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China announced China-India border security talk failed, blaming India has unrealistic goals in the talks

May be he missed some, but he has warrior heart as he crossed the LOC ALONE to bomb your controlled area. Bcz he knew very well even if he would be captured, Imran Khan and Bajwa would pee in Pants when Modi would warn. So got him back before 48 hours passed.

Prime example of indian propaganda factory low quality product.
How exactly was abhinandos planning on bombing pakistan territory with r73 and r77 that he did not even launch 🤣
If he had any dignity he would not have said he highly regard pak army as highly professional army when he was joy riding on PAK SSG truck.
No one other then brained washed indians believe Abhi shot down F16.
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The Bhakts don’t care about Indian soldiers. They disown them when they don’t perform up to par, even though the IA is defending heir country.

cowards failed to defend their country any half decent army would have fought and not run away like mighty brave yindu warriors!
Only delusional guys are PDFians. We have army to fight, not machinery unlike yours. You don't have any authentic source to confirm these pics real. Just blind cheerleading.

Ok then. Indian government should come out and just say this photo is fake. Should be easy enough. It would completely debunk China if Indian government just came out and said it was fake, and proved it as well... Why hasn't it?
To all Pakistanis and Chinese who are exulting on these pictures. I would only say this.

There are only 2 scenarios
1. The pictures are fake and it is Chinese attempt to show how strong they are.
2. The pictures are real. It will start a tit-for-tat trend that any captured soldier (POW) would not be treated decently but be paraded and clicked for propaganda purposes.

Both scenarios showcase the unprofessionalism of Chinese army.

No problem. We welcome IA showing all photos in the spirit of transparency and professionalism.
No problem. We welcome IA showing all photos in the spirit of transparency and professionalism.

The work is already in progress IA will soon come up with the pictures. They would have surfaced sooner but we are struggling to find a suitable cameraman. Moreover the actors refuse too when they hear that they would have to travel 12-18 hours by car to reach the place optimal for that photoshoot. Just freaking lots of constraints.

Just wait please. The photos will come. Plan has already been designed at the 5th floor of Sarena Hotel. Curse the game developing companies too. Why cant we find a clip where soldiers are fighting at high altitude so we could easily use that, just like we took a dogfight clip from ARMA 3. It's just been a tough few years for us. Please give us some space. Thank you.
I am very happy after they announced failed negotiations. China has started tank drill near the same area. There is a possibility of a war. Pakistan should ignore calls from Washington and should prepare for another offensive. United states will surely ask our army to stay silent and watch the game. Don't trust Americans. This is our chance. India is in a very bad situation right now. We left these Indians unharmed in 62 just because of stupid Americans. what did we get in return? 71 and Kargil? I say cut the connection of communication. Don't take dictations from United states. Pakistan has the best chance.

I can feel it. I can smell war. I can taste blood of Indian soldiers!
The statements from the two sides are among the strongest since talks began and may well indicate that they have hit an impasse

The 13th round of talks between India and China to cool tensions in the Ladakh sector did not have any outcome on Sunday with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) not agreeing to suggestions made by the Indian Army, the latter said in a statement on Monday.

“During the meeting, the Indian side made constructive suggestions for resolving the remaining areas, but the Chinese side was not agreeable and also could not provide any forward-looking proposals. The meeting thus did not result in resolution of the remaining areas (friction points),” the Indian Army statement said.

China, meanwhile accused India of “unreasonable and unrealistic demands” in an unusually aggressive statement.

The Chinese statement issued on Monday quoted Western Theatre Command spokesperson Colonel Long Shaohua as saying that China made “…great efforts to promote the easing and cooling of the border situation and fully demonstrated its sincerity in order to maintain the overall situation of the relations between the two militaries,” but that “India still insisted on the unreasonable and unrealistic demands, which made the negotiations more difficult.”

Unrealistic: China accuses India of insisting on 'unreasonable' demands
its not fake

lol you and I both know that would never happen in our lifetimes
Chinese can humiliate India but India is scared to do vica-versa
India is not scared. Had we been scared, we would have donated our land like Pak did with Shaksgam Valley.
Modi is scared to even name China and you think IA will start a tit-for-tat trend? :haha:
Our highest office knows to speak diplomatically. Bare knuckles fight is left for lower officials. Samajhne waale ko ishaara kaafi hota hai.
No problem. We welcome IA showing all photos in the spirit of transparency and professionalism.
We dont need to fall to such cheap tricks. Once captured, we dont misbehave with them.
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A Pakistani is saying to an Indian "loser"😆😆😆
All wars are proof who is loser.
You lose land and economy.
Yes.. The real world is different than your PDF spacecraft. Your grandpa lived in delusions, and here you are, the last generation of Pakistan still live in delusion.
You are the same guy who are asking Pakistani members not to post negative real harsh truth about your country and army?😆😆 to hide your shame.
TTP is making your so called brave salwaar kameez army hostages and mocking it. Here you thump your chest Posting and making a thread on the base of a single pic or tweet to show your false bravado.
Do you know Bazwa sold Kashmir to Modi? You will never talk about it. Do takke ke log baat krte hain badi badi. Bhik mangna chhoro phle, only then you will have privilege to talk about Indians atleast.

Wake up kid.

Lol.....an Indian who needs a Pakistani forum to have any voice is talking big. :lol:
Imagine if there was no PDF....you losers will be running up and down some slumdog street shouting your gratness.
How many times your sorry a$$ has been kicked out of this forum but i guess your Pita never told you anything about self respect. but then again you can't change your genes. Your yapping is understandable as the recent picture of your otherwise starving soldiers with bloated faces has certainly made you rabid.
Abey dakan, tu char anna ki murghi aur bara anna ka masala wali aukat hey.....go and first find some coffins for your wasted haldi dal soldiers instead of packaging them in cardboard boxes.
We dont need to fall to such cheap tricks. Once captured, we dont misbehave with them.

There are no cheap tricks here. Photographing POWs is standard procedure. Releasing the photos as proof they were not mistreated is also a standard procedure.

Eagerly awaiting India either calling these photos fake or releasing it's own photos, but I wouldn't hold by breath for either.
There are no cheap tricks here. Photographing POWs is standard procedure. Releasing the photos as proof they were not mistreated is also a standard procedure.
If you had to provide any proof, there are appropriate diplomatic channels for the same. Making the pics (if they are real) public clearly displays the malicious intent of Chinese.
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