing Paracel Islands is a part of Vietnam


1880 German map of Southeast Asia, locating the Paracel Islands as part of "Annam" (Vietnam)
well, there is never such thing as south china sea means those island belong to china, china have them based on historic evidences, let alone any your so called east sea can means anything,, my point is nobody in world even admit name of that sea as your funny name "east sea", so on your funny little kid logic, your east so its called east sea, so phillpine is east of vietnam , so you vietnamese name them as" east country" ?? lol, thats pathetic, the point is nobody even acknowledge your funny name for south china sea, hahaha, also that is your funny point that " name of sea can stand for evidence" , so you little boy said" name of south china sea means evidence' , while nobody says so , you little funny viet boy

well, 50 cents? lol, so you mean you little viet boy earn 50 cents vie dong per post for spreading lie for your viet goverment? lmao

well, chinese controlled the sea and island, they do anything they want to there because those their island and sea, only useless vietnamese can just keep claiming useless fake things, while nothing can hinger china from doing her things there, or it would be just like 1974 or 1988, hundreds of USELESS vietnamese navy were killed over there , so you boys can continue claiming , china will continue building their islands there, LMAO
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oh well,again, i dont see any country recongnized any stupid vietnamese claim over those island, first thing i saw its vietanmese letters on those so called maps which means a fake lie made in vietnam again, ROFL, secondly, a france map , even it were for real, that would be still fake too, back to 19 centuries, vietnam was pronivce of france, france was at war with china over control of vietnam, which is vessel country of china before french colonizer conquered vietnam, so of course french would lie anyting about china's sea terriorty, because they want it too, lol, you little viet boy, go learn history before making up lies again, lmao
My answer is deleted.

I ask you again: where is Peking in WW II ? is there province of Japan ?
You Vietnamese doesn't belong to Chinese Culture Circle , you are the west. Look at your lauguage.
The situation of China in the end of Qing Dynasty is just like the end of Ming Dynasty.The centeral power abused its accumulation and the goverment got corrupted.
Although they once tried to build a constitutional monarchy ,when it collapsed , China has many powers . Each of them wanted to be the central power , they united other powers and foreignal powers ,they also constituted nation of republicanism in asia , but they are actually separated.
The new united nation in the south of Yangze river began to get reform on economy , Shanghai and Nanjing was the largest and the most modernized cities of asia. But the government got corrupted , the 90 percent of financial income used for supressing the GCD and the weakness of most powers and the poorness of people after nearly 80 years of wars and fights, Japan find the chance.
Japan has never own china, it only has occupied some areas for several years.

Well. Technically. We did rule Taiwan for 50 years. And Manchuria was under our control for 14 years. :)

Technically, we did rule over large parts of China. :)

The important parts, that is.

The Empire of Japan

no, its no such thing, the initial tangus tribes of manchurians were from originally from Siberia of russia, they moved to korea first and then moved to Chinese ming, they never got any land in today's china, let alone lost any land to china, when manchus rose up against ming goverment ,their identities are chinese nationasl, even their leader nuerhachi was a army officer of chinese ming army, also, manchurian are made up mostly by han chinese by percentage in the eight banners system, manchu by definition is not a single nationality or ethinic group , they are big congregation of many different nationality and ethinic groups ,made up with mostly han chinese, mongols, tugus and koreans, the manchus by blood are mostly han chinese, the two famous qing emporer kangxi and qianlong and also jiaqing are all han chinese, there is no such thing as who lost whose land to whom, you need to learn chinese history first before you talk nonsense.

Mongolian and Manchurian is independent ethnic group in China now, they are no Han chinese, In the past both Mongolian and Manchurian, they invaded in to China and ruled Han chinese.

also for champa, again, there are no such thing, vietnam has been most agressive country in south east asian history, you always invade champa, lao and combodia, thats why champa always asked china to help them with fighting vietnamese invasion, in history, both vitnam and champa was vessel country of china , china stopped many times when vietnam invaded champa in history , in 19th century, vietnam invaded champa and massacred almost all its residents and swallowed it, ,again, by saying this, even on the other hand, no matter who is invader, you dont have right to anex its land, on your funny logic, you vietnam invaded combodia, champa, lao for thousands of times so you vietnam should be part of them today?? ridiculous, you are making no sense.

Mainland of south east asia belong to the people spoken Mon/Khmer/Viet-Muong language. Champa is malayo, they invaded in to Vietnam from Island Malaysia. Champa was very aggressive, they attacked Vietnam until their king Chebongnga is killed when he invaded in to Hanoi. We taken back our native land of Yuechang (Viets) people.

yes, hanoi was built by chinese, almost everything in ancient vietnam was built by chinese, simply because they were ruling your vietnam, your first city, first house, first everything....... when chinese brought advanced civilization and technology to you primitive viet tribes 2000 years ago, even you vietnamese's first lanuaages are Chinese, let alone other things, all got from your chinese governors

Han chinese were aggressors, they invaded in to Vietnam. We kicked your @, you ran back to China. It is history.

yeah, it is illegall, so you vietnam have to return land back to champa ,and real vietnam only covers today's north vietnam, and also return land back to lao, combodia you stole from them, especially Phu quoc island close to combodian coast, you stole this island from combodia and have to return to them

Phu Quoc never part of Cambodia, no Khmer has been living there. Vietnamese were the first people who controlled the Islands and has been living there, like in Paracel and Spratly Islands.

no, this map is faked and made up by vietnamese govertment, qing govertment did never use any latin phonetic system, china did not start to use latin phonetic system until 1958, vietnam also faked lot of so called south china sea map

Study more kid. The map I posted is printed by Man Qing Dynasty in China.
Well. Technically. We did rule Taiwan for 50 years. And Manchuria was under our control for 14 years. :)

Technically, we did rule over large parts of China. :)

The important parts, that is.

The Empire of Japan


Taiwan is more developed than China because Japan controlled Taiwan from 1895 until 1945.
Taiwan is more developed than China because Japan controlled Taiwan from 1895 until 1945.

@dichoi , @Rechoice ,

Not just Taiwan, my friend. Also South Korea.

During the 50 years that Korea and Taiwan were part of the Empire of Japan, we Japanese had developed the infrastructure of Taiwan, which was an undeveloped backwater island when we acquired it. We had developed it to become a major industrial center, and under our rule, had doubled their population. We built thousands of schools and dozens of universities there as well. As for Korea, we built Korea and transformed it into an industrial center in North Asia in the 50 years it was part of the Empire of Japan.

All the classic Asian Tiger economies were all core colonies of Japan: South Korea and Taiwan.


Korean Under Japan:


Graph 1: Industral growth and development under Japanese Empire


Graph 2: Korean population growth under Japan. Had risen from 10 million to over 26 million in 50 years.


Graph 3: Number of schools in Korea had risen from 0 to over 3,300 during Japanese rule. iN 1910, the number of Koreans being educated en mass was nill. By 1945, Japan was educating over 1,6 million Koreans every year.
not hundreds, but thousands - I just checked Han Dynasty map.

Han and Tang controlled flat land in red river delta only, rest of Vietnam was controlled by our warlords. Vietnam history is history of warlord. When our warlord was unified, we kicked Han Chinese back to China.

Not just Taiwan, my friend. Also South Korea.

During the 50 years that Korea and Taiwan were part of the Empire of Japan, we Japanese had developed the infrastructure of Taiwan, which was an undeveloped backwater island when we acquired it. We had developed it to become a major industrial center, and under our rule, had doubled their population. We built thousands of schools and dozens of universities there as well. As for Korea, we built Korea and transformed it into an industrial center in North Asia in the 50 years it was part of the Empire of Japan.

All the classic Asian Tiger economies were all core colonies of Japan: South Korea and Taiwan.

Yes, in fact north east Asia including Manchuria. Korea, Taiwan ... is first developed area in Asia. Japanese have been brought capitalism in to this area first.
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Yes, in fact north east Asia including Manchuria. Korea, Taiwan ... is first developed area in Asia. Japanese have been brought capitalism in to this area first.

The Qing, the KMT and the early phase of the CPC (later on they did) were not known for their efficiency. Backwards and slow, they were.
@dichoi , @Rechoice ,

Not just Taiwan, my friend. Also South Korea.

During the 50 years that Korea and Taiwan were part of the Empire of Japan, we Japanese had developed the infrastructure of Taiwan, which was an undeveloped backwater island when we acquired it. We had developed it to become a major industrial center, and under our rule, had doubled their population. We built thousands of schools and dozens of universities there as well. As for Korea, we built Korea and transformed it into an industrial center in North Asia in the 50 years it was part of the Empire of Japan.

All the classic Asian Tiger economies were all core colonies of Japan: South Korea and Taiwan.


Korean Under Japan:


Graph 1: Industral growth and development under Japanese Empire


Graph 2: Korean population growth under Japan. Had risen from 10 million to over 26 million in 50 years.


Graph 3: Number of schools in Korea had risen from 0 to over 3,300 during Japanese rule. iN 1910, the number of Koreans being educated en mass was nill. By 1945, Japan was educating over 1,6 million Koreans every year.

Yes, Japanese is the first who applied capitalism for economy in Asia and in China too. in fact chinese copied idea of open policy in Asia from Japanese.

but uneduceted chinese troll on this forum that Kimono is type of Hanfu. Chinese were backward people but idiot arrogant.
Yes, Japanese is the first who applied capitalism for economy in Asia and in China too. in fact chinese copied idea of open policy in Asia from Japanese.

but uneduceted chinese troll on this forum that Kimono is type of Hanfu. Chinese were backward people.

Of course. And that is why you and many others will meet heavy resistance from Chinese posters who don't know this reality, or simply refuse to realize it. But we must educate them, nevertheless.
Well. Technically. We did rule Taiwan for 50 years. And Manchuria was under our control for 14 years. :)

Technically, we did rule over large parts of China. :)

The important parts, that is.

The Empire of Japan


A portion of the country, for a brief period of time, during which there was vicious open warfare and where the matter was far from settled. Not quite the same as a subjugated colony like Taiwan and Korea, or like a thoroughly vanquished Japan after WW2. And US occupation troops still rule over Japan today while a US overlord strongly influences Japanese economic and foreign policy, often to Japan's own detriment. You were trying to be smug, I take it? :coffee:

Yes, Japanese is the first who applied capitalism for economy in Asia and in China too. in fact chinese copied idea of open policy in Asia from Japanese.

but uneduceted chinese troll on this forum that Kimono is type of Hanfu. Chinese were backward people but idiot arrogant.

Chinese were so backward that you adopted our customs, culture, and writing system, to name just a few things? Because Vietnam has always been the center of Asia, a font of learning and cultural influence where other Asian nations would send tribute? :haha:
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