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China Bans Gangster Games



New Recruit

Jul 7, 2009
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Suddenly president Obama’s suggestion that we “put away the Xbox” doesn’t seem all that bad.

China’s Ministry of Culture has just prohibited websites that host, promote or distribute mafia-themed games. The Xinhua news site says that a statement on the ministry’s official website advised offending websites to shut down immediately, warning that law-enforcement officials had orders to crack down on offenders. Many sites have already voluntarily complied.

“These games encourage people to deceive, loot and kill and glorify gangster life,” said the Ministry of Culture. “They are a bad influence on youngsters.”

This move is part of an ongoing trend of censorship by the Chinese government in anticipation of a celebration of communist China’s 60th year this October. Most recently concerns about in-game violence forced NetEase, the licensor for World of Warcraft in China, to work closely with the Ministry of Culture to bring the popular MMO’s servers back online.


China Bans Gangster Games | GameLife | Wired.com

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China Bans Gangster Games
Good for China this thugish lifestyle of west only suits African-Americans not us Asians who wear 59/50 caps and think they are some hardcore gangster skinny white boi's they all should come to Pakistan and i will show them what gangster lifestyle is not with a Glock is just useless now these days need automatic weapons like AR-15
Good for China

ok the intention of the government is good though way of doing this is bad as ever. -----Banning is not the solution:disagree:----

its like someone is controlling your freedom ...don't do this don't do that......reproduce only one time.....Internet too is censored......:hitwall:
ok the intention of the government is good though way of doing this is bad as ever. -----Banning is not the solution:disagree:----

its like someone is controlling your freedom ...don't do this don't do that......reproduce only one time.....Internet too is censored......:hitwall:

U have to understand China does not have something like ESRB rating yet, so if something is available, it's available to everyone including elementary pupils. For the sake of kids, **** and violence are usually banned.

BTW, how does India handle those things?
U have to understand China does not have something like E.S.R.B rating yet, so if something is available, it's available to everyone including elementary pupils. For the sake of kids, **** and violence are usually banned.

BTW, how does India handle those things?

My Battlefield 2 cd case has an ERSB tating on it so i assume India also uses ERSB to classify their media

But, as much as i understand what China is trying to do here, The Chinese people have just lost a style of story telling, gangster themed games are one of two things
-completely ridiculous E.G saints row
-or a good story and character driven E.G GTA4

gangster or mafia themed media created classics such as the godfather, and Scarface ,who can forget Al Pacino classic line from Scarface "say hello to my little friend".:cheers:

Now china and its people has lost the chance to experience such classics.:frown:
You shouldn't stereotype a genre using generalizations made by the popular media which only follows fads .:sniper:
U have to understand China does not have something like ESRB rating yet, so if something is available, it's available to everyone including elementary pupils. For the sake of kids, **** and violence are usually banned.

BTW, how does India handle those things?

Friend same way when indian goverment awards 'MONEY' every month if the family dont have more than two kids. India dont banned giving birth to kids because indian goverment aint 'GOD'. While china bans giving birth of kids more than one. Its like china goverment the owner of chinese females stomach. In other word 'GOD'. Now yet again china targeted kids by banning gangster games. May be they fear this kids would take on chinese communist goverment as they grow up. Good move. Even though i do think gangster games should be banned but not by chinese goverment. It should be banned by kids PARENTS. kids parents should look their kids not playing gangster games. Thats the difference between democrasy and communist. Communist thinks they are god. There is always a solution. 'Banning' aint a solution.
Friend same way when indian goverment awards 'MONEY' every month if the family dont have more than two kids. India dont banned giving birth to kids because indian goverment aint 'GOD'. While china bans giving birth of kids more than one. Its like china goverment the owner of chinese females stomach. In other word 'GOD'. Now yet again china targeted kids by banning gangster games. May be they fear this kids would take on chinese communist goverment as they grow up. Good move. Even though i do think gangster games should be banned but not by chinese goverment. It should be banned by kids PARENTS. kids parents should look their kids not playing gangster games. Thats the difference between democrasy and communist. Communist thinks they are god. There is always a solution. 'Banning' aint a solution.

sigh another person who posts without knowing what it is their talking about.....

no the chinese government is not GOD its doesnt claim to be actually its very much atheist. india gives money to people if they only have 1 kid or less? well china taxes people who has more than one kid thats how the one child policy works. oh btw no communist government will ever claim to be god their all atheist and focus more on industry.

if you think gangster game should be banned then whats the different between government ban and parent ban if the end result u wish is for it to be banned?

and oh yea ur democracy is working real well, go look at any living standards comparing india and china
Friend same way when indian goverment awards 'MONEY' every month if the family dont have more than two kids. India dont banned giving birth to kids because indian goverment aint 'GOD'. While china bans giving birth of kids more than one. Its like china goverment the owner of chinese females stomach. In other word 'GOD'. Now yet again china targeted kids by banning gangster games. May be they fear this kids would take on chinese communist goverment as they grow up. Good move. Even though i do think gangster games should be banned but not by chinese goverment. It should be banned by kids PARENTS. kids parents should look their kids not playing gangster games. Thats the difference between democrasy and communist. Communist thinks they are god. There is always a solution. 'Banning' aint a solution.

WRONG. The true reason is Babus and Dons criminals make up the Indian government. These corrupt losers are both un-intelligent and don't care much for the average Indian, much less the Dalits & Minorities. That's the source of problems. 'Ignoring-the-problem' ain't a solution. :smitten:
Ahh....i was waiting for the dalit card to be played here!....what took you so long?....what a joke!
Ahh....i was waiting for the dalit card to be played here!....what took you so long?....what a joke!

It's only a "joke" to you, but it isn't a laughing matter for hundreds of millions of Dalits.....

Caste in stone
The discrimination and humiliation directed at India's 'untouchable' social class is easing, but all too slowly

Amrit Dhillon, scmp.com
Aug 12, 2009

Outside a village school classroom, a pile of blue rubber flip-flops lies in the dusty, concrete courtyard. In a corner, stacked on top of a clay water pot, are aluminium plates.
When the children spill out of the classroom in Jakhauli, in Haryana state just outside Delhi, for their lunch, rushing to the big vats of steaming rice and lentils, a dozen of them run to the corner to pick up the flip-flops and plates before joining the queue. These two innocuous objects are tantamount to a big black mark on the children's foreheads - branding them inferior.

"Because we are chamars [untouchables], we have to leave our shoes outside the classroom and eat our food on separate plates," explained 10-year-old Vidya Devi as she sat in her home, little more than a cow shed, on the edge of the village.

Vidya and her sister, Lalita, eight, feel no dismay at being treated differently, because it has become routine. Their mother, Sangita, recalls that it was a high-caste parent who, on the first day of school, imperiously ordered that her daughters and other children of "untouchables" - also known by the more polite term dalits - sit separately at lunchtime.

After more than 60 years of independence, the plight of India's 160 million dalits remains only marginally improved - and then only in some areas. A new study of 648 dalits in rural areas across India by the National Law School in Bangalore found some dilution of the centuries-old humiliations.

Over 590 said they were now invited for wedding feasts by high-caste families. They were pleased with this modicum of acceptance, but added that their food was prepared separately by a dalit cook, served outside the house on plates they took home, and could only be eaten once everyone else had finished. Another "concession" was that in times of drought they were allowed to draw water from the village well. A majority said they were allowed to walk down the main street of the village.

However, the daily reality for dalits is a constant lashing at their self-respect and insults that must be constantly swallowed.

India may have prominent dalit politicians such as Mayawati, chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, who has given her community a sense of pride and the hope of better things to come, but in rural India change has been slow.

Sangita's brother-in-law, Vinod Ram, who supports her, hates the segregation that Vidya and Lalita suffer. "I know that if I speak up against it, the Brahmins and Thakurs [high castes] here will humiliate me in front of my nieces. As a kid, I saw my uncle ridden like a donkey with a rope around his neck and paraded because he stood up to a Brahmin. I wouldn't be able to stand that."

The vast majority of dalits in the survey still live, like Sangita's family, in a segregated area outside the village. They are prohibited from entering the temple or entering non-dalit homes except at harvest time, when their labour is needed, and they must draw water from a different well.

Even the cruellest manifestations of "untouchability" continue in the countryside. A few years ago, a dalit woman in southern India who educated herself and moved to a town where she worked as a social worker, returned to her village to visit her parents. Her sari was almost ripped off, she was beaten and made to leave. Her crime? Entering the village wearing shoes, which the upper castes took as impertinence.

Such incidents are somewhat rarer now. The Bangalore survey found that 83 per cent of dalits can wear shoes in the presence of a high-caste person. Nevertheless, 9 per cent had to talk to them with folded hands and 21 per cent had to remain standing as a mark of respect.

A dalit maid, the survey found, who worked in a high-caste home, would not be given water if she was thirsty. If provided a meal as part of her payment, she must eat outside.

Even during a drought, when high-caste villagers allow dalits access to their well, dalits are made to stand some metres away while the water is poured to prevent them "polluting" it.

The caste system remains untouched by the spread of liberal ideas or westernisation. Notions of inferiority and superiority are drummed into people at an early age. Millions of children are made to feel inferior every day when teachers force them to sit at the back of the class and even order them to sweep the classroom, as though it is their destiny to do whatever menial work may be at hand. In villages, traditional jobs such as basket weaving, raising pigs, cremating the dead and sweeping are still performed by dalits.

If teachers are bigoted, the parents of high-caste children are far worse. If a teacher attempts to break down these social walls, parents become nasty. In the village of Sikhandra, near Kanpur, the local school is embroiled in a controversy over the refusal of high-caste parents to allow a dalit cook to prepare lunch, which is provided free by the government. About 36 of the 62 students are staying away, to avoid eating food prepared by the dalit woman, appointed by the local authorities. "We will never let our children eat food prepared by a chamar," Ashok Tewari, father of one of the students, said. "If we don't allow our children to play with them, do you think we will let them eat their food?"

Here and there, dalits have experienced some improvements. In Punjab, a prosperous state where dalits can easily find work as agricultural labourers, they suffer less overt discrimination.

But it is in politics that dalits have made the greatest headway. Since they constitute a large block of votes, parties eagerly give tickets to dalit candidates. Moreover, since 15 per cent of all seats in the national Parliament, state legislatures and municipal bodies are reserved for the low castes, there has been progress on the political front.

However, for ordinary dalits, the signs of progress are more modest. Until last year, Maddela Prasad had worked for 14 years as a scavenger, removing human excrement in Bihar, a job performed only by dalits. A voluntary group, Sulabh International, which campaigns against manual scavenging, helped Mr Prasad get a position as a warden at B.R.A. Bihar University.

"The best thing about my new job is that people are prepared to accept me socially," said Mr Prasad. "People now come to my home. It gives me a feeling of dignity."
no the chinese government is not GOD its doesnt claim to be actually its very much atheist. india gives money to people if they only have 1 kid or less? well china taxes people who has more than one kid thats how the one child policy works. oh btw no communist government will ever claim to be god their all atheist and focus more on industry.

Their is huge difference between both cases

In the first one(India's) Mr. & Mrs X are being awarded if they have only one Baby otherwise if they don't then no probs.

And In the second One(China's) Some One is Taxing Mr & Mrs X for having More then ONE baby!!!!-----Are they are GOD to tax you? does you owe them some thing?

BTW:What is less then one KID??

if you think gangster game should be banned then whats the different between government ban and parent ban if the end result u wish is for it to be banned?
Again its up to you :::you are an individual,you have your own way of thinking and approach its up to you to decide what is good or what is BAD but here some one is imposing his decision on you!!

and oh yea ur democracy is working real well, go look at any living standards comparing india and china

So... What do you mean By Living Standards

Ban's and Ban's more Ban's like this and many others in sake of some shity $$

Enjoy your pathetic Living Standards

This famous quote attributed to the former British prime minister Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) focuses right on the weak spot of democracy

«No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time» More Here...
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This is interesting, doesn't China have the biggest following of Counter-Strike? or is that unrelated to Mafia's?.
This is interesting, doesn't China have the biggest following of Counter-Strike? or is that unrelated to Mafia's?.

china does indeed have a large counter strike following

but counter-strike is not a mafia game, its terrorist vs counter-terrorist whats that have to do with the mafia?
Their is huge difference between both cases

In the first one(India's) Mr. & Mrs X are being awarded if they have only one Baby otherwise if they don't then no probs.

And In the second One(China's) Some One is Taxing Mr & Mrs X for having More then ONE baby!!!!-----Are they are GOD to tax you? does you owe them some thing?

learn to read, when did i say it was the same thing?

sooo government has to be GOD to tax now????? is it me or is ur logic utter garbage, do you even know what ur saying? so by ur logic all government is GOD?(they all tax). go argue this from a morals angle maybe u'll have better luck convincing someone

BTW:What is less then one KID??


Again its up to you :::you are an individual,you have your own way of thinking and approach its up to you to decide what is good or what is BAD but here some one is imposing his decision on you!!

so then ur saying we should ban all government and have anarchy? (all government imposes its rules on its citizens whether u like them or not) great idea so why dont u go tell ur indian politicians about this better yet go become a rebel in India and demand the breakup of ur government on the basis that they are telling u hat to do through its laws :coffee:

So... What do you mean By Living Standards

Ban's and Ban's more Ban's like this and many others in sake of some shity $$

Enjoy your pathetic Living Standards

oh yes ill definently enjoy the longer life expectancy, the less than half the infant morality rate of india, higher Human Development Index(thats a measurement of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries), higher GDP per capita, better infrastructure to get to where i wanna go. i'll end it here, too much to list. so u enjoy ur *** hole which is less than "pathetic" (ur word) according to ALL respected experts


This famous quote attributed to the former British prime minister Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) focuses right on the weak spot of democracy

«No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time» More Here...

im not here to claim the CCP is a saint merely that its another government and its doing its job but by ur continuing to claim that the CCP claims its GOD i guess u dont listen to reason at all, i mean serously who the hell has ever heard of a communist government claiming to be god, sigh... on another tread i have Indian posts claiming china hates religion and this one i have you claiming china's government says its GOD.... and also democracy? its still in its infancy i call it a experiment in government still in its testing phase, imperial rules had lasted longer and prospered in the past

oh and church hill also said stiff like

Upon hearing of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor...

"so, we have won after all..."

"A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject."

Nancy Astor: “Sir, if you were my husband, I would give you poison.”
Churchill: “If I were your husband I would take it.”

" A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

what can i say the guys a great wordsmite i love some of his quotes
Sinoindus,stop derailing the thread...,you had already opened a thread on that issue,why dont you dump the crap there?!.....and please refer to asim aquil's post in the forum suggestion part!
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