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China and Japan Inching Closer to War Over a Few Disputed Islets..


Sep 27, 2011
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United States
The announcement came on a weekend, just as the world’s attention was diverted by tense negotiations towards an Iranian nuclear deal. On Saturday, Nov. 23, Beijing announced “aircraft identification rules” for an “East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone” that includes the skies over a scattering of rocks that China calls the Diaoyu.

Japan, which currently administers the outcroppings and uses the name Senkaku to refer to the contested territory, has cried foul. On Sunday, Japan’s Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said that Tokyo refused to recognize Beijing’s division of the heavens. “It was a one-sided action and cannot be allowed,” Kishida said, warning that Beijing’s move was “expected to trigger unpredictable events.”

The rules mean that Beijing now requires aircraft flying through this patch of sky to report their flight plans to Chinese authorities, remain in radio contact with them and make their nationalities and logos clear. “China’s armed forces will adopt defensive emergency measures to respond to aircraft that do not cooperate in the identification or refuse to follow the instructions,” reported Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency.

Wars have been triggered by far less than the uncertain custody of a few remote specks of land. For more than a year now, tensions have simmered over the contested five islets, with patriotic rhetoric emanating from both sides after Japan nationalized three of the outcroppings in Sept. 2012. The Japanese government says it bought the tiny territories from their private owners for fear they would be purchased by Tokyo’s jingoistic then governor.

Military posturing has surged, too. This year, Japan unveiled its largest warship since World War II, while China’s military budgeting continues to escalate. Japan has repeatedly scrambled its jets to counter what it considers potential Chinese threats, including the first reported unmanned Chinese drone to fly near the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands. (The drone did not violate what Japan considers its airspace.) China has also increased the number of its vessels sailing the resource-rich waters surrounding the disputed islands.

To complicate matters, Taiwan, which calls itself the Republic of China (ROC), claims ownership over the bits of East China Sea rock as well. Its government said on Sunday that the disputed territory “are an integral part of ROC territory, a fact which is unaffected by mainland China’s declaration.” China’s newly announced air-defense identification zone (ADIZ) also overlaps with one that had been previously set out by South Korea, leading Seoul to describe the Chinese parameters as “regretful.” (Each nation is free to carve out its own ADIZ, which can extend beyond a country’s own airspace, setting up the potential for competing zones.)

Still, most concerning is the geopolitical discord between the world’s second- and third-largest economies. The current enmity comes as China, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, has been more actively pursuing territorial interests in another waterway, the South China Sea, straining Beijing’s relations with Vietnam and the Philippines, among other Southeast Asian nations. China has beefed up administrative controls over these South China Sea shoals, reefs and islets, even going so far as to promote Chinese tourism and business opportunities in some of the contested territory. Southeast Asian nations have responded by cozying up to the U.S. and even, on occasion, Japan.

Over the weekend, the U.S., which is bound by a security treaty to defend Japan should it come under attack, waded into the ADIZ controversy. “The United States is deeply concerned by the People’s Republic of China announcement today that it is establishing an air defense identification zone in the East China Sea,” said a statement from U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. “We view this development as a destabilizing attempt to alter the status quo in the region. This unilateral action increases the risk of misunderstanding and miscalculations.” Although the U.S. claims it does not take sides on who rightfully owns the Diaoyu/Senkaku, Washington has repeatedly said that the American alliance with Japan covers the islets. Hagel’s weekend statement reiterated that “the U.S.-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty applies to the Senkaku Islands.”

On Monday, Japan’s hawkish Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told the Japanese legislature that the creation of a Chinese air-defense identification zone was “a profoundly dangerous act that may cause unintended consequences.” Characterizing China almost as some rogue actor in international politics, he added: “Japan will ask China to restrain itself while we continue cooperating with the international community.”

In turn, China has expressed dissatisfaction with Japan’s criticism of the newly formed ADIZ. A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense labeled Japanese concerns “utterly groundless and China won’t accept them,” explaining that the creation of the ADIZ was “totally rational and indisputable.” China has lodged formal complaints, or what Chinese state media called “solemn representations,” with both the Japanese and U.S. embassies in Beijing.

Early next month, Chinese officials will have the opportunity to discuss the American position on the territorial dispute in person with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, who is scheduled for an Asian tour. Unsurprisingly, he will also be visiting Japan.

Source: Are China and Japan Inching Closer to War Over a Few Disputed Islets? | TIME.com
Every Chinese despise the Japanese for their crimes in WW2.

There are 2 countries that Chinese hate...Japan and America.

I hate those two countries with passion because they are similar mass murdering war mongers.
Every Chinese despise the Japanese for their crimes in WW2.

There are 2 countries that Chinese hate...Japan and America.

I hate those two countries with passion because they are similar mass murdering war mongers.

how about British ? they r the actual master mind and they have long time war mongering record.
It would indeed be fun to watch China to teach Japan with an unforgettable lesson, but i am afraid that Japan might back down at the end.

Teach a lesson? F**k that.

Most Chinese want to see Japanese treated worse than animals.

Japan should be ruthlessly crushed, when I mean ruthlessly, I'm talking about extinction!
Teach a lesson? F**k that.

Most Chinese want to see Japanese treated worse than animals.

Japan should be ruthlessly crushed, when I mean ruthlessly, I'm talking about extinction!

I know that they were a timed bomb since the era of Tang Dynasty.

But now we are in a more civilized world, the method of genocide won't work, the West will use this excuse to paint China as the Nazi Germany.

You need to calm down, the anger won't solve the problem.
This is what comes to my mind when they say China Vs Japan :D


And these are the senaku islands for which they plan a collision???
Those are barren o_O

War is too early, a Chinese victory is all but assured, BUT what are the effects of that victory?

At present, a victory or war against Japan may increase American presence rather than decrease and may even involve the Americans, which would make our casualties way too much than necessary.

Even if we do have control of the East China sea, that effect is minimal at best.

So what should be the effect of a war with Japan?

Complete withdraw of all US forces within East Asia.

To achieve that I see two things needs to happen first before the war with Japan, reintegrate Taiwan to eliminate Americans in Taiwan.

Reunite Korea in South Korea's favor, to eliminate American presence there.

THEN, war with Japan to eliminate American presence in Japan and be the dominate power in Asia.
A war will never happens

If an air and sea war do happen between Japan and china will result in more US involvement in the region, let alone US will use their secondary asset (AWACS and Naval ship) and help JDF to locate target within their ship range, that is secondary reaction other than American taken a shot themselves, JDF is literally using US equipment.

Chinese aren't really that stupid
Spoiled school girl??

Because they keep crying about how China has bullied them.

They can't face China alone, but has to bring their sugar daddy USA with them.

They started it first, then they should realize what is the consequence.
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