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China announced China-India border security talk failed, blaming India has unrealistic goals in the talks

He is A warrior. Not like surrendered army. He bombed on your controlled area, ALONE.
if he is not surrendered than is this . How about that
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Some Indian soldiers died in friendly fire. But we are a professional army who admitted it. Not like Pak army who hides their casualty figures, refuses to accept their soldiers' bodies (during Kargil).
Nowadays we are seeing that your friend Taliban released TTP men and they are free to attack your soldiers. Take care about them.
Go to any digital expert, he will prove you. The bandages are clearly fake.
get to a dr he will tell you all you safronis are delusional baboons!
Some Indian soldiers died in friendly fire. But we are a professional army who admitted it. Not like Pak army who hides their casualty figures, refuses to accept their soldiers' bodies (during Kargil).
Nowadays we are seeing that your friend Taliban released TTP men and they are free to attack your soldiers. Take care about them.
pro at getting *** spanked!

mitrrrunn wahh!!!
To all Pakistanis and Chinese who are exulting on these pictures. I would only say this.

There are only 2 scenarios
1. The pictures are fake and it is Chinese attempt to show how strong they are.
2. The pictures are real. It will start a tit-for-tat trend that any captured soldier (POW) would not be treated decently but be paraded and clicked for propaganda purposes.

Both scenarios showcase the unprofessionalism of Chinese army.
To all Pakistanis and Chinese who are exulting on these pictures. I would only say this.

There are only 2 scenarios
1. The pictures are fake and it is Chinese attempt to show how strong they are.
2. The pictures are real. It will start a tit-for-tat trend that any captured soldier (POW) would not be treated decently but be paraded and clicked for propaganda purposes.

Both scenarios showcase the unprofessionalism of Chinese army.
One thing sure Chinese make a shit out of them and prade them around Galway valley
May be he missed some, but he has warrior heart as he crossed the LOC ALONE to bomb your controlled area. Bcz he knew very well even if he would be captured, Imran Khan and Bajwa would pee in Pants when Modi would warn. So got him back before 48 hours passed.
Yea that's why when he was captured he was asking if he is in India
And we know who was soaking his Lungi and crying out for Rafales.
If your agni pankh Patils were so brave and good then you creatures would have retaliated after PAF penetrated you in broad day light.
The real world is different than Pdf where you losers get kicked out wrapped in pink saree and then sit on the gate wagging your tail desperate to be allowed back on the forum.
According to what I heard from Chinese soldiers, the killed Indian military officer Santosh Babu was transferred to the border for a short term. This is a common pattern of promotion in the Indian army. He went to the border to take a short-term position and his resume was gilded. He broke the tacit understanding for many years. He first attacked Chinese soldiers and killed Chinese negotiating officers.

The Indian government should teach ambitious young soldiers to educate those who dare to offend everything in order to be promoted, and to remain humble, otherwise they will pay the price of their lives.
To all Pakistanis and Chinese who are exulting on these pictures. I would only say this.

There are only 2 scenarios
1. The pictures are fake and it is Chinese attempt to show how strong they are.
2. The pictures are real. It will start a tit-for-tat trend that any captured soldier (POW) would not be treated decently but be paraded and clicked for propaganda purposes.

Both scenarios showcase the unprofessionalism of Chinese army.
its not fake

lol you and I both know that would never happen in our lifetimes
Chinese can humiliate India but India is scared to do vica-versa

decision making class certainly is
To all Pakistanis and Chinese who are exulting on these pictures. I would only say this.

There are only 2 scenarios
1. The pictures are fake and it is Chinese attempt to show how strong they are.
2. The pictures are real. It will start a tit-for-tat trend that any captured soldier (POW) would not be treated decently but be paraded and clicked for propaganda purposes.

Both scenarios showcase the unprofessionalism of Chinese army.

Modi is scared to even name China and you think IA will start a tit-for-tat trend? :haha:
Not only pics but satellite images, video clips every thing is a fake... They are delusional and live in denial thats why India is a shyt hole...
Pictures of beaten soldiers, i mean this is eye opener for any military. Denial doesn't stop humiliation.
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