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China and India: A war of giants

Until then Balwinder, you can keep calling Chinese people "slit-eyed".

Typical racist Indian. :rofl:

Wow and you say Chinese are not racist with Indian members here ?

Just because we don't childishly save those posts does not mean it doesn't happen , you typical hypocrit. ( i won't call your entire race names because i am mature enough to understand that every Chinese is not like you)
Another India China war thread Yawn ? Again war would destroy both of your Economies . have you ever thought of that ? China still has 10-15 years before it will be able to Rival the US and India should help it's poor who are in the 300-500 millions solve the Kashmir dispute and being peace to the region solve your corruption problems, I hear Indian politicians would sell their own mothers for money, war between China and India will have one winner the WEST.
I have a gut feeling that china will never let open war with Indian to happen..it will keep Indian cornered as a second class power of asia forever by boosting Sino-West and Sino-Middle east PR.
LOL, there is no India China war. India needs to develop and that too at a first rate. As long, there is no trouble in Arunachal or Kashmir, i dont see a India China clash.
LOL, there is no India China war. India needs to develop and that too at a first rate. As long, there is no trouble in Arunachal or Kashmir, i dont see a India China clash.

India will be utterly crushed by China+Pakistan combined.

India has no chance of winning at all. Even China on its own, is too much for India.
India will be utterly crushed by China+Pakistan combined.

India has no chance of winning at all. Even China on its own, is too much for India.

Please then, why dont you take Aruncahal Pradesh.:lol: India has enough Arsenal now to take the war on for months as compared to 1962. Please be realistic.
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