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China builds man made islands in Spratly

Götterdämmerung;2400304 said:
Yes, his racist policy and his war with the Soviet was really the nail on his coffin, if there is a coffin at all, since he was burned to ashes after his suicide.

Anyway, for my part, I'm very happy that Nazism didn't survive, as life would have been hell for me as I'm a rather liberal and free thinking person who loved culture and art (particularly the art that the Nazis hated).

I also hope that the Euro will not collapse, as that would be horrible for me.

The Eurozone was part of the Old World Order of the Anglo-Zionist, it is heading to an inevitable collapse.

Although everyone is going to be hurt after the total meltdown, but those incompetent nations will not survive, some others will survive.

Only with the following the total collapse of the Old World Order, there will be a coming New World Order.

Everyone is building its own dam against the coming flood right now.
The Eurozone was part of the Old World Order of the Anglo-Zionist, it is heading to an inevitable collapse.

Although everyone is going to be hurt after the total meltdown, but those incompetent nations will not survive, some others will survive.

Only with the following the total collapse of the Old World Order, there will be a New World Order.

Everyone is building its own dam righ now.

Well, the Euro was actually a German-French project. Remember Kohl and Mitterand? The Anglos never really wanted to be part of it, thus the UK is still outside it and tries very hard in co-operation with the US to bring the Euro down.
So when China builds them everyone is all like "Congratulations" and stuff but when UAE did it everyone was like "Money wasting sons of B**s, Oil chocked lovers Zionist Stupid Lazy Arab Wahabi morons"???

Anyways Congrats and stuff.

Haven't you seen we got our Indian and Vietnamese friends here? :coffee:
Hahaha see how retard you are by thinking bs post of yours is goona hurt me:rofl:, you think by posting bs here will change the fact that china is bigger rich and more powerful than you poor vietnam,by denying your nation is nothing compare to china only make you a complete fool in PDF.

LOL, thanks for proving my previous point that you're a fool. By the way, how does my conversation with you lead to China being bigger, richer and more powerful than Vietnam? Where did I say I was denying about Vietnam is poorer than Canada and the USA and China? I must be stomping your head so hard that you lost focus and weir yourself into becoming mentally retarded. I encouraged China to build the great wall of China around South China Sea for its own protection. What does that has anything to do with being rich, bigger and stronger? LOL, thanks for showing me your insecurity. Believe me, a retard will keep on talking. You made my day. :lol: :rofl:
Götterdämmerung;2400335 said:
Well, the Euro was actually a German-French project. Remember Kohl and Mitterand? The Anglos never really wanted to be part of it, thus the UK is still outside it and tries very hard in co-operation with the US to bring the Euro down.

That's why US and Britain hate the Euro currency so much.

Meanwhile, the South European nations are the biggest weakness of the Eurozone.

Our military insiders believe that Germany has ready to restore the Mark if the Euro currency couldn't handle anymore.

The best way is to keep the Euro, but if it couldn't handle anymore, then you have to find an alternative solution.
There is no international law stating that Spratly belongs to Vietnam. Regardless of 9 dash or no dash.

That is what happens when you try to occupy a Chinese territory.
That is also the reason why Vietnam is a good boy now and let its past remind itself not to do it again.

Islands belong to Vietnam from long time, Vietnamese Kingdoms control it from early time with out any troubles with others in the past then it are accepted under international law the Islands is parts of territory of Vietnam. The map printed by China Qing's Dynastry 1890s year (Đại Thanh nhất thống toàn đồ 大清一统全图) has been noted that last point of china territory is in Hainan Island.
That's why US and Britain hate the Euro currency so much.

Meanwhile, the South European nations are the biggest weakness of the Eurozone.

Our military insiders believe that Germany has ready to restore the Mark if the Euro currency couldn't handle anymore.

The best way is to keep the Euro, but if it couldn't handle anymore, then you have to find an alternative solution.

Yes, that would be the onyl reasonable solution. I do miss the Mark.
LOL, thanks for proving my previous point that you're a fool. By the way, how does my conversation with you lead to China being bigger, richer and more powerful than Vietnam? Where did I say I was denying about Vietnam is poorer than Canada and the USA and China? I must be stomping your head so hard that you lost focus and weir yourself into becoming mentally retarded. I encouraged China to build the great wall of China around South China Sea for its own protection. What does that has anything to do with being rich, bigger and stronger? LOL, thanks for showing me your insecurity. Believe me, a retard will keep on talking. You made my day. :lol: :rofl:

Lol insecurity of poor viets???rofl hmmmmm yeah you are right people from rich powerful nation feeling insecur of people from useless country hahaha you are definitely a retard alright:rofl:
Lol insecurity of poor viets???rofl hmmmmm yeah you are right people from rich powerful nation feeling insecur of people from useless country hahaha you are definitely a retard alright:rofl:

Oh, you just earned yourself this year's award for being a fool and a retard. Congratulation to Mr. ChinaToday :tup: you made me proud :smokin:

By the way, here's a hint, go look up the word "insecurity." I don't think you know the meaning. Good luck :cheers:
Oh, you just earned yourself this year's award for being a fool and a retard. Congratulation to Mr. ChinaToday :tup: you made me proud :smokin:

By the way, here's a hint, go look up the word "insecurity." I don't think you know the meaning. Good luck :cheers:

Hahaha since you are from a poor useless country you need luck more than me silly fool:rofl:
Lol dont flatter yourself , i find you poor viets entertainning , nothing more amusing to me than seeing you guys making a completely fool of yourself:lol:

Always hijacking our threads, just show how insecure those Viets are actually.
Hahaha since you are from a poor useless country you need luck more than me silly fool:rofl:


I was right about you, you should go play in the sand box with the children or help your Chinese government build the great wall of China in the South China Sea. :enjoy:

Always hijacking our threads, just show how insecure those Viets are actually.

LOL, here comes another fool. Take my hint and search the word "insecurity" before you hurt yourself. You should join your buddy, ChinaToday, and help your Chinese government build the great wall of China for your own protection. Goodnight :cheers:
Götterdämmerung;2400370 said:
Yes, that would be the onyl reasonable solution. I do miss the Mark.

Indeed, the Euro currency is now becoming a heavy financial burden for you guys, and many hard working German workers have to extend their retirement age to 70 in order to pay off the debt for those South European nations.

Many South European nations should realize that if they don't want to work hard, then they shouldn't consider to take the high quality living standard. Now the economy is getting bad, then they should work hard and save more money to pay off their own debt.

Now ditch that Euro burden and being freed from the US control will be the best future option for Germany.

You can build your own empire with the booming technology after not being politically and technologically suppressed by the Anglo-Zionists.
Vietnamese were there first on those islands before the Chinese. We have concrete evidence and proof. Just because we don't have people there it doesn't give them the right to land on it. If you respect our soveirnty, we wouldn't have this sort of land dispute. We would probably get along with each other a long time ago, but instead, Chinese government refused to settle the land dispute peacefully. Engaging our fishermen and killed them only create more hatred against you. If don't know a goddamn thing about land dispute over South China Sea, please go somewhere else and rant your ignorant mind. Just because you're bigger and stronger that does not give you the right to kill us.

We retaliated against the Chinese's aggression and you called us whiners, liars and ignorant? I don't think Pakistan wants the American to be on their land and bomb its people. I don't think Iraq wants the American to be on their land and bomb its people. What give NATO's right to kill Gadaffi? What give the American rights to enter Iran's territory without Iran's consent? If you think it's okay to kill the people of Vietnam, then it's also okay to kill you. Might is not right when you don't have a brain. Power comes with great responsibility. Vietnam will always be with Russia.

And the fact remain, whatever the so-called your land belong to whatever, there is no international law or statement that those islands belong to VN. =))
Heck, the China and the Philippine also have their claim, and for what right make your claim bigger ? or that's because you are an never-ending whinning force and everybody sooner or later give up to communicate with you let alone negotiate ? =))
Did the India and China bring Akai Chin in every topic, no, each time I see the viet flag, the topic have same corse of trolling, same type of whining, same fuking way of talk.
Depend the Russia all you want, who care ? that's your life.
Just give you the ugly truth that everything the US do until now and certainly will keep doing is strengthen Philippine, yes, those Spratly belong to the Philippines and the Paracel ? China.
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