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China and Vietnam in stand-off over Chinese survey ship mission to disputed reef in South China Sea

The moment you turn on your radar, the enemy aircraft's radar warning receiver already detected your radar's presence even before the reflected radar signals have time to return to your receiving antenna. Assuming China has technology similar to RC-135V/W Rivet Joint, they can even locate and categorize enemy signal emitters. At the very least, Chinese aircraft can now maintain a safe distance from your S-300. Worst-case scenario for you, Chinese missiles are now headed towards that location. Either way, you have no chance of detecting a stealth aircraft at 400km. The only thing you're doing is broadcasting your S-300's location to the world.:lol:
You can’t make a decent car, how can you make sophisticated stealth aircraft without stealing others people technology?

I am kind of wasting my time on you. I won't teach you history. Chinese don't care what you did, what you want, what you think as long as you stay within your territory. The only concerns China has is your occupation of Cambodia and Laos and alliance with USSR.

You can blame China whatever you want, we really don't care. But you must understand the political reality that China won't tolerate Vietnam-USSR alliance during cold war.

Vietnam crossed China 2 red lines. One is occupation of Cambodia and Laos. The other is Vietnam-USSR alliance during cold war.

No matter what you say, what you think. Doesn't matter much. It's geopolitics. If you thought China's red line is a joke, you paid the price as you wish.

Ask yourself below questions:

1, How many years Vietnam wasted? At least 2 decades.
2, What's the peace dividend after Vietnam War with US? Nothing, just another 10 years war.
3, Did you get Indochinese Union(Đông Dương thuộc Pháp) which Le Duan promised? NO.
4, How many Vietnamese died for Le Duan's ambitions but failed? Millions.
5, Did Vietnam-USSR alliance saved you? NO
6, Did USSR start a war with China to help you according to your military treaty with USSR? NO

USSR just used Vietnam as cannon fodder against China. You sacrificed for USSR. What you got from USSR are weapons and body bags.

USSR backed out, stopped sponsoring your war with China because of China's request and economy deterioration.

All countries must know how to play the geopolitical games. If any leader like your Le Duan failed to do so, their people sacrificed meaninglessly.

By the way, Pol Pot lost power in 1981, you retreat from Cambodia in 1989. Who taught you history? Just admit your adventure to conquer Cambodia and Laos but failed to do so, because it's fact.

Ho Chi Minh is a legend who saved your country from France and US. China helped you a lot to fight against them. Le Duan is an adventurist who destroyed your country, and screwed up China-Vietnam relationship.

Don't talk nonsense to me. I only take facts and logic. If you just bad mouth to me or brag, save it please.
Chinese arrogance and aggression against Vietnam is well known since centuries since the Han and not since the Sino/Soviet split. You have every excuses.
10 years old kid's logic, don't you worry, more to come, stealth bomber, nuclear AC, but i guess none of them are a real threat to Great Viet empire.
your cars are cheap and low quality.

Your stealth aircraft are cheap US copies, powered by Russian engines.

That is a fact!

You never have experience in aircraft carrier operation.

You don’t have experience in air combats nor seen sea battles either since decades.

Aside a small win against India, You don’t win a war since 400 years.

so why bragging?
your cars are cheap and low quality.

Your stealth aircraft are cheap US copies, powered by Russian engines.

That is a fact!

You never have experience in aircraft carrier operation.

You don’t have experience in air combats nor seen sea battles either since decades.

Aside a small win against India, You don’t win a war since 400 years.

so why bragging?
I am just gonna ingore the rubbish but bragging?Who is the one blowing hot air with T34 and WW2 junks in year 2019?
Cut these gilberish, aren't you 40+, sit down and act like one.
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I am just gonna ingore the rubbish but bragging?Who is the one blowing hot air with T34 and WW2 junks in year 2019?
Cut these gilberish, aren't you 40+, sit down and act like one.
We fight our enemies by every means. Haven’t you seen pictures of Vietnamese soldiers armed by bamboo sticks? T34 is a very capable tank. You are the one that talks gibberish if not childish!

We fight with spoons if necessary. We are not like the rich full of money PLA that waits until one million men are amassed with thousands of tanks before attacking as in the case of Vietnam.

The PLA is good as terror organization. As army it is worthless.
We fight our enemies by every means. Haven’t you seen pictures of Vietnamese soldiers armed by bamboo sticks? T34 is a very capable tank. You are the one that talks gibberish if not childish!

We fight with spoons if necessary. We are not like the rich full of money PLA that waits until one million men are amassed with thousands of tanks before attacking as in the case of Vietnam.

The PLA is good as terror organization. As army it is worthless.
Wrap up your load of craps and go have some fun with your best soul mate @Viva_Viet.
Wrap up your load of craps and go have some fun with your best soul mate @Viva_Viet.
Everyone can see PLA generals r very idiots in 1979 war, without Intel from daddy US, they always lead PLA men into our ambush position....and the rest is so easy, even VN women millitias, equiped wt WW2 guns,just simply keep shooting until PLA soldiers beg for surrender.

Thats true story, go and ask 1979 PLA veterrants if what Vnese said is correct or not.

CN govt' should not keep hiding that true humiliating story and stop trying to pretend PLA is so "smart and stronk".

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Everyone can see PLA generals r very idiots in 1979 war, without Intel from daddy US, they always lead PLA men into our ambush position....and the rest is so easy, even VN women millitias, equiped wt WW2 guns,just simply keep shooting until PLA soldiers beg for surrender.

Thats true story, go and ask 1979 PLA veterrants if what Vnese said is correct or not.

CN govt' should not keep hiding that true humiliating story and stop trying to pretend PLA is so "smart and stronk".

Look at the pathetic one million PLA men that sacrificed their cheap lives on battlefields in Vietnam but receive nothing in return. Or just small pensions. Especially those who were captured by Vietnamese army. they are treated worst. They are stripped off all benefits, living in shame.

No surprise they stage protests nationwide.

I feel sympathy for them.


Only in movie: the PLA looks great!

Look at the pathetic one million PLA men that sacrificed their cheap lives on battlefields in Vietnam but receive nothing in return. Or just small pensions. Especially those who were captured by Vietnamese army. they are treated worst. They are stripped off all benefits, living in shame.

No surprise they stage protests nationwide.

I feel sympathy for them.


Only in movie: the PLA looks great!

Nice propaganda movie...but seem like they r not allowed to tell that PLA troops could avoid VN ambush tks to Intel from daddy US,and when daddy US " forgot" to send Intel...PLA men got killed when didnt even know where our troops were :lol:
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Nice propaganda movie...but seem like they r not allowed to tell that PLA troops could avoid VN ambush tks to Intel from daddy US,and when daddy US " forgot" to send Intel...PLA men got killed when didnt even know where our troops were :lol:
There are more propaganda films but mostly banned. Either way, in reality the PLA suffered 62,000 deaths and wounded in just four weeks. Average 3,000 men per day. Hats off to peaceful rise.
There are more propaganda films but mostly banned. Either way, in reality the PLA suffered 62,000 deaths and wounded in just four weeks. Average 3,000 men per day. Hats off to peaceful rise.
After humiliating retreated in 1979, Deng realize that daddy US didnt send full Intel in large scale attack, so PLA changed to small scale conflict by attacking some VN hill/mountains.

With more mordern radar buying from the West, PLA knew exactly the position of VN artillery shelling to them so they could hit back and destroyed our artillery in 1984 conflict and force us to changed to Hit and Run tactic .

PLA gained some achievements against VN mostly tks to great help from the West ( provided precisely radar, Intel to detect our artillery and ambush position). PLA generals are compelety useless ( due to low IQ ), thats why, after US and the West stop supporting CN, PLA dare not make another war against VN till now ( despite 2014 conflicts was quite serious)
I find the Vietnamese here are untrustworthy. One says the 320.000 troops is fabricated, the other says they were engineers. 320.000 engineers? Saying different things all the times or making up stories doesn't look good.

Vietnam war 1955-1975, by looking at the population graph how can China have 320.000 engineers during that time?

Are they gonna explain why nobody from the Soviet Bloc making the statement that China betrayed USSR only just a few Vietnamese (maybe they are the same people using different accounts).


American newspaper Toledo

All i read from the sources is how China had provided support and help, now i can relate to why the Chinese people here claiming the few Vietnamese as ungrateful.
Vietnam demands China withdraw ships from its waters
By Hai Le, Viet Anh July 19, 2019 | 08:49 pm GMT+7

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Le Thi Thu Hang. Photo courtesy of the ministry.
Vietnam's Foreign Ministry on Friday slams Chinese survey ship's violation of its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.
"Over the last several days, the Chinese survey ship, Haiyang Dizhi 8, and its escorts have conducted activities in the southern area of the East Sea that have violated Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and Continental Shelf as established in the provisions of the 1982 United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea [UNCLOS], to which Vietnam and China are signatories," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Le Thi Thu Hang said.

The East Sea is internationally known as the South China Sea.

Hang said Vietnam has contacted China on multiple occasions via different channels, delivered diplomatic notes to oppose China's violations and staunchly demanded that China stop all unlawful activities, withdraw its ships from Vietnamese waters and respect Vietnam's sovereign rights and jurisdiction over its waters, which would serve the interests of bilateral relations as well as regional stability and peace.

Vietnamese authorities at sea have employed a range of of appropriate measures to exercise Vietnam’s sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction in a peaceful and lawful manner for safeguarding Vietnamese waters, she added.

Hang last Tuesday emphasized strongly that it was Vietnam's consistent position to resolutely and persistently stand against any act infringing upon Vietnam’s sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction in Vietnamese waters established in the provisions of the 1982 UNCLOS through peaceful means in accordance with international law.

"All countries within and outside of the region share the common interest in maintaining order, peace and security in the East Sea. Therefore, in Vietnam’s view, all relevant parties and the international community should contribute to the joint effort to protect and ensure our common interest," she said.

Under the provisions of the 1982 UNCLOS, a coastal state has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of its EEZ, which is within 200 nautical miles from the baseline.

As for its continental shelf, the coastal state has exclusive sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring it and exploiting its natural resources, and no one may undertake these activities without the express consent of the coastal state.
I find the Vietnamese here are untrustworthy. One says the 320.000 troops is fabricated, the other says they were engineers. 320.000 engineers? Saying different things all the times or making up stories doesn't look good.

Vietnam war 1955-1975, by looking at the population graph how can China have 320.000 engineers during that time?

Are they gonna explain why nobody from the Soviet Bloc making the statement that China betrayed USSR only just a few Vietnamese (maybe they are the same people using different accounts).


American newspaper Toledo

All i read from the sources is how China had provided support and help, now i can relate to why the Chinese people here claiming the few Vietnamese as ungrateful.
Okay,then show us the picture thousand PLA soldiers fighting in the front line in VN war.

US sent 500,000 troops and we have lots of picture abt US soldiders in VN,so its impossible when CN sent 300,000 troops but having no picture.

If cant not, then just shut up or I will report Mod for posting Fake news,tks.
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