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China best weapon!

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i didnt even pose a question, what answer exactly do i need??

when china decides to go to war with any country which is not a permanent member of the UN security council, i dont believe any other county will join forces with our opponent.

you will know how much correct your judgement is..
Our unity,Our resolution,our wisdom, Our mind ,Our patience,our five-thousand- year history,......

It is certain that our country will be stronger and stronger. our people enjoy happiness and prosperity in future.Finally peaceful reunification of our motherland :china:

During those 5000 years China is not a unified country. China never existed as a single country if u compare the land what it has now.
China needs to give the provinces Xingxang to Ughyers and Tibet to tibetans. Han chinese are not connected to South Asia at all in all these centuries. The only Border connection to the north of India is of tibetan decent.

Real Han china what you people claim exist only to the north east of china i.e the regions around Beijing. There is no point in claiming the whole of south China sea when there are questions of existence of Chinese rule even in tibet and Xingxang as ancient china is concentrated in north east.




what's vietnam's best weapon?

No it's no retreat no surrender as was demonstrated to US,China, France.
when china decides to go to war with any country which is not a permanent member of the UN security council, i dont believe any other county will join forces with our opponent.

financial and material aids maybe, military forces no way.

this i believe is the best weapon we have right now, our STATUS earned through blood and sweat.
Try it with Taiwan or Vietnam.
the best weapons of a country is always her people.
No, he's just another Indian loser in Singapore. When he loses his job, he has 30 days to leave Singapore and go back to the sh!thole.

LOL exactly he must been treated badly by singapore chinese.
when china decides to go to war with any country which is not a permanent member of the UN security council, i dont believe any other county will join forces with our opponent.

financial and material aids maybe, military forces no way.

this i believe is the best weapon we have right now, our STATUS earned through blood and sweat.

US already has troops based in SK and Japan, you believe they wouldn't be backed up if China decided to go to war?

Vietnam is another matter though, relations are thawing but I don't believe it's thawing that quickly. Who knows though, stranger alliances have been formed in the past century.
in malaysia chinese best weapon is the ability to use indians as debt collector for us. we use indians as foot soldiers to beat rival gangs and many did die in the process. rip for thoses indians die for our course.
US already has troops based in SK and Japan, you believe they wouldn't be backed up if China decided to go to war?

Vietnam is another matter though, relations are thawing but I don't believe it's thawing that quickly. Who knows though, stranger alliances have been formed in the past century.

......sigh, yes, we dont have the concept of picking the right fight with the right enemy at the right time, at all......

we pop cherries when they are green, we poke faces when they are smiling, what a bizarre people are we??
Because you used Big Red Fonts, China agrees to all your stupid demands.
What are you, 6?? Give DAddy his BharatiAir cell phone back.

During those 5000 years China is not a unified country. China never existed as a single country if u compare the land what it has now.
China needs to give the provinces Xingxang to Ughyers and Tibet to tibetans. Han chinese are not connected to South Asia at all in all these centuries. The only Border connection to the north of India is of tibetan decent.

Real Han china what you people claim exist only to the north east of china i.e the regions around Beijing. There is no point in claiming the whole of south China sea when there are questions of existence of Chinese rule even in tibet and Xingxang as ancient china is concentrated in north east.
I believe China's best weapon are 37mm anti-aircraft guns like in Spratly 1988.
Line up, line up my Viet friendS.
Why you thinking like this ?? :rofl:

Israel is not important for China. Israel is strong in Middle-East not against China. Philippines is not so strong. War is never won on Capacity but calibre. you remember Japan and Vietnam ?

As far as SK is considered. I agree SK main enemy is NK. who is supporting NK ? CHINA. China should stop supporting NK. SK can defend against Nk but not against China. China themselves invited U.S. War Against SK will be War Against U.S.. SK only need to defend itself for few hours, After than F-22, F-18, Rafale, Typhoon, Gripen will enter China from all 4 side. :cheers:

Sure they will :lol: and J-20, Type 052C destroyers, HQ-9 will make Rafale, Typhoon and Gripen into nice free metal ore. Then H-6K bombers, WS-2 rocket artillery, CJ-10 cruise missiles and DF-21 will be free slum clearance and population control for India.

The biggest enemy of SK regime isn't NK. It's South Korean citizens. Their regime's conscript army can't win any wars but is sure good at shooting its own citizens. Thousands of South Koreans immigrate/go on study abroad just to avoid conscription.
Try it with Taiwan or Vietnam.

Well, 15 nations combined were defeated by China in 1950 and no one helped India in 1962, so today, with the likes of India, Vietnam and Philippines (all nations poorer than Cote D'Ivoire) replacing big bad imperialists from 1950 like France and UK, our chances look better than ever.
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