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China and India each deploy 3,000 troops Border face-off

The show is not over yet, Why are you so hurry to be beaten? :enjoy:

Construction will definitely go on, it just a matter of time. India soldier will go back and the road will still be build. Has China say, they will not continue to build it?

There will be no road,not in this area.Its simply too sensitive for india.Just look at the map.

You are trying to build a road that can carry armour from chambi valley into doklam plateau.We can't allow it,it directly threatens our siliguri corridor.This is not some barren post in ladakh desert area,this threatens entire N-E.
You will pack up and leave like a good boy,nothing else.You are outmatched in the region we have around 50 k troops in sikkim alone and have the high ground with our artillery looking down on chinese positions in chambi valley(yatung area).Our troops are dug in ,surround yours from both sides ,have the high ground and are far more battle hardened.PRC knows this,and that is why the show is over.Now we will give them a face saver so they can extract themselves out of this mess,without being completely humiliated ,which they will show to the world and domestic public and then hush up the issue.
There will be no road,not in this area.Its simply too sensitive for india.Just look at the map.

You are trying to build a road that can carry armour from chambi valley into doklam plateau.We can't allow it,it directly threatens our siliguri corridor.This is not some barren post in ladakh desert area,this threatens entire N-E.
You will pack up and leave like a good boy,nothing else.You are outmatched in the region we have around 50 k troops in sikkim alone and have the high ground with our artillery looking down on chinese positions in chambi valley(yatung area).Our troops are dug in ,surround yours from both sides ,have the high ground and are far more battle hardened.PRC knows this,and that is why the show is over.Now we will give them a face saver so they can extract themselves out of this mess,without being completely humiliated ,which they will show to the world and domestic public and then hush up the issue.
Yes, we will trap all your 50,000 soldiers and wiped them out in the biggest massacre in history.. Like it or not, its our territories. Even we want to put nuke there is our business. The show is not over and China did not say it will abandon the plan to build road and yet Indian cheerleaders are bragging for massacre for their soldiers.

Dont worry, if you want hell. China is always ready for you, indian. Just make sure, you dont run out of bullets as we know you still need to import them :enjoy:

Nope!..ATUM BUMB!..lol

Now time for US to whack Han Chinese!..lol
US will watch the good show. You really think US is stupid to join this game? US is just treating Indians like slave. Do their bidding. US belongs to Neo Con and white elite.
There will be no road,not in this area.Its simply too sensitive for india.Just look at the map.

You are trying to build a road that can carry armour from chambi valley into doklam plateau.We can't allow it,it directly threatens our siliguri corridor.This is not some barren post in ladakh desert area,this threatens entire N-E.
You will pack up and leave like a good boy,nothing else.You are outmatched in the region we have around 50 k troops in sikkim alone and have the high ground with our artillery looking down on chinese positions in chambi valley(yatung area).Our troops are dug in ,surround yours from both sides ,have the high ground and are far more battle hardened.PRC knows this,and that is why the show is over.Now we will give them a face saver so they can extract themselves out of this mess,without being completely humiliated ,which they will show to the world and domestic public and then hush up the issue.

LMAO...what a pretentious claim, sure Indian army is well position and prepare but nothing prevent China to bring reinforcement to balance your force. And since we know India's sensitivity we can rub some salt on India's pain in this region :P. And if someone care to take a look on these rivers, the one is very close to the flash point, if China decide not to let water go, all Indian army will have to find water supply elsewhere:lol:

Bhutan is already at our mercy without fire a single shot
Yes, we will trap all your 50,000 soldiers and wiped them out in the biggest massacre in history.. Like it or not, its our territories. Even we want to put nuke there is our business. The show is not over and China did not say it will abandon the plan to build road and yet Indian cheerleaders are bragging for massacre for their soldiers.

Dont worry, if you want hell. China is always ready for you, indian. Just make sure, you dont run out of bullets as we know you still need to import them :enjoy:

US will watch the good show. You really think US is stupid to join this game? US is just treating Indians like slave. Do their bidding. US belongs to Neo Con and white elite.

Nope ,you are already surrounded on both sides with our artillery looking down on your green forces in the valley.Ours are dug in and battle hardened.Bring it.Meanwhile our navy will sink every chinese oil tanker in IOR,economy gone 1-2 weeks.Chinese cant do anything here.
Nope ,you are already surrounded on both sides with our artillery looking down on your green forces in the valley.Ours are dug in and battle hardened.Bring it.Meanwhile our navy will sink every chinese oil tanker in IOR,economy gone 1-2 weeks.Chinese cant do anything here.
You and your big mouth. Our ABSM will ensure non of Indian warship will be safe in IO, we all know India artillery quality , still debating about the bofor gun? :lol:

China dont use artillery. We deploy long range MRL(120km-300km) that outrange any of your arty and it can be deploy quickly and provide multi shot with all precision strike aided by our own Beidou II GPS which is far responsive and superior than US GPS. India arty still depend on search radar and manual sighting or hit. Night capabilities of Indian army is a massive big question.

Nope ,you are already surrounded on both sides with our artillery looking down on your green forces in the valley.Ours are dug in and battle hardened.Bring it.Meanwhile our navy will sink every chinese oil tanker in IOR,economy gone 1-2 weeks.Chinese cant do anything here.

LMAO, China can make India navy-less just by position our DF-21D over Tibet plateau, all Indian navy combattant, oil tanker and merchant ships will become a turkey shoot. Thank to Tibet, India is eternally at China's mercy. And to make matter worst for India, we can declare ADIZ over New Delhi with our new introduce S-400 or long range AA missile carried by J-16, Modi will have to beg PLA ATC for landing.

There will be no road,not in this area.Its simply too sensitive for india.Just look at the map.

You are trying to build a road that can carry armour from chambi valley into doklam plateau.We can't allow it,it directly threatens our siliguri corridor.This is not some barren post in ladakh desert area,this threatens entire N-E.
You will pack up and leave like a good boy,nothing else.You are outmatched in the region we have around 50 k troops in sikkim alone and have the high ground with our artillery looking down on chinese positions in chambi valley(yatung area).Our troops are dug in ,surround yours from both sides ,have the high ground and are far more battle hardened.PRC knows this,and that is why the show is over.Now we will give them a face saver so they can extract themselves out of this mess,without being completely humiliated ,which they will show to the world and domestic public and then hush up the issue.
I can feel your fear n anxiety.

LMAO, China can make India navy-less just by position our DF-21D over Tibet plateau, all Indian navy combattant, oil tanker and merchant ships will become a turkey shoot. Thank to Tibet, India is eternally at China's mercy. And to make matter worst for India, we can declare ADIZ over New Delhi with our new introduce S-400 or long range AA missile carried by J-16, Modi will have to beg PLA ATC for landing.


I remember reading in an article about a comment that either Mao zedong or Zhou Enlai made- saying that India would be easily dealt with simply by having 1billion Chinese pissing into the rivers that flow into India from Tibet
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You and your big mouth. Our ABSM will ensure non of Indian warship will be safe in IO, we all know India artillery quality , still debating about the bofor gun? :lol:

China dont use artillery. We deploy long range MRL(120km-300km) that outrange any of your arty and it can be deploy quickly and provide multi shot with all precision strike aided by our own Beidou II GPS which is far responsive and superior than US GPS. India arty still depend on search radar and manual sighting or hit. Night capabilities of Indian army is a massive big question.

Thats your folly,MLRS best in plains.In mountains infantry and conventional artillery still best.Because MLRS except special rounds inaccurate,use up all ammunition quickly and create tremendous logistical pressure ,thus lacking in sustained fire,lack penetration against hardened bunkers unless using thermobaric warheads.They also need roads for movement while artillery can be transported anywhere and deployed on most rugged terrain,also far easier to camoflage.That is why in afghanisthan mountain fighting,USA found MLRS was not enough even with their precision rockets,they brought in old tube artillery.Most important of all our artillery has the high ground.India also uses satellites,lol on urs being better than USA.Dont get that biased,even for a fanboy.All our modern jets have OBOGS optimized for high altitude warfare and we have experience in this area too.Bulk of ur jets don't have OBOGS and are handicapped .
We use weapon tracking radars for our artillery which we inducted after lessons from kargil.And our troops are battle hardened,yours are rookies with no real experience.In 1962 u had the veterans of korea and civil war,as well as surprise,automatic weapons and 8 :1 numbers.Now u have nothing.

You have no defense against our navy which will sink ur oil tankers in IOR with impunity,in 1-2 weeks chinese economy finished.Ur ASBM:rofl:.The one which u tested against a huge static target in the gobi desert?Ha haha.
LMAO, China can make India navy-less just by position our DF-21D over Tibet plateau, all Indian navy combattant, oil tanker and merchant ships will become a turkey shoot. Thank to Tibet, India is eternally at China's mercy. And to make matter worst for India, we can declare ADIZ over New Delhi with our new introduce S-400 or long range AA missile carried by J-16, Modi will have to beg PLA ATC for landing.

The Indian army still fighting with outdated doctrine. They deploy large number of in that region and see no PLA doing the same. Thinking PLA will be easily wipe out since PLA is outgunned.

PLA doctrine is now more going on high tech precision strike MRL, they are mobile and very long range which can hit target up to 290km plus their rapid salvo is another advantage. Our the war started, these PLA MRL will quickly appear from their bunker hidden from Indian and engage them safe from 100km to 200km distance.

Indian army longest range is the limited Russian imported SMERCH while China has plenty of MRL from A100 to CX-400 all made by China. Indian army has no chance against Chinese barrage.
I can feel your fear n anxiety.

I remember reading in an article about a comment that either Mao zedong or Zhou Enlai made- saying that India would be easily dealt with simply by having 1billion Chinese pissing into the rivers that flow into India from Tibet

Fear and anxiety are good.It keeps one paranoid and alert,and away from idealistic foolishness like nehru hindi-chini bhai bhai.It is not just India that is anxious though.China fears encirclement no matter how hard they try to conceal it.Thats why everytime we make a gesture of coming close to usa,chinese govt/state media issues funny statements.

The Indian army still fighting with outdated doctrine. They deploy large number of in that region and see no PLA doing the same. Thinking PLA will be easily wipe out since PLA is outgunned.

PLA doctrine is now more going on high tech precision strike MRL, they are mobile and very long range which can hit target up to 290km plus their rapid salvo is another advantage. Our the war started, these PLA MRL will quickly appear from their bunker hidden from Indian and engage them safe from 100km to 200km distance.

Indian army longest range is the limited Russian imported SMERCH while China has plenty of MRL from A100 to CX-400 all made by China. Indian army has no chance against Chinese barrage.

Useless, for the factors i stated earlier.Those tactics don't work in mountains.In mountains its the infantryman and the tube artillery that rules.We learnt this in kargil,USA learnt this in afghanisthan.Don't worry we will teach the chinese rookies this lesson if they want.
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