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China announced China-India border security talk failed, blaming India has unrealistic goals in the talks

Your little sisssy can't make impact on our army. Your Sissy army makes a fake pic to hide a shame of 200 captured by Indian army. IA is not impressed by little girls.
mittrrrrunnn relax!!!

go ask Modi g to fart bomb LOC and free Hindu land!!! keyboard ki keys zoor say dabanay say kia hoga mituuurrr!
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oh boy so much anger- I can literally see that saliva rolling down your mouth
So much butthurt I am seeing you getting that burnol from the nearest pharmacy

Why do yall talk so much s***? only to get beat up
and there's nothing wrong with getting beat up

but like literally biggest p**** on the face of this earth
yall don't even respond? just cry, call it fake and move

grow some balls people

either go all in and confront or stop with this delusional bs of being some kind of a superpower
Only delusional guys are PDFians. We have army to fight, not machinery unlike yours. You don't have any authentic source to confirm these pics real. Just blind cheerleading.
This is what your dream, not real. Now wake up kid. It's morning and China is crying for failing the talk.
That photo must have hurt u so badly... But sorry that I need to show that Indian pig head again. :rofl:

So hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol: Remember, this is Indian soldiers.
You cheerleaders can't do much other than cheerleading on some edited pics.
Do you know your army men humiliates by some TTP terrorists each day?
Your deplomats are getting humiliation on every front each day.
Don't forget about 93k humiliation.
Do some productive for your own country to be joyful in real sense. Don't depend on much on sissy girls army to make you happy. They have a strong propgandda machine, not truth.
You just don't hide your own shame behind some edited pics.
Care about your FC jwaans.
Not really. I know its fake. Even if it's real, I doesn't shame me. Our soldiers fought hard and saved our land. We have captured more buffer zone than China. That's why India now has demanding the solutions its own terms in today's meeting. Read global times and read India army statement. We don't back down and won't.

We know that, shamelessness is a part of your national psyche. Nothing will defeat you, if you don't have shame. :enjoy:
Indian is a good meat to divert all those problem according to you. By giving a good whacking will definitely gives us good morale! :enjoy:
I dont know about whacking.. but you guys definitely bark a lot. Sometimes at India, other times at Taiwan.
Read the first line of my post again and wait what? That would be India and their obssession with Taliban and Afghanistan. Even we wonder why Indians are so obssessed and scared about Taliban. Just check this out

Taliban's official spokesperson Imran Khan is the one who is obsessed with Taliban. He pleads daily with international community to engage with Taliban.
Retreat for India. If not ,pig head for Indians. :lol:

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What are you trying to prove by above picture?
China and Pakistan jointly need to invade IOK
@Sainthood 101 : See your fellow Pakistanis here calling for 2 front war.
Oh so now he was carrying bombs, no wonder all his missiles were intact. :lol:
May be he missed some, but he has warrior heart as he crossed the LOC ALONE to bomb your controlled area. Bcz he knew very well even if he would be captured, Imran Khan and Bajwa would pee in Pants when Modi would warn. So got him back before 48 hours passed.
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