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China amends rules to improve Party work in armed forces

In a parliamentary system, the winning party's head becomes the prime minister. The MPs are voted in by the people, and no such election exists in China. The saying that ordinary people in China can vote is the biggest lie that I have ever heard. I lived in multiple cities in China and never heard of such election. You never look at the state television and wonder how those singers and celebrities got to be "people's represenantive"? Why should people who disagree with the government move away? Are they not entitled to a say in their own country?

Unlike some people, I will not sing praises for the CCP and pretend everything is working fine. The Communist Party is NOT China. In fact, they attempted to destroy China's culture.

Look, if you haven't heard of an election, that's your problem. Lots of people on Baidu say, they have even voted in these elections. I'm not going to contest the existence of these elections with you. Whether these elections are useful or not is another story. Lots of people don't sing praise for the CPC. Lots of people actively insult it, from within China and from without. If you want to do something about it though, you're going to have to rebel. The CPC won't hang you the way the PAP does. They have lethal injection now.
So what ? A revolution because you don't like them?
Last time the people attempted such, they got put down by tanks and gunfire. As long as CCP has its grip on the military, no one is allowed to threaten their power.
Last time the people attempted such, they got put down by tanks and gunfire. As long as CCP has its grip on the military, no one is allowed to threaten their power.

Yeah well better the CCP than those students. You're being naive if you think they could have helped China.
The Chinese national assembly is a rubber stamp, and no matter how you want to cover it up, it is an entity controlled by CCP. The decisions are made in the poliburo by a few influential men and the country is run according to their will. Poliburo wants them to put on a show, they put on a show.

No mafia criminals sitting in the Congress? Really? You say that with a straight face? How much money do you think Li Peng embezzled? Why do you think the sons and daughters of each presidents are rich?

Li Peng was 18 years ago. You're going to say that the sons and daughters of US presidents are poor? Why are THEY rich? Why is Bush Jr. rich? They're rich because if you get to be president you have connections and connections make money. Name 1 leader's children who are poor, just 1?
Lots of people don't sing praise for the CPC. Lots of people actively insult it, from within China and from without. If you want to do something about it though, you're going to have to rebel. The CPC won't hang you the way the PAP does. They have lethal injection now.
Right, so you can complain but not too loud. You're going to get killed or jail if you try to oppose the government. Sounds like a lovely system doesn't it?
Last time the people attempted such, they got put down by tanks and gunfire. As long as CCP has its grip on the military, no one is allowed to threaten their power.

Airstrikes would've been more economical. 1 anti-personel cluster bomb would've cleared the square no problem and you can write it off as an accident.
Li Peng was 18 years ago. You're going to say that the sons and daughters of US presidents are poor? Why are THEY rich? Why is Bush Jr. rich? They're rich because if you get to be president you have connections and connections make money. Name 1 leader's children who are poor, just 1?
You just said there were no criminal mafias in Congress, and now this? Sounds like a change of story to me. Corruption and patronage have nothing to do with the leaders being wealthy right?

Actually, just who is going to touch the presidents for corruption? The courts controlled by the party?
Right, so you can complain but not too loud. You're going to get killed or jail if you try to oppose the government. Sounds like a lovely system doesn't it?

Why single out China? Why not talk about Singapore? They have the same system. It works great for them. Who said you get killed or go to jail for opposing the government? The western media? Ai Weiwei is one of the most hardcore anti-China liars and self hating racists out there, he's still walking and talking in Beijing all the time.
Airstrikes would've been more economical. 1 anti-personel cluster bomb would've cleared the square no problem and you can write it off as an accident.
So glad to have ardent CCP supporter such as yourself presenting the idea of using cluster bombs against your own kins.
You just said there were no criminal mafias in Congress, and now this? Sounds like a change of story to me. Corruption and patronage have nothing to do with the leaders being wealthy right?

Actually, just who is going to touch the presidents for corruption? The courts controlled by the party?

They're not part of a mafia nor are they criminals as in, they broke a law. I'm not going to argue with you what the definition of using connections to your advantage are. This is turning into a stupid argument, every time on Chinese forums people talk about democracy, it turns into this stupid argument over definitions by both sides.
Why single out China? Why not talk about Singapore? They have the same system. It works great for them. Who said you get killed or go to jail for opposing the government? The western media? Ai Weiwei is one of the most hardcore anti-China liars and self hating racists out there, he's still walking and talking in Beijing all the time.
Why single out China? What kind of question is that? Because it is my home country? Call me selfish, but I don't care what happens in Singapore.

Yes one guy that still walks around is a shining example of the openess of CCP. You know Garry Kasparov is still walking around in Russia. That must mean Russian government is tolerant of dissent.
Why single out China? What kind of question is that? Because it is my home country? Call me selfish, but I don't care what happens in Singapore.

Yes one guy that still walks around is a shining example of the openess of CCP. You know Garry Kasparov is still walking around in Russia. That must mean Russian government is tolerant of dissent.

Russia is also a "democracy" with "voting".
Yeah well better the CCP than those students. You're being naive if you think they could have helped China.
No, I did not think those students who have made very good leaders either. However, they were voicing their opinion and obviously they had enough support. Sending out tanks and troops to steamroll them? Smooth move.
Russia is also a "democracy" with "voting".
No one in their serious mind considers Russia a democracy. Iraq under Saddam had voting in which he wins 98% of votes.

Fair election a foreign concept to you?
Well you could look at it as a meritocracy that still needs work.
Problem is that it's not a meritocracy, but an oligarchy whose leaders use patronage to bring their friends/relatives to high positions. 太子党 are what they are called.
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