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China and Bhutan reach deal on Himalayan border talks ‘in test for India’

China literally had famines in the late 50s. Either way, China and India were roughly comparable in development until probably the 80s.

Read these. India was desperate for food aid from the US for most part of the 20th century. Today we are dependent on the US for the jobs.

Food as a Diplomatic Weapon: The India Wheat Loan of 1951

Swallowing the humiliation


That's why India would do whatever it needs to grasp the opportunity offered by US to become next China. Which includes provoking China. As US needed.

In spite of being desperate, India never took any harmful steps against China. Even today we are dependent on the US for jobs but still continue to oppose joining a military alliance against China. India does not see China as an enemy.

Before Doklam standoff in 2017, China infrastructure in Tibet was so so, and only couple of thousands of soldiers on the front line. In Peace mode.
After Doklam standoff in 2017, China speeded up infrastructure building in Tibet in an extraordinary pace. Investment on road & railway per year was ten times larger. In War mode.

Before Doklam standoff in 2017, China western theater has the poorest and oldest military equipment, the upgrade is low priority. In Peace mode.
After Doklam standoff in 2017, China western theater military upgrade speeded up quickly. Type-15 tanks are just one of many new equipments. In War mode.

Before 2019, India was cutting military budget, and invest on domestic military complex. In Peace mode.
After 2019, Defence Secretary of India had multiple trips around the world, busy on buying Israel/Russia/US/France expensive toys. In War mode.
Trump wanted to use "quad" to start a war with China. US military brass milley calling china before Trump kicked out of office only highlights the seriousness. Nobody in the us military wanted war with china. Last year, uss roserfelt captain Crozier broke command rank to send ac back to Guam prior to Galwan incident. And not because of covid, which masquerade a serious potential conflict in the region. Crozier conveniently used covid excuse to deflect a potential war in the pacific. War was imminent last year, as it is now. The difference is Biden thinks Quad is useless and went ahead with Aukus, "quad" Is for show now. Xi wants war with India now with China catching up in preparedness.
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