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China and Vietnam in stand-off over Chinese survey ship mission to disputed reef in South China Sea

I knew your relationship with Cambodia, I knew what happened very well. You must also understand Vietnam grabbed the entire Kampuchea Krom(Mekong Delta) from Cambodia. Without Laos and Cambodia, where is your Ho Chi Minh trail? Cambodia is victim of Vietnam expansion as well.

If you look at the records in "Military aid given to North Vietnam by China", China offered much more after shaking hands with Nixon. China has threat from USSR during Cold War, we need official diplomacy with US for that matter. It doesn't mean we want to backstab Vietnam in 1973-1975.

Some Vietnamese can blame China whatever they want, we really don't care, they are taught that way in school. But you must understand the political reality that China won't tolerate Vietnam-USSR alliance during cold war.

Vietnam crossed China 2 red lines. One is occupation of Cambodia and Laos. The other is Vietnam-USSR alliance during cold war.

No matter what you say, what you think. Doesn't matter much. It's geopolitics. If you thought China's red line is a joke, that's the consequence.

Ask yourself below questions in a neutral stance:

1, How many years Vietnam wasted? At least 2 decades.
2, What's the peace dividend after Vietnam War with US? Nothing, just another 10 years war.
3, Did you get Indochinese Union(Đông Dương thuộc Pháp) which Le Duan promised? NO.
4, How many Vietnamese died for Le Duan's ambitions but failed? Millions.
5, Did Vietnam-USSR alliance saved you? NO
6, Did USSR start a war with China to help you according to your military treaty with USSR? NO

USSR just used Vietnam as cannon fodder against China. You sacrificed for USSR. What you got from USSR are weapons and body bags. USSR backed out, stopped sponsoring your war with China because of China's request and economy deterioration.

We didn't blame USSR, it's just politics during Cold War and it was over. Now China has good relationship with Russia, we are strategic partners.

Ho Chi Minh is a legend who saved your country from France and US. China helped you a lot to fight against them. Le Duan is an adventurist who destroyed your country, and screwed up China-Vietnam relationship.

Oh, by the way, you are the girl on the left or right in your profile picture?

I have some Vietnamese friends in US. We are very similar culturally, look exactly the same. Vietnamese girls are the best in Southeast Asia.


China had war India in 1962, with USSR in 1969, separated Taiwan blocked by US. There's zero possibility for China to invade Vietnam for no reason.

Le Duan tried to find excuse to defend his Cambodia occupation policy in Vietnam Communist Party. He failed to do so. His comrades fought against him, especially Le Duan's successor - Trường Chinh and Nguyễn Văn Linh

Trường Chinh changed Le Duan's foreign policy 180 degree. He sought peace with China intermediately.

Do read some real history, not your school history propaganda. I said, it's impossible for Vietnam Communist Party to explain the misjudgment Le Duan made to Vietnamese. China is the perfect scapegoat.
Too much nonsense!

China under Mao Zedong wanted the world to become communism, however neither USSR nor Vietnam wanted the Third World War. We want status quo.

That is the actual reason for the split.

We back then had no choice than annihilation of Pol Pot Cambodia. A murder Gang midst of SE Asia.

Chinese being upset is understandable.

Your traditional policy is making enemies in close neighborhoods, making friends at far distance, creating chaos and bloodshed.
Why are the Vietnamese here disgruntled by the facts represented here? From the comments i read some of them say this others say that. They keep giving different answers which makes them look like spreading false information. Changing answers all the time does not seem reliable to me. From a neutral standpoint i can only draw certain conclusions and the Vietnamese again are untrustworthy with their splitting views. Also why are the Vietnamese here not addressing the part of betraying USSR which was mentioned so many times here. I don't see people from the former USSR making this statement only Vietnamese. So what is it that China so called betrayal of USSR? I believe this is part of spreading false information if nobody is going to give us any reliable evidence when i don't see Russians or Eastern European bloc countries ever mentioning the betrayal part.

From what i read about the Sino-Soviet split, there was no betrayal of China to USSR. That's why the Vietnamese members don't want to explain it when i asked to clarify the issue. Makes perfect sense when they keep spreading nonsense. Also threatened to report me for spreading false information. This kind of behavior is quite disgusting.

@viva_zhao insulting VN sacrifice in Cambodia to save million Cambodian from Pol Pot genocide when he keep posting "Le duan ( VN leader) conquer/invade/occupied Cambodia, ( Pol pot massacred 3million Cambodian before Cambodia PM Hun Sen requested help from VN to liberate Cambodia).
.Le Duan want to conquer Cambodia but failed.

Insulting is not allowed in the forum.I told him manytime to stop violating forum rules, but he keep posting again and again.

Our sacrifice to save Cambodian is recognized by Cambodia PM Hun Sen.

Cambodia PM Hun Sen: PM Lee's comments 'an insult' to sacrifice of Vietnam's military volunteers

SINGAPORE — Cambodia Prime Minister (PM) Hun Sen has criticised recent comments by Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong, who had described the 1978-1989 Indochina conflict as an “invasion”.

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@viva_zhao insulting VN sacrifice in Cambodia to save million Cambodian from Pol Pot genocide when he keep posting "Le duan ( VN leader) conquer/invade/occupied Cambodia, ( Pol pot massacred 3million Cambodian before Cambodia PM Hun Sen requested help from VN to liberate Cambodia).

Insulting is not allowed in the forum.I told him manytime to stop violating forum rules, but he keep posting again and again.

Our sacrifice to save Cambodian is recognized by Cambodia PM Hun Sen.

Cambodia PM Hun Sen: PM Lee's comments 'an insult' to sacrifice of Vietnam's military volunteers

SINGAPORE — Cambodia Prime Minister (PM) Hun Sen has criticised recent comments by Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong, who had described the 1978-1989 Indochina conflict as an “invasion”.
Please post the link where he insults....

@viva_zhao kindly stop insulting a nation....

People debate and discuss your hearts out but don't insult another nation nor spread lies....

From what i read about the Sino-Soviet split, there was no betrayal of China to USSR. That's why the Vietnamese members don't want to explain it when i asked to clarify the issue. Makes perfect sense when they keep spreading nonsense. Also threatened to report me for spreading false information. This kind of behavior is quite disgusting.
I myself didn’t say that China betraying USSR. The article you posted says what I told previously. China just had another goal in minds. The Soviets refused the attempt of Mao Zedong’s escalation with the West toward a full all out nuclear war.

Lives mean little to Mao. He meant his country is big and populous, could swallow hundreds millions of deaths, so no problem.

Understandable we are not crazy enough to follow the chinese path. Ok chinese becoming angry is the consequence Vietnam has to swallow.

But we are off topic I believe.
Please post the link where he insults....

@viva_zhao kindly stop insulting a nation....

People debate and discuss your hearts out but don't insult another nation nor spread lies....
Thanks Mod, seem like u already deleted his insulting comment, and there r some more same comment in post #125

Le Duan tried to find excuse to defend his Cambodia occupation policy in Vietnam Communist Party. He failed to do so. His comrades fought against him, especially Le Duan's successor - Trường Chinh and Nguyễn Văn Linh
VN soldiers came to Cambodia and save Cambodian from Pol Pot's genocide ( Khmer Rough, leaded by Pol Pot killed 3 millions out of 6,7 million Cambodian) and save ourselves,too ( Pol pot invaded VN and killed thousands innocent VNese near VN-Camb border from 1979 to 1979).

If any Chinese dont want to accept that, then sue us to the International court of justice, keep protecting your ally Pol pot and try to change the judgement first ( Pol pot is charged wt Genocide) . Stop insulting VN sarcifice to Cambodia here.
Thanks Mod, seem like u already deleted his insulting comment, and there r some more same comment in post #125

VN soldiers came to Cambodia and save Cambodian from Pol Pot genocide ( kill 3 millions out of 6,7 million Cambodian) and save ourselves,too ( Pol pot invaded VN and killed thousands innocent VNese near VN-Camb border from 1979 to 1979).

If any Chinese dont want to accept that, then sue us to the International court of justice, keep protecting your ally Pol pot and try to change the judgement first ( Pol pot is charged wt Genocide) . Stop insulting VN sarcifice to Cambodia here.
It is his opinion ...just counter it!
Everyone can see PLA generals r very idiots in 1979 war, without Intel from daddy US, they always lead PLA men into our ambush position....and the rest is so easy, even VN women millitias, equiped wt WW2 guns,just simply keep shooting until PLA soldiers beg for surrender.
@Dubious The biggest Troll of the forum is reporting others for insult?How pathetic,I can find you tons of craps like this. :pop::pop::pop:
@Dubious The biggest Troll of the forum is reporting others for insult?How pathetic,I can find you tons of craps like this. :pop::pop::pop:
please use the report button ....I have about 55 reports to go through as of now....
It is his opinion ...just counter it!
His opinion is against the judgment from International court (Pol pot is charged wt Genocide).

Its just like some guys try to say Hitle, Japan were the WW2 heroes and anyone occupy Nazi, Japan is so wrong.
@Dubious The biggest Troll of the forum is reporting others for insult?How pathetic,I can find you tons of craps like this. :pop::pop::pop:
Each of you have a different opinion on the same historical matter...Please be polite and discuss decently!

Pol pot is charged wt Genocide
Yes, I am aware of the genocide and Pol pot!

Its just like some guys try to say Hitle, Japan were the WW2 hero and anyone occupy Nazi, Japan is so wrong.
Well, we take it as a different opinion...If pointing out the heinous crimes committed isnt enough, then you just have to either report the post (because I cant go through 100 posts / thread to find the odd one out) or let the person believe in whatever they like!
Each of you have a different opinion on the same historical matter...Please be polite and discuss decently!
More more info abt VN-Camb 1979 conflict.

Nearly 40 years after suffering the totalitarian nightmare of the Khmer Rouge, victims of Cambodia’s horrific history were granted a small measure of justice on Friday. An international criminal tribunal convicted two aging former Khmer Rouge leaders in a historic ruling that for the first time legally defines the regime’s crimes as genocide.

We should follow the judgment of international tribunal,right?

@Dubious The biggest Troll of the forum is reporting others for insult?How pathetic,I can find you tons of craps like this. :pop::pop::pop:
U must point out what is wrong first.

Did u see Cnese movie posted in comment #113 of @Viet also describe what happened to PLA when falling into VN ambush ?? PLA were killed so easily, but PLA troops still could not find out from where Vnese shoot at them.

So hard for u guys to admit the Truth that PLA generals always lead their men into VN ambush position even when CN already made the movie telling how terrible PLA men when falling VN ambush is ??:cool:
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Thing smells toward escalation.

I expect a rerun of late oil rig crisis.

Vietnam demands China to withdraw from the region.

The US issues warning to the chinese.

“China’s repeated provocative actions aimed at the offshore oil and gas development of other claimant states threatens regional energy security and undermines the free and open Indo-Pacific energy market,” the State Department said in a statement.


Chinese will become nervous and send a warship flotilla. US and Vietnamese warships will follow suit.
We should follow the judgment of international tribunal,right?
We should follow the judgement, yes...

But he is not pointing at Pot pol nor the judgement...But at Vietnamese ruler and his ambition towards Cambodia....

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