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China best weapon!

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Seriously though, we aren't going to go to war.

Most Chinese netizens in China also agree and believe a war with Vietnam is not in China's interests.

Instead we should save our strength for the final showdown with the US.

An intelligent man!
Seriously though, we aren't going to go to war.

Most Chinese netizens in China also agree and believe a war with Vietnam is not in China's interests.

Instead we should save our strength for the final showdown with the US.

i bet you wont see that final showdown in ur lifetime....!!!
Yes, I know China has big Army but I think Vietnamese always bewares of China after 1979. Vietnam has many enermies because it's a communist country and even, in Communist Countries, they only has good relationship with DPR Korea, Cuba. China always want to invades them. Vietnamese has many wars with strong countries and may be they have experience. And China, are you sure your country has a really strong Army. I think they only strong on videos, galleries with Photoshop and on your mouth :smokin:!

I am offended by your comment (see bolded sentence). You seem to be implying that China is a paper tiger. The real world is very different from your imagined "weak China." Watch the following video and see the truth.

1967: THE FIRST CHINESE HYDROGEN BOMB exploded with 3.3 megatons of destructive power

No thread on China's nuclear weapons would be complete without the history-setting first thermonuclear explosion.

"On June 17 1967, China revealed its true military power.

At 00:19, a Chinese H-6 bomber dropped the first Chinese hydrogen bomb. It exploded with a force of 3.3 megatons. It marked the date when China entered the thermonuclear era."

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Yes you denounced it with no evidence and I refuted those denouncements with statistical evidence from the US's own monument carved in a piece of rock for all of history to see. Another popular myth is how India actually won 1962 despite Chinese backstabbing :lol:

Your evidences were just like explaining the presence of Superman in the real world with a comics caption.:lol:

Your were not the one who posted the photograph,it was Scuthan.

But both of you simply ignored to respond to the link I posted in which american's reaccessed on the causality figures.

Like usual you brought India into it,our text books dont call it a victory,portraying loss as victory is Chinese fort.:china:
The best weapon will be mobilization for sure. 1.3 billion people were organised to enter the war. The potential to be the largest military force ever present in entire human civilazation. Can anything be better than that?
Don't you remember a small country JAPAN before 1950 ? How they beat you till pulp ?? Japan was 1/100th of China. You don't even have a guts to even say a word. :taz:

Which answers the forum topic IMO: our best weapon is our culture. The japanese invasion took place when China was at its weakest and Japan its strongest, even then we weren't defeated, Japan had her one shot in history and they blew it. They panted a seed of hatred that may yet doom them in the times to come, they have achieved nothing else.

But anyway by your logic the Mongols and Manchus may be better examples, they did conquer China but you do know what happend then?

The only way anybody will ever defeat us is by killing all of us, which is impossible without destroying oneself (or the entire planet) in the process.

And you may not believe it, we have the guts to admit our defeats and the dark times that befall our ancestors in the hands of barbaric or agressive cultures that surrounded us, we are learning how to deal with the rest of the world and you can be sure nothing like the mongol, the manchu, the western powers, the japanese invasions will ever happen again.
China's best weapon is its amorality. Because it is an amoral society and has an amoral government, it is free to pursue its selfish interests without moral restraint. This is now and has been in the past (see Vietnam war and the Korean war) its best weapon against moral societies such as the United States.

Thank you, no we don't operate under the same morality that you guys do, most of my countrymen will gladly and proudly admit that. It's not amoral though, if you are educated in enough to realize that.
Seriously though, we aren't going to go to war.

Most Chinese netizens in China also agree and believe a war with Vietnam is not in China's interests.

Instead we should save our strength for the final showdown with the US.

I don't think there will be a final show down between America and China, at least not in our life time. Not under the present climate where America is internally weak. They can't even control its spiraling economy let alone preventing the possibility of mass civil unrest and having loose gun laws will not make its situation any better.
When a nation is busy fighting itself and struggling internally, they will have no chance of fighting a strong and militarily organized nation such as China. We are more likely to see America disintegrate and fight amongst themselves than a war with China which will give Russia every excuse to jump into action.

What we are now seeing in America is just like watching history repeat itself. Empires never exists for indefinitely and their time will be up when they try too hard to stretch beyond its true capability. Just like a rubber band snapping; just like Rome, The British Empire, The USSR. America themselves will be no different.

I also believe it is good opportunity for China to gain further military experience and to tone down some of the more militarily provocative neighbours. However, I do not think war would break out because of this, and it is not the style of our current leaders to go into war for petty escalated issues. Instead we will probably see economic counter measures, which is one of China's strengths, being put in place than playing our military.
I am glad you are finally seeing the light. Yes, the USA is a moral nation. Sometimes that means enforcing civil standards such as UN resolutions on friends of China like Saddam Hussein. But, China, has no such obligations. China is perfectly happy to support genocide or oppression in Somalia, Sudan, Libya,Iran, Syria or wherever there are "natural resources" needed to fuel China's "rise". China is perfectly happy to not "interfere", not to make moral judgements. China is a "taker" nation, not a "giver" nation such as the USA.

The morals you're referring to must be something out of Jerry Springer, the US is just a nation out for itself. Not that its a big deal but when you start flogging a donkey as a unicorn then it becomes a problem.

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