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China becomes world's biggest exporter

China might become top world exporter, but weakness remains

China will probably overtake Germany to become the world's largest exporter though its exports in 2009 had fallen 16 percent from a year earlier, according to figures released Sunday by the General Administration of Customs (GAC).

But Chinese experts and officials said the country was far from being a real trade power if measured by exports structure, technological innovation and industry competitiveness.

GAC figures showed China's monthly exports in December 2009 were worth 130.7 billion U.S. dollars, up 17.7 percent from a year earlier. It was the first rise since November 2008, when the country's exports contracted 2.2 percent year on year after sluggish overseas demand crippled China's export engine.

In total, GAC figures showed that China's exports in 2009 stood at 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars, down 16 percent from 2008.

Germany, which had been since 2002 holding the title as the world's largest exporter, didn't unveil its export value in 2009 yet.

But BGA, the Federation of German Wholesale and Foreign Trade, had forecast that Germany's exports in 2009 might fall 18 percent to 816 billion euros (about 1.18 trillion U.S. dollars).

"The prospect that China will overtake Germany to become top global exporter only means that China has indeed become a large trading country in terms of exporting scale," said Zhao Jinping, a researcher with the Development Research Center of the State Council (cabinet).

"But in terms of the structure of exports, technological innovation and industry competitiveness, China is far from being eligible for the title of 'trade power'," he told Xinhua.

According to Zhao, China's exports had changed from labor-intensive products in the 1990s to current technology-intensive products, and electrical and electronic products as well as high-tech products have become a most important part of China's exports.

But China's technology-intensive exports fell in the category of processing and assembling trade. About 83 percent of its high-tech exports and 75 percent of electronic exports were made by foreign-funded enterprises, Zhao said.

He said German enterprises put more emphasis on technology, branding, quality and services, which generated higher added-value.

Zhao said a full recovery of China's trade might take another several years. China should promote exports of high value-added products through branding and technological innovation, he added.

Zhong Shan, vice minister of commerce, agreed that China was not a strong trade power. "China should adjust the product structure and transform its growth pattern," he said.

In December 2009, China's imports hit record monthly high to reach 112.3 billion U.S. dollars, up 55.9 percent from the same period of 2008, according to the GAC.

The Fujian-based Industrial Securities said in a research note Sunday that the jump of December's imports resulted from strong domestic demand for commodities and mechanical equipment that were necessary in construction of infrastructure projects and property.

Imports of raw materials that were used in manufacturing trade also rose significantly, it said.

According to the GAC, China's imports of iron ore in 2009 rose 41.6 percent from a year earlier to 630 million tonnes, at an average price of 79.9 U.S. dollars per tonne.

In 2009, the economy imported 200 million tonnes of crude oil, up 13.9 percent from 2008, at an average price of 438 U.S. dollars per tonne.

The country's imports in 2009 stood at 1.01 trillion U.S. dollars, down 11.2 percent from a year earlier, said the GAC.

In December 2009, China's foreign trade amounted to 243 billion U.S. dollars, which represented a year-on-year increase of 32.7 percent and a month-to-month rise of 16.7 percent.

In total, China's foreign trade in 2009 dropped 13.9 percent from a year earlier to 2.21 trillion U.S. dollars and its trade surplus last year slid 34.2 percent year on year to 196.1 billion U.S. dollars.

According to the GAC, the European Union (EU) continued to be China's biggest trading partner in 2009, with two-way trade totaling 364.1 billion U.S. dollars, down 14.5 percent from a year earlier.

Trade between China and the United States, the country's second biggest trade partner, fell 10.6 percent to 298.3 billion U.S. dollars.

Japan remained China's No. 3 trade partner with bilateral trade totaling 228.9 billion U.S. dollars, down 14.2 percent from 2008, according to the GAC.

China might become top world exporter, but weakness remains_English_Xinhua
You addopted two policies copy....paste

Man! If developing a huge country like China is that easy, China would be a suuuuuuuper power many many many years ago. Can you name one country in history who could do what China have achieved by "Copy&Paste". You really don't know why China made its current progress. It is insight, long term planning, determination, and hard working. No one can copy and paste that because it depends on your own capability (ie. EQ) as a human being . But anyway thank you for pointing out our problems, we are working on it and please allow some time for us.
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The problem is not YUAN in low value, is why westen always want it rise!!!

don't care about what tingumaster said,his confirm tone sounds like that he is the master of the earth,he know everything all over the world even he has never went abroad to see the truth
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don't care about what tingumaster said,his confirm tone sounds like that he is the master of the earth,he know everything all over the word even he has never went abroad to see the truth

Brother, ignore that poor jealous guy, full display of typical "Sour-

Grape" mentality.

Old Chinese wisdom: it will get you no where by playing music to a cow.

Economics is a win-win for both China and Germany. The more that the Chinese economy booms and exports, the more that Germany exports to China. Everybody benefits.

China Dethrones Germany as Top Goods Exporter - WSJ.com

" * JANUARY 6, 2010

China Dethrones Germany as Top Goods Exporter
For Germany, the rise of China has brought opportunities as well as challenges.

The country is "our biggest competitor but also our most dynamic market," says Jens Nagel, a trade expert with the German Exporters Association.

Many German companies say their exports to China and other emerging economies are buoyant again, but that sales to the U.S. and other European countries -- which are Germany's biggest market -- are recovering more slowly, if at all.

In fact, by exporting more, Chinese factories need more of the capital goods that Germany produces, said Dirk Schlotböller, economist at the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

"If China grows very fast and gets the championship in exports, it's only good for the German economy," Dr. Schlotböller added."
Let's explore the implications of China becoming the world's largest exporter. Why should I care that China Inc. has reached world-leading sales (i.e. exports) of $1.2 trillion U.S. dollars last year?

China becomes world's largest exporter | Nation & World | Wichita Eagle

"China becomes world's largest exporter

BEIJING — Already the biggest auto market and steel maker, China edged past Germany in 2009 to become the top exporter, yet another sign of its rapid rise and the spread of economic power from West to East.

Total 2009 exports were more than $1.2 trillion, China's customs agency said Sunday. That was ahead of the $1.17 trillion forecast for Germany."

We have already seen that German industry cares about booming Chinese exports because it also increases sales of German capital goods (i.e. machine tools) to China.

However, everyone should care about booming Chinese exports. China Inc. is also very profitable with a trade surplus (i.e. profits) of $198 billion U.S. dollars for 2009. The more money (i.e. profits) that the Chinese have in their pockets, the more imports that they buy. This means the Chinese market is big and growing bigger for everyone worldwide that wants to sell into the Chinese market.

China Trade Surplus to Fall 19% on Imports Surge - BusinessWeek

"China December 24, 2009, 10:19AM EST

China Trade Surplus to Fall 19% on Imports Surge
Growing domestic demand will boost imports and narrow China's huge trade surplus next year, says Bank of America-Merrill Lynch

By Sophie Leung

(Bloomberg) — China's trade surplus may slide 19 percent in 2010 as imports surge because of growing domestic demand, Bank of America-Merrill Lynch said.

The amount will narrow to $160 billion from an estimated $198 billion this year, Lu Ting, a Hong Kong-based economist for Merrill, said in an interview today.

A smaller surplus may reduce friction between China, which is poised to become the world's biggest exporter, and its major trading partners, the commerce ministry said Dec. 16. Disputes with the U.S. or Europe span shoes, tires, screws and the Obama administration's complaint this week that Chinese plans to foster "indigenous innovation" are erecting a trade barrier.

"The key factor in the narrowing of the surplus will be the increase in imports, driven by rising domestic demand," Lu said. In 2010, imports may climb 16 percent, outpacing a 9 percent gain in exports, he added, forecasting an economic expansion of 10.1 percent.

China's trade surplus, a record $295 billion in 2008, was slashed in 2009 by the collapse in global commerce caused by the worst economic slump since World War II. Imports climbed for the first time in 13 months in November, jumping 27 percent because of the low base a year earlier and extra demand created by stimulus spending and record lending.

Lu cautioned against expecting trade tensions to disappear.

"That's still a very big trade surplus," he said. "Conflicts with trading partners will still occur and protectionism will remain a risk next year.""
Brother, ignore that poor jealous guy, full display of typical "Sour-

Grape" mentality.

Old Chinese wisdom: it will get you no where by playing music to a cow.


eh~~~~~~~~~~~I only want to say, I'm not a poor jealous guy.
Maybe I take a mistake in understand........:coffee:
It's 对牛弹琴?
your country borrowed 800$ billion us dollor...Y?The reason behind that dollor is comon when trade takes place...because your country had borrowed US bond yaun is not apperciated against dollor as it should be As the result chinese product become cheap not beause you are tallented. there is huge trade deficit china and rest of the world...and still yuan is not rising...strange!!!
You addopted two policies copy....paste

china borrowed 800 B ??? what dimension did you come from?
China becomes largest exporter of fake and cheap stuffs.

China is also the largest killer in the hole world, even Hitler is a saint when one compare him with chinese, who kills its own people in the name of Cultural Revolution 20 million chinese people killed by Mao, Great Leap Forward millions of chinese killed by communists, thousand of Tibetans and Uighur are get killed by chinese yearly.

Shame on the communist china, nothing to boast about at the cost of dead bodies of own people.:sick::sick:
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congrats to china
hope we will catch u up in near future wish us best of luck we need lot of them
China becomes largest exporter of fake and cheap stuffs.

China is also the largest killer in the hole world, even Hitler is a saint when one compare him with chinese, who kills its own people in the name of Cultural Revolution 20 million chinese people killed by Mao, Great Leap Forward millions of chinese killed by communists, thousand of Tibetans and Uighur are get killed by chinese yearly.

Shame on the communist china, nothing to boast about at the dead bodies of won people.:sick::sick:

You have that backwards. Mao was trying an experiment to advance China technologically and attempt to modernize. The Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward were failures. However, the famines caused by Mao's attempts to catch the modern West were not the cause of Chinese deaths from starvation.

The West had the food and could easily have supplied them to China to keep the people alive. The West intentionally withheld their extra food and watched Chinese people die.

We have previously seen this behavior by the West of intentionally withholding food and letting millions of innocent people die.

BBC - History - British History in depth: The Irish Famine

"Nov 5, 2009 ... A million people are said to have died of hunger in Ireland in the late 1840s, on the doorstep of the world's richest nation."
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As a history buff, I think it's more accurate to say that China has resumed its role as the world's biggest exporter; from antiquity through the Middle Ages - thousands of years - China's products were desired throughout the world (excluding the Americas, of course). Now the Chinese challenge is to avoid America's fate of de-industrialization, a result of the fact that the security, universality, and utility of the dollar made American capital more desirable than American products themselves.
China becomes largest exporter of fake and cheap stuffs.

The majority of China's 2008 exports were $610.6 billion U.S. dollars of high-tech exports.

US-China Trade Statistics and China's World Trade Statistics

As indicated in Table 5, China's top two export categories are "Electrical machinery & equipment" and "Power generation equipment." They account for a total of $610.6 billion US dollars in high-tech exports.
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China becomes largest exporter of fake and cheap stuffs.

China is also the largest killer in the hole world, even Hitler is a saint when one compare him with chinese, who kills its own people in the name of Cultural Revolution 20 million chinese people killed by Mao, Great Leap Forward millions of chinese killed by communists, thousand of Tibetans and Uighur are get killed by chinese yearly.

Shame on the communist china, nothing to boast about at the dead bodies of won people.:sick::sick:

Almost in every China related post, your main attempt is to flame and derail the topic of the thread posting provocations for Chinese members and BS without any evidence so that you can defame China.

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