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China Bars Foreign Travelers to Slow Spread of Coronavirus

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
United States
This is so amazing...


China Bars Foreign Travelers to Slow Spread of Coronavirus

CHINA IS SUSPENDING nearly all entry into the country by foreigners and stopping almost all international flights in an attempt to reduce the number of coronavirus cases brought in by travelers.

The move comes after China announced it had almost no local transmission of the coronavirus, but was still struggling with infected travelers entering the country.

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement Thursday that the country is temporarily suspending entry into China by foreign nationals who hold visas or residence permits beginning midnight on Friday. Entry by foreign nationals with business travel cards is also suspended.
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The start of their World conspiracy...

Feb 6, 2020


China Lashes Out at Countries Restricting Travel Over Virus

Beijing is growing increasingly angry at countries imposing harsh travel restrictions on visitors from China as the world tries to contain the spread of a deadly coronavirus.

Authorities have registered “strong objections” with countries who have cut flights to China during the outbreak, foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Thursday. She said countries were ignoring recommendations from the World Health Organization and International Civil Aviation Organization, which have advised against canceling flight routes and limiting travel to affected nations.

“We deplore and oppose those countries who went against WHO’s professional recommendations and ICAO’s bulletins,” Hua said. “Their actions, which sowed panic among the public, will not help prevent and control the epidemic. They have gravely disrupted normal personnel exchanges, international cooperation, and order of the international market for air transportation.”

Her comments are some of China’s harshest words yet for countries including the U.S., Australia and Singapore, which are barring non-resident visitors from mainland China, restricting flights and canceling already-issued visas.

Even Hong Kong, which returned to Chinese rule in 1997, has closed border crossings and said it will soon implement a 14-day quarantine for anyone entering the city from the mainland.

China has already criticized the U.S. for its travel restrictions. Conversely, it has lavishly praised some of its traditional and more financially dependent allies, including Pakistan -- which canceled flights but quickly reversed course and started them again.

Long-serving Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, whose country has received billions in Chinese investment in recent years, has been one of China’s staunchest allies and is even visiting the country this week.

“Cambodia has shown that a friend in need is a friend indeed,” China’s foreign ministry said in a statement, as the Cambodian leader met Chinese President Xi Jinping. “Prime Minister Hun Sen not only has spoken up for China on multiple occasions, but also is visiting China today. All this is testament to the unbreakable friendship and deep trust between the two countries.”

Refusing to evacuate his citizens, the prime minister has said Cambodians in mainland China “have to remain there and join the Chinese people to fight this disease.” That’s even as many have criticized local Chinese officials for hiding the scale and severity of the outbreak, allowing it to spread globally.

Coronavirus: Places That Have Imposed China Travel Restrictions

“At a time when China’s handling of the epidemic is being criticized around the world, Beijing is seeking -- and getting -- support from its tried and true friends like Hun Sen,” said Bonnie Glaser, a senior adviser for Asia at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “With many Western countries ending flights to China and encouraging their citizens to evacuate, China undoubtedly feels isolated and wants to show its people that they still have friends.”

The outbreak of the deadly new coronavirus, which is thought to have originated in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, has prompted Chinese authorities to order an unprecedented lock down of around 50 million people in Hubei province as China struggles to halt the spread of the virus.
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That's what i predicted it would happen when other countries don't get their act together. China is not going to open up if Europe and US don't get it under control. Australia found out that most infected cases originated from the US so Australia too would be best advised to close it too until everybody get their act together.
That's what i predicted it would happen when other countries don't get their act together. China is not going to open up if Europe and US don't get it under control.

The virus is all over the planet not just the US and Europe.

If everybody stopped flights to China this wouldn't have happened.

Plus if China has it's act together that means according to your logic they should leave their border open...like they requested world countries to do a month ago..since they should have their acts together.
you guys have been hiding it of course your country will deny it
you guys have been hiding it of course your country will deny it

So we sent thousands of masks to China during a secret epidemic. Amazon got wiped out of masks in February...but not in 2019? Our hospitals didn't need them back then?

Use that Asian IQ of yours better. Don't be a dimwit all your life.
McDonald clowns here have proven my point already here numerous times.
I do not eat American fastfood trash. Swiss, German and the fine French cuisine for me with some of the best French wine and German beer it keeps my mind sane without lowering the intelligence like it does to you McDonald clowns.
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