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China and Vietnam in stand-off over Chinese survey ship mission to disputed reef in South China Sea

We should follow the judgement, yes...

But he is not pointing at Pot pol nor the judgement...But at Vietnamese ruler and his ambition towards Cambodia....
Yes,thanks Mod

Btw, I hope u can understand the Vnese feeling, its so upset and sick when we have to keep hearing "Le Duan( VN leader) invaded/conquer/occupied Cambodia". Pol Pot not only masacre 3million Cambodian but also invaded and kill thousands Vnese from 1975-1979 and forced Le Duan and VN army to strike back in 1979 and then keep pusing Khmer rough out of Cambodian from 1979 to 1988.

Thousands Vnese soldiers died for the peace in Cambodia. If u guys watch the movie " first they kill my father" made by US film star Angelina Jolie, u guys will see VN soldiers fought bravely to protect Cambodian children from Khmer rouge massacre. If we just wanted to conquer Camb, then our soldiers would never risk their lives to save Cambodian children who they didnt even know those kids' name


We didnt want to invade Camb at least in 1979,after long hard war against France-US .His comments is an insult to sacrifice of Vietnam's military volunteers to save million Cambodian from genocide.

And in real life, Sing PM Lee had to applogy when he said "VN invade Cambodia".
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I knew your relationship with Cambodia, I knew what happened very well. You must also understand Vietnam grabbed the entire Kampuchea Krom(Mekong Delta) from Cambodia. Without Laos and Cambodia, where is your Ho Chi Minh trail? Cambodia is victim of Vietnam expansion as well.

If you look at the records in "Military aid given to North Vietnam by China", China offered much more after shaking hands with Nixon. China has threat from USSR during Cold War, we need official diplomacy with US for that matter. It doesn't mean we want to backstab Vietnam in 1973-1975.

Some Vietnamese can blame China whatever they want, we really don't care, they are taught that way in school. But you must understand the political reality that China won't tolerate Vietnam-USSR alliance during cold war.

Vietnam crossed China 2 red lines. One is occupation of Cambodia and Laos. The other is Vietnam-USSR alliance during cold war.

No matter what you say, what you think. Doesn't matter much. It's geopolitics. If you thought China's red line is a joke, that's the consequence.

Ask yourself below questions in a neutral stance:

1, How many years Vietnam wasted? At least 2 decades.
2, What's the peace dividend after Vietnam War with US? Nothing, just another 10 years war.
3, Did you get Indochinese Union(Đông Dương thuộc Pháp) which Le Duan promised? NO.
4, How many Vietnamese died for Le Duan's ambitions but failed? Millions.
5, Did Vietnam-USSR alliance saved you? NO
6, Did USSR start a war with China to help you according to your military treaty with USSR? NO

USSR just used Vietnam as cannon fodder against China. You sacrificed for USSR. What you got from USSR are weapons and body bags. USSR backed out, stopped sponsoring your war with China because of China's request and economy deterioration.

We didn't blame USSR, it's just politics during Cold War and it was over. Now China has good relationship with Russia, we are strategic partners.

Ho Chi Minh is a legend who saved your country from France and US. China helped you a lot to fight against them. Le Duan is an adventurist who destroyed your country, and screwed up China-Vietnam relationship.

Oh, by the way, you are the girl on the left or right in your profile picture?

I have some Vietnamese friends in US. We are very similar culturally, look exactly the same. Vietnamese girls are the best in Southeast Asia.


China had war India in 1962, with USSR in 1969, separated Taiwan blocked by US. There's zero possibility for China to invade Vietnam for no reason.

Le Duan tried to find excuse to defend his Cambodia occupation policy in Vietnam Communist Party. He failed to do so. His comrades fought against him, especially Le Duan's successor - Trường Chinh and Nguyễn Văn Linh

Trường Chinh changed Le Duan's foreign policy 180 degree. He sought peace with China intermediately.

Do read some real history, not your school history propaganda. I said, it's impossible for Vietnam Communist Party to explain the misjudgment Le Duan made to Vietnamese. China is the perfect scapegoat.
You chinese think too high of yourself. You believe you are God chosen people.

China draws red lines in the sand as pleased.

Vietnam allying with USSR has nothing to do with China but out of pure strategic interest and determination of winning the war.

Why the move violates your imaginary red line is nobody’s understandable.

Vietnam response to Pol Pot aggression has nothing to do with you either. Your red line: we have no rights to respond militarily to Cambodia’s invasion.

Only idiots or retards understand your logic!

In reality you construct a story, made up of many ingredients, use it as pretext for aggressions.
You chinese think too high of yourself. You believe you are God chosen people.

China draws red lines in the sand as pleased.

Vietnam allying with USSR has nothing to do with China but out of pure strategic interest and determination of winning the war.

Why the move violates your imaginary red line is nobody’s understandable.

Vietnam response to Pol Pot aggression has nothing to do with you either. Your red line: we have no rights to respond militarily to Cambodia’s invasion.

Only idiots or retards understand your logic!
We came and risk our lives to save Cambodian kids. Even Angelina Jolie, an US film star, who have nothing to do with VN, also made the movie "first they kill my father" to let the whole world know that VN came and save Cambodia( and saved ourselves,too).

Only Cnese always feel hard to admit that truth. They never want any neighbours to get out of their influence and become stronger than them.
Judging from previous comments and behavior from certain Vietnamese members, i can honestly say i don't have a good opinion towards them on this forum even though i'm new here. They ruined their own reputation with spreading false information and making irresponsible threats which i experienced personally. I can't blame why the Chinese here dislike them. Even for someone like me standing on a neutral side i get the feeling of unreasonable hostility from some of them. We know who keeps on spreading the fake news: China betraying USSR here. The Vietnamese have themselves to blame for me having such a bad opinion, utterly disgusted.
Judging from previous comments and behavior from certain Vietnamese members, i can honestly say i don't have a good opinion towards them on this forum even though i'm new here. They ruined their own reputation with spreading false information and making irresponsible threats which i experienced personally. I can't blame why the Chinese here dislike them. Even for someone like me standing on a neutral side i get the feeling of unreasonable hostility from some of them. We know who keeps on spreading the fake news: China betraying USSR here. The Vietnamese have themselves to blame for me having such a bad opinion, utterly disgusted.

They have been ruined by jealousy.

Furthermore, they need to find more context to justify their hatred against China.
You can’t make a decent car, how can you make sophisticated stealth aircraft without stealing others people technology?

Chinese HEMTT.
Heavy-duty 8x8 truck with ARMORED CABIN.
The clash still continue.

For more infor: the oil rig VN r using belong to JP company Hakuryu, Russia and VN hire it for drilling oil, there r some Russian experts on the rig.

CN forces still dare not shoot the oil rig cos the rig is not belong to VN :coffee:
The clash still continue.

For more infor: the oil rig VN r using belong to JP company Hakuryu, Russia and VN hire it for drilling oil, there r some Russian experts on the rig.

CN forces still dare not shoot the oil rig cos the rig is not belong to VN :coffee:
you mean China will shoot if rig belong to vn? good logic.
you mean China will shoot if rig belong to vn? good logic.
Whos know ??

Btw, good thing is Russia bro is always on VN's side to contain bad boy CN, and good to have JP company to join wt us, too.

The more the merrier:coffee:
Whos know ??

Btw, good thing is Russia bro is always on VN's side to contain bad boy CN, and good to have JP company to join wt us, too.

The more the merrier:coffee:
Anyway body bags won't cost a lot. with such a hired gun mentality, body bags cost definitely will be covered by your loyalty.
Anyway body bags won't cost a lot. with such a hired gun mentality, body bags cost definitely will be covered by your loyalty.
CN dont nid body bag, cos ur coward soldiers always surrender so fast when their stupid PLA generals lead them into our ambush :lol:

let see China. USSR taught China from making steel, ammonia, oil processing, chemical synthesis to uranium enrichment, machine tools, tanks, warships, aircraft..That things Im sure China will not teach for enyone even Pakistan closest ally now. but what did you do with them in 1969. Base USSR opion, you are ungratefull person or not.
China had betrayed Russian who had liberated you from Japan occoupation in WW II. Just for that China could sided to American ally in cold war. Its fully disclosed mentality of China.
China had betrayed Russian who had liberated you from Japan occoupation in WW II. Just for that China could sided to American ally in cold war. Its fully disclosed mentality of China.
I don't see people from the Soviet Union here making any suggestion at all that China ever betrayed USSR during the Cold War,
China joined the Korea war under Stalin's request. China literally sacrificed its lives for Soviet Union. China just got paid for what it did for Soviet Union(aid). On the other hand, Vietnam never did one favor to China as a return of China's help. On the contary, Vietnam immediately became one of China's biggest enemies after they united their country.
@Dubious? Is this post relevant to the topic or not a proof of provocation?
Provocation is ur Cnese fellow who threaten us to return in body bag.

China joined the Korea war under Stalin's request. China literally sacrificed its lives for Soviet Union. China just got paid for what it did for Soviet Union(aid). On the other hand, Vietnam never did one favor to China as a return of China's help. On the contary, Vietnam immediately became one of China's biggest enemies after they united their country.
Why should we pay back CN anything when HCM came to Soviet and asked help first?

Then Stalin ordered Mao to pay back the debt by sending support to VN ??

Want me to send the link Stalin urged Mao to support VN cos Mao owed Soviet a huge debt ?? What wrong wt ur history book?

Even CN didnt send support to VN, then Soviet would directly send support like in 1979. VN own Soviet a debt, but VN owe CN Nothing.
Ok half of posts or so were deleted by Mods.

Either way, Vietnam will not back down from this confrontation and vows to fight until the bitter end.

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