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China and India: A war of giants

China is trying to compete with USA then why not befriend India to achive its goal, leaving India as Asian leader and China can become a World leader with Indian cooperation. Why is it not possible?? Friendly releations with India is benificial for China rather than what PAK can offer:undecided:

Pakistan offers total consent to anything China wants or does.
India agrees with China on certain issues but not all.
Pakistan offers total consent to anything China wants or does.
India agrees with China on certain issues but not all.

Valid Point:tup: But 50% cooperation from a thriving economy is good when compared to 100% cooperation from a country which is struggling. China need PAK to counter India. When there is no enimity with India then PAK importance is very less:unsure:
Valid Point:tup: But 50% cooperation from a thriving economy is good when compared to 100% cooperation from a country we is struggling. China need PAK to counter India. When there is no enimity with India then PAK importance is very less:unsure:

Actually its the other way around, if India-Pakistan ties improve ,Improvement in Sino-Indian ties will follow.
Actually its the other way around, if India-Pakistan ties improve ,Improvement in Sino-Indian ties will follow.

I agree with you:agree: But the hatred between India & PAK is very deep rooted and there are way lot of issues need to be addressed to achive it:devil:. However India & china case is different
Dont forget they have missles too..
And to all the wet dreamers there would be no war between India and China i think both are mature enough and will not hamper their growth in stupid things:cheers:

the fact is,the media is always exaggerating the hostility between china and india,how do you think ahout it ?
1. Eric Margolis must know wars just don't happen. Wars are manufactured by the Money Barons who control the world.

2. Coming to technicalities in the event of an Indo-China war, the geographic situation of BD cannot be ignored. Why Eric Margolis has done it I cannot say. To maneuver large forces against China, India will have to use BD territory - which not even Awami League govt will allow. If an entry is forced then Indians will face the same plight that other invaders have faced in this delta. The last one ex Delhi was Gen Man Singh.

3. BD will more likely support China for a number of reasons.
A.Firstly India (that is, Brahmonic oligarchy of Delhi) is highly unpopular in BD. But China is popular.
b. India will definitely not leave peacefully once an entry has been made. No such apprehensions are held about China.
c. China would be viewed as the eventual winner and BD may obtain territorial benefits from a Chinese victory. Nothing of that sort is expected if India emerges victorious.
d.On the contrary BD and other small neighbors of a victorious India will be more harassed by her.

4. China has been building up BA's armored assets carefully. BA’s effort has always been to have qualitative superiority in armor. Presently it fares better than what IA can field. Beside upgrades of T59G and T69G, 100 pieces of T96G are in the pipeline. BA has also advance booked T99 MBTs. China has been helping BD constructing roads and bridges running north. BA would definitely like to dash north to join up with the Chinese drive through the passes. We are talking of a small distance really - 20 miles to 40 miles. The Siliguri Corridor is also called the Chicken's Neck. NE freedom fighters would be waiting for such an occurrence so that they can intensify their struggles. Obviously this would be an essential chapter of China’s strategy which she would have carefully worked out with BD.

5. I am not touching in detail the air or naval or even nuclear factors which require much analysis.
a.But BAF will depend on PLAA although BAF pilots have been flying F16s with TuAF. BAF Chief is visiting Turkey right now to see his boys.
b. BD’s Air Defs policy is to be deploy in a Swarming manner covering all of BD.
c.BN will adopt the Iranian Swarming Tac and the Chinese/N Korean Coastal def regimes. In the event of a war BD will have to accede to PLAN's request for bases.
d. If BD were to ally with India, then BD, being the AA and starting point of the L of C of Indian forces, would be a potential nuclear target for China.

6. Eric Margolis has ignored the Pakistan and Muslim factor in this forecast. With India busy in the north, the Muslims of the Indus valley will not miss the opportunity to invite, yet once again, their brethren in West and Central Asia, to come forward and rescue sub- continental Muslims from ethnic cleansing.

7. But let us hope there is no Indo-China war. Let us hope leaders of these countries can withstand the pressures from the Western Christian Civilization (WCC) to promote an Asian conflagration. At worse it will bring the non-white population down. But let us hope and pray that this is just an speculative output of Eric.
As a Muslim I pray to Allah SWT that this does not happen.

Brahmonic Oligarchy of Delhi- BOD
Western Christian Civilization- WCC
These terms need to be noted down for future reference of trolls. Just like TSP is used in Bharat Rakshak.

You should be appointed a field-marshal. The simple Airplanes and Ships of Indian Armed Forces will no match for your "swarms".:no:
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