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China and India each deploy 3,000 troops Border face-off

Ahem. Just a tid bit of information.

The chinese long march rocket failed. Again. :lol:

They should learn from pakistan. pakistanis get everything right in first try and then keep it right. Always. :whistle:

Back to topic fellas. Sorry for the interruption. :woot:

The road gone is india and not China. Are you going to claim India side has better road infrastructure than China side? Our MRL will knock out your lifeline narrow road.

Our is multi , widen and better. This is facts. You Indian are digging your own grave for 50000 soldiers. US is engaging in insurgent proxy warfare in Afganistan. Now we are talking about big scale conventional modern warfare. Your comparison is orange to apple and not applicable.

WTF beasty? Your roads are indestructible that they will stay put just because they are extra wide with extra topping of some sooper dooper titanium tungsten alloy?

If shit hits the fan and hostilities escalates those roads are gone beasty.

They lose due to incompetence. And they will lose again

Please don't go there my friend. Do you even know our capability? Only desperate turd world countries like NK will threaten nuke war because they can't win in a conventional war. Losers!

Don't forget to teach this line to a turd world country which is your iron friend and don't seem to know anything other than 'atum bumb' :)
here comes the respectable citizen of a nation ,which seems to be" on rent" for almost everything.
from RENTING nation to the RANTING nation,a journey worth remembering .

And who is telling me this?? The citizen of a rapist nation?? Beta India debt to GDP ratio equals to 65% of GDP while Pakistan debt to GDP ratio is 59.3% of GDP so India is more on rent.. Ja kr pehly kuch knowledge hasil kar...

The journey of a nation India in which cows are more important than women and human beings... A legacy worth remembering..
Wait what? Nuclear missile and nuclear reactor. Did you really just saw the word nuclear and thought they are related? MAN!!!! This is why they are called Ballistic missiles. They are rockets and have nothing like 'nuclear reactor' in them. Really they teach you nothing about science there in Pakistan. :rofl: Hint for you. There is nothing nuclear in a Nuclear missile besides the bomb. So ... Nuclear missile and Nuclear reactor having nothing in common.

Actually more like you didn't even try starting the project in the first place. Where is the question of showing off. JF-17 is a Chinese plane.
Airframe - Chinese
Engine - Russian
Avionics - Chinese
Missiles - Chinese, South African
Bombs - Chinese
Ejection Seat - Chinese
Glass cockpit - Chinese
Mission computer - Chinese
Radar - Chinese

Tejas :

Airframe - Indian
Engine - American
Avionics - Indian
Missiles - Russian, Indian (ASTRA), European
Bombs - Indian
Ejection Seat - American
Glass Cockpit - Indian
Mission Computer - Indian
Radar - Israeli

And yet you have no car engine of your own... Heck you folks don't even have a bike engine of your own... so much for Alkaloid. Your army did'nt make a fuss about Al Kahlid because they knew, they will not get anything better for there is no money in treasury.

The article is from May 2017. Do you have a source to support and substantiate that those projects will never be started? BTW, Dawn is your own Pakistani news paper, and I have no reason to doubt it.

You do realize that Pakistan is obliged to use only Chinese good and services under CPEC, right? Also for those private investment, who is the guarantor of returns? AFAIK, China needed a guarantee and GoP made it. So if those projects do not generate revenue, GoP will tax Pakistani to provide guaranteed returns.

I didn't claim that nuclear missile and nuclear reactor has anything in common. I am just telling you that in both fields your country has failed miserably. This is what you don't understand and the world laugh at you. :D :D
I was taught everything much better than you that is why I call names of every project properly not like you who can't even call proper name of any project.

All of your information is fake and you got this from fake sources. JF-17 block 2 is 58% Pakistani made and 42% Chinese made and is a successful project while Tejas is a complete flop. JF-17 block 3 will be Pakistan completely. Better to present facts other than your fake knowledge. More than half of your military equipment is Russian supplied. Your country can't produce a rifle on its own and telling me about engines? :D :D :D
Isn't India standing behind Russia for their 5th gen fighter jets? Sukhoi Su-30MKI is completely Russian based which you are using and commenting on our fighter jet which is far better and successful than your tejas :D :D

Al Khalid tank is more expensive than your T-90 tank and you are telling me that we didn't had money to procure it?? Are you in your senses? We could have easily purchased other tanks. T-80UD used to cost us less than AL Khalid. Chinese tanks are less expensive than Al Khalid tank. You can't even spell Al Khalid properly and you are making baseless claims about it. You are telling me that our military has no money despite the fact that being a 7 times small nation we have bigger nuclear stockpile and our annual production of missiles is far more than India and is successful too. None of our tests failed while every of India missile failed again & again. Nirbhay missile failed 4 times :D :D :D :D
India is a 7 time big nation than Pakistan and has less than 4000 tanks while Pakistan have 3000 tanks in their arsenal and you are telling me that we didn't had money to procure tanks? At least come up with something logical, I am not here to respond to your childish statements.

I live here and knows everything better than you and If I go presenting you Indian media data about your country than you won't be able to respond and presently the fact is India produces 59% of her energy through coal.

First of all you lied that CPEC is a loan and now you are talking about guarantees? It is a good way to cover up your lies.

Till now you haven't presented any source to prove your claims at least come up with a source.
And who is telling me this?? The citizen of a rapist nation?? Beta India debt to GDP ratio equals to 65% of GDP while Pakistan debt to GDP ratio is 59.3% of GDP so India is more on rent.. Ja kr pehly kuch knowledge hasil kar...

The journey of a nation India in which cows are more important than women and human beings... A legacy worth remembering..

When comparing debt you need to factor in reserves ?
Compare Pakistan FOREX with India's FOREX
I want you to read your post again, and tell me if you believe even one word of it. :P

Have you ever heard of China's strategic oil reserves (not including China's own natural oil reserves)? The strategic reserves will last more than half a year alone, not even counting China's pipelines to Russia and Central Asia, or oil producers such as Canada, Venezuela, Indonesia and Malaysia? How long can the Indian Navy hold off the PLAN and China's ASBM force? How long can the Indian Airforce and Army hold off in Northeast India and Ladakh?

Every post of yours I have read relating to the current Sino-Indian standoff gives the impression that India is vastly ahead, and that China stands no chance in a border conflict, when basic reality points to the complete opposite.

But sure, let's see if India can really destroy China's economy in 1-2 weeks. Just don't be disappointed when reality hits.

You have 2 months worth strategic oil reserves,trying to extend it to 3 months by 2020.That will keep u from shutting down as a nation,but ur export economy will crash anyway.We can hold off the PLAN and its casino carrier endlessly,not only that we can slaughter PLAN around andaman if it tries to enter.You have absolutely no chance in IOR and u know it.ASBM ,yes plz wake us up when u actually test it on a naval target and not a static object in gobi desert.

Our airforce has OBOGS on all its jets,urs only a handful.Rest will fight handicapped.In any event u can bring perhaps 1/3rd of ur airforce into the conflict at one time due to limited number of bases in tibet.Also taking off from tibet ur planes have no terrain cover and easily visible on radar.Our side has landscape advantage in terrain masking.As for army,ur highways and rail lines into tibet will be gone day 1.After that u can send a million men and they will starve.Our forces are dug in,battle hardened in mountain conditions and have defensive advantage in mountains (8-9:1 needed in mountains).China's only advantage is rapid mobilization(for a couple more years),which would only work in a surprise attack.But here forces are already on standoff,each side watching the others moves intently.You cant surprise us,we have 50 k in sikkim alone.

In 1962 you had surprise,equipment advantage(automatic rifles against bolt action rifles),8:1 numerical advantage and the veteran forces of korea and civil war.And even then you had to withdraw as your supply line broke down.Now you have nothing.Your green rookies have never even fought a real mountain war.We fought in kargil against uphill conditions,we live in siachen day in and out,and conduct ops in these conditions as a matter of regularity.We have 11 dedicated mountain divisions solely for this task,almost all of them raised after 1962.Many of these consist of native personnel recruited from these areas themselves -gurkha, kumaon, garhwal, dogra, tibetan elements.Our High altitude warfare school is amongst the best in the world.US special forces trained here ,as did russians,UK,germans and israelis.So we are not worried.
You have 2 months worth strategic oil reserves,trying to extend it to 3 months by 2020.That will keep u from shutting down as a nation,but ur export economy will crash anyway.We can hold off the PLAN and its casino carrier endlessly,not only that we can slaughter PLAN around andaman if it tries to enter.You have absolutely no chance in IOR and u know it.ASBM ,yes plz wake us up when u actually test it on a naval target and not a static object in gobi desert.

Our airforce has OBOGS on all its jets,urs only a handful.Rest will fight handicapped.In any event u can bring perhaps 1/3rd of ur airforce into the conflict at one time due to limited number of bases in tibet.Also taking off from tibet ur planes have no terrain cover and easily visible on radar.Our side has landscape advantage in terrain masking.As for army,ur highways and rail lines into tibet will be gone day 1.After that u can send a million men and they will starve.Our forces are dug in,battle hardened in mountain conditions and have defensive advantage in mountains (8-9:1 needed in mountains).China's only advantage is rapid mobilization(for a couple more years),which would only work in a surprise attack.But here forces are already on standoff,each side watching the others moves intently.You cant surprise us,we have 50 k in sikkim alone.

In 1962 you had surprise,equipment advantage(automatic rifles against bolt action rifles),8:1 numerical advantage and the veteran forces of korea and civil war.And even then you had to withdraw as your supply line broke down.Now you have nothing.Your green rookies have never even fought a real mountain war.We fought in kargil against uphill conditions,we live in siachen day in and out,and conduct ops in these conditions as a matter of regularity.We have 11 dedicated mountain divisions solely for this task,almost all of them raised after 1962.Many of these consist of native personnel recruited from these areas themselves -gurkha, kumaon, garhwal, dogra, tibetan elements.Our High altitude warfare school is amongst the best in the world.US special forces trained here ,as did russians,UK,germans and israelis.So we are not worried.

So again, you are claiming that India has a massive advantage over China, when in reality the opposite is true. :lol:

Do you know that China's border infrastructure reaches all the way to the LaC, whereas the Indian border infrastructure doesn't reach it, meaning that Indian soldiers will have to trek for several days over extremely mountainous terrain just to reach the fight?

How do you expect them to win in that scenario? Not to mention the fact that even their basic infantry equipment is lacking? They will arrive several days late, completely exhausted, with severely lacking equipment.

It's clear that you have no interest in an objective assessment of the situation, which is fine. But ask any objective outsider and they will tell you that China has a colossal advantage over India, maybe even some Indians will accept this basic reality.

Now you have nothing.

Very objective analysis. China has nothing, I guess that's all you have to say. :enjoy:

India started the MMRCA to remedy the fact that India had less than half the required squadrons in their airforce, this was back in 2001.

It's now 2017 and the situation is the same, except they are now hoping to order some F-16's post 2020.

China's submarine force alone, outnumbers all of India's submarines+destroyers+frigates combined.

Forget that, India doesn't even have the basics in hand, like border infrastructure, modern infantry equipment and artillery. India claims they have learned the lessons of 1962 but they clearly have not, they are poking China while in a state of extreme military weakness.

No wonder this extreme overreaction to anything that might possibly threaten their Chicken's Neck corridor.
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So again, you are claiming that India has a massive advantage over China, when in reality the opposite is true. :lol:

Do you know that China's border infrastructure reaches all the way to the LaC, whereas the Indian border infrastructure doesn't reach it, meaning that Indian soldiers will have to trek for several days over extremely mountainous terrain just to reach the fight?

How do you expect them to win in that scenario? Not to mention the fact that even their basic infantry equipment is lacking? They will arrive several days late, completely exhausted, with severely lacking equipment.

It's clear that you have no interest in an objective assessment of the situation, which is fine. But ask any objective outsider and they will tell you that China has a colossal advantage over India, maybe even some Indians will accept this basic reality.

Very objective analysis. China has nothing, I guess that's all you have to say. :enjoy:

India started the MMRCA to remedy the fact that India had less than half the required squadrons in their airforce, this was back in 2001.

It's now 2017 and the situation is the same, except they are now hoping to order some F-16's post 2020.

China's submarine force alone, outnumbers all of India's submarines+destroyers+frigates combined.

Forget that, India doesn't even have the basics in hand, like border infrastructure, modern infantry equipment and artillery. India claims they have learned the lessons of 1962 but they clearly have not, they are poking China while in a state of extreme military weakness.

No wonder this extreme overreaction to anything that might possibly threaten their Chicken's Neck corridor.

That infrastructure will help you in mobilization before war,u can concentrate much faster,but once war begins you can't sustain ur troops as your road and rail links will be gone.Then you are the ones trapped and starving.We are fighting on home turf.Sikkim and arunachal are our bases.You are fighting thousands of miles away from your core.You have large advantage on paper and in a straight fight on the plains.But in these conditions on the mountains,your green troops will face our dug in veteran mountain specialists.

In the airforce,none of that changes the fact that all our modern jets have OBOGS and optimized for high altitude warfare,while bulk of ur jets lack them and will fight handicapped with low range,payload and performance.In any case you can only use 30-40% of your total airforce effectively from the bases in tibet and chengdu.

Coming to the navy,ming class are hopelessly obsolete.Kilos and Song class can't operate in IOR as they lack AIP and will be sitting ducks because they have to surface frequently to charge their batteries.Yuan is the only diesel sub that can operate though it will be one way trip due to endurance shortage.This is not peacetime where you will move at periscope depth openly in the IOR or dock at neutral ports.That leaves ur highly noisy SSN fleet,not a problem for us.We pick them up regularly.And have agreement with USA on info sharing on movement of your submarines in IOR.Our new P-8Is will have a jolly time.Our newest ships are now fitted with ACTAS atlas active towed sonar,so no problem.Meanwhile ur oil tankers will be sunk as usual.

Our position is not 'extremely weak'.Our main problem in border areas is we lack offensive power,that is what the strike corps will bring.Defensively we are good as it is.

It is china poking India,not the other way around.If China can't recognize india's sensitivity in the siliguri corridor region,it is simply futile to negotiate with them.That is why we have taken action and bulldozed ur construction.Act responsibly and this wouldn't have happened.
Nope,you don't have superior logistics at all,import-export has nothing to do with it.Your logistics in tibet is most vulnerable due to limited roads and rail transport over the few links u have built and will be taken out day 1 by brahmos batteries.Then your MLRS are shoot a few salvoes and useless.Moreover u can't move ur tracked MLRS on mountain roads,easy to take out as they cant be camoflaged,highly inaccurate except the limited numbers of special rounds,and can't penetrate heavy bunkers without limited numbers of thermobaric warheads if they are available.Its our infantry that will win ,dug-in and veteran dedicated mountain divisions against ur rookies.To win in mountain conditions u need 8-9:1 superiority that u achieved in 1962.Now,you have no chance.Meanwhile our navy will slaughter ur hapless tankers in IOR.If PLAN tries to send a armada with its casino carrier which goes out to sea as a PR exercise,it will be sunk all hands lost before andaman.Economy kaput in 1-2 weeks.

The only way to prove your point is for India to start a war against China. US will support India with supplies. The only question is whether India got balls.
That infrastructure will help you in mobilization before war,u can concentrate much faster,but once war begins you can't sustain ur troops as your road and rail links will be gone.Then you are the ones trapped and starving.We are fighting on home turf.Sikkim and arunachal are our bases.You are fighting thousands of miles away from your core.You have large advantage on paper and in a straight fight on the plains.But in these conditions on the mountains,your green troops will face our dug in veteran mountain specialists.

In the airforce,none of that changes the fact that all our modern jets have OBOGS and optimized for high altitude warfare,while bulk of ur jets lack them and will fight handicapped with low range,payload and performance.In any case you can only use 30-40% of your total airforce effectively from the bases in tibet and chengdu.

Coming to the navy,ming class are hopelessly obsolete.Kilos and Song class can't operate in IOR as they lack AIP and will be sitting ducks because they have to surface frequently to charge their batteries.Yuan is the only diesel sub that can operate though it will be one way trip due to endurance shortage.This is not peacetime where you will move at periscope depth openly in the IOR or dock at neutral ports.That leaves ur highly noisy SSN fleet,not a problem for us.We pick them up regularly.And have agreement with USA on info sharing on movement of your submarines in IOR.Our new P-8Is will have a jolly time.Our newest ships are now fitted with ACTAS atlas active towed sonar,so no problem.Meanwhile ur oil tankers will be sunk as usual.

Our position is not 'extremely weak'.Our main problem in border areas is we lack offensive power,that is what the strike corps will bring.Defensively we are good as it is.

It is china poking India,not the other way around.If China can't recognize india's sensitivity in the siliguri corridor region,it is simply futile to negotiate with them.That is why we have taken action and bulldozed ur construction.Act responsibly and this wouldn't have happened.

What a long Bollywood script, Tibet can virtual supply all army need such food and water in exception of men and weapons, and China military supply chain is much easier that India that rely on import weapons...and Tibet cities are now more modern than majority Indian cities to offer our solders a better living place...what a joke to claim that we have to fight thousand mile when we're just at India door step.
And who is telling me this?? The citizen of a rapist nation?? Beta India debt to GDP ratio equals to 65% of GDP while Pakistan debt to GDP ratio is 59.3% of GDP so India is more on rent.. Ja kr pehly kuch knowledge hasil kar...

The journey of a nation India in which cows are more important than women and human beings... A legacy worth remembering..
and here comes the sanctimonious himself from a country which have no industrial capacity .you talk about human rights ,albeit it doesn't suits you
how many people of other religion reside in pakistan, what was the % of hindus in 1947 and what it remains now?
so u better don't dare to lecture of anything related to human as u guys are the worst .i think u might remember blasphemy law ,ahmadiya sect,using jet on your own people .
every times us drones violates you guys with impunity so for all practical purpose you can imagine your standing in the world order i think your position will not be much different from north korea.
by the way whats the steel capacity of pakistan??
suparco what is it???
space and pakistan are oxymoron
any company worth sharing
all your businessman seems to be selling amrud
What a long Bollywood script, Tibet can virtual supply all army need such food and water in exception of men and weapons, and China military supply chain is much easier that India that rely on import weapons...and Tibet cities are now more modern than majority Indian cities to offer our solders a better living place...what a joke to claim that we have to fight thousand mile when we're just at India door step.

It is because they don't view Tibet as integral part of China. They firmly believe that sooner or later they will be able to snatch Tibet away from China. Now it's up to China to put this fantasy to rest once and for all.
US belongs to Neo Con and white elite.
Keep dreaming that..The party is over for China..Time to pay your dues.

They lose due to incompetence. And they will lose again

Please don't go there my friend. Do you even know our capability? Only desperate turd world countries like NK will threaten nuke war because they can't win in a conventional war. Losers!
Tell that to you Besties!..You just compared them to NK..thank you....The losers will be you!...That is what we want.
Keep dreaming that..The party is over for China..Time to pay your dues.

Tell that to you Besties!..You just compared them to NK..thank you....The losers will be you!...That is what we want.
The one dreaming is you. You think you Indians will eventually sit same level with the elite American white and Neo Con? LOL.. The Indians are just being make use of by American and you brag as some glory? :lol:
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