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China builds man made islands in Spratly

LOL, the viet build their own base in the dispute island, and whinning when China do it, those double tone liars.
What a wonderful thing to see once proud Viet disgrace themselves to the point that think, hope, wish and beg western world to save their kin and destroy their enemy for them:
China is strong, help, kill them for us. =))
We build bases in the land we call ours without any agreement nor international law, which law state viet have those islands ? =))
China ram our ship, wait, viet did the same. =))
I give ****, talk for yourself only viet.
if Those island have an owner, that should be the Philippine , our long and loyal ally, not those viet liars, and that's exactly what the US are doing.
When "international" divide China, viet is resting in the bottom of the ocean.

Vietnamese were there first on those islands before the Chinese. We have concrete evidence and proof. Just because we don't have people there it doesn't give them the right to land on it. If you respect our soveirnty, we wouldn't have this sort of land dispute. We would probably get along with each other a long time ago, but instead, Chinese government refused to settle the land dispute peacefully. Engaging our fishermen and killed them only create more hatred against you. If don't know a goddamn thing about land dispute over South China Sea, please go somewhere else and rant your ignorant mind. Just because you're bigger and stronger that does not give you the right to kill us.

We retaliated against the Chinese's aggression and you called us whiners, liars and ignorant? I don't think Pakistan wants the American to be on their land and bomb its people. I don't think Iraq wants the American to be on their land and bomb its people. What give NATO's right to kill Gadaffi? What give the American rights to enter Iran's territory without Iran's consent? If you think it's okay to kill the people of Vietnam, then it's also okay to kill you. Might is not right when you don't have a brain. Power comes with great responsibility. Vietnam will always be with Russia.
There are lots of evidence of native Americans being first in the what is now the US or Canada, but it doesn't change the fact that North America is ruled by Europeans/ WASPs.
Götterdämmerung;2399412 said:
There are lots of evidence of native Americans being first in the what is now the US or Canada, but it doesn't change the fact that North America is ruled by Europeans/ WASPs.

In that case, let the Chaos begin. Everyone kill everyone, the strongest survive, the weak die. Everyone nukes everyone. Nobody gives no body any merci. Let the killing begin. Radiation will kill more people and more people will die, more suffering. If this make you happy, I suggest you go seek help.
In that case, let the Chaos begin. Everyone kill everyone, the strongest survive, the weak die. Everyone nukes everyone. Nobody gives no body any merci. Let the killing begin. Radiation will kill more people and more people will die, more suffering. If this make you happy, I suggest you go seek help.

You are going from one extreme to another one. Keep the middle path!
Götterdämmerung;2399994 said:
You are going from one extreme to another one. Keep the middle path!

Interesting. Although i dont understand why you want to pretend to be German.

Why dont you use your "chinese" account Mr."FairandUnbiased" ?.

Interesting. Although i dont understand why you want to pretend to be German.

Why dont you use your "chinese" account Mr."FairandUnbiased" ?.


Funny, anyone who shares the anti-Anglo-Zionist view must be a Chinese?

This guy is a German patriot, but he hates to see his country getting enslaved by the Anglo-Zionist.
We have waited several thousand years for you to grow a little bigger. However, you are still a small puppy to China. We have all the patience. We are just not sure whether you have the will and ability at all. :)

As for those invaders from North, we indeed had quite hard fights with them for thousands of years. As earlier as the Huns, then the Turks, then the earlier Manchurian (Jin), Mongols, later the Manchurian again.

We have defeated them and indeed have suffered defeat as well. However, in the end, we China at the final winner. As for those mongols, they did not only defeat the Song, but also wiped out almost the whole asia continents as well as part of europe??? If not for the death of Khan, the whole europe would have fallen. BTW, Song is the last to fall then as well.

The huns escaped to Europe. The Turks escaped to central asia and turkey. The manchurians have become Chinese. The mongols have become part of Chinese as well.

As of today, those former foes were either assimilated into Chinese or driven to somewhere else in the world. You need see the final result, not some victories in the middle. Hadn't hitler won many fights but lost in the end???

You just proved my point "There is a will and there is a way"

Yours China keeps expanding its territories at East Sea then history will be open a new page. Look, just like a man kept eating whatever he loves to eats and soon he will collapsed by the foods heve loves to eats.

Yours China will be the same that images if its does not stop "eats" and "bullies" countries around its.
Interesting. Although i dont understand why you want to pretend to be German.

Why dont you use your "chinese" account Mr."FairandUnbiased" ?.


Ask the mods to IP check me and FairandUnbiased.
Götterdämmerung;2400137 said:
Right now we have tons of problems with the Euro and the stupid participation in the Afghanistan war has cost us dearly. So, no, it's your problem.

And I thought you were smart enough to solve your own problems lol! I'm not even sure why and how its my problem. :unsure:
And I thought you were smart enough to solve your own problems lol! I'm not even sure why and how its my problem. :unsure:

Oh, we are solving a huge problems that is the euro and the result is until now not very promising, that's why we should not spend time, money and efforts to solve your problem with China and the other ASEAN countries.

You are a Vietnamese, right? So, it's your problems. Simple as that.
Götterdämmerung;2400164 said:
Oh, we are solving a huge problems that is the euro and the result is until now not very promising, that's why we should not spend time, money and efforts to solve your problem with China and the other ASEAN countries.

You are a Vietnamese, right? So, it's your problems. Simple as that.

It looks that Germany will become the future leader of Europe, many of our military insiders also believe so.
It looks that Germany will become the future leader of Europe, many of our military insiders also believe so.

I feel very uneasy with that leadership given our past history. We'll see where this all leads.

Do you haveany more information why your military things so?
Götterdämmerung;2400164 said:
Oh, we are solving a huge problems that is the euro and the result is until now not very promising, that's why we should not spend time, money and efforts to solve your problem with China and the other ASEAN countries.

You are a Vietnamese, right? So, it's your problems. Simple as that.

Since you're so smart, why is it still my problem as a Vietnamese and not Chinese? Are we invading someone's sovereignty? Are we going around killing innocent people? Are we overpopulating the world? Are we manipulating our currency? Why do you believe it's Vietnam's fault? You seem to judge a person's character by his country. Being smart isn't just being good at Mathematics, Science, Reading etc. There's IQ and there's also EQ. You don't just have one part of the brain, you have two parts, left and right. Apparently, you don't have the EQ. If you did, I wouldn't be talking to you this way.
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