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China amends rules to improve Party work in armed forces

Voting doesn't actually mean anything is being done. I vote for class president too! Does that mean I have any power (or even the president has any power)? NO! The teacher has power. Who told you that voting does anything? BTW anyone can vote in China as well but it's just as useless as it is in the US. All you need to do is register at the place of your residence as stated on your Hukou. There are also something like 50% more candidates than seats so you can filter out the worst mafia criminals but it's still useless. Here's the website that tells you everything you need to know.


Also, if inner party democracy doesn't work, France is not a democracy either. There are more party members than French people so if 70 million isn't enough for democracy neither is France.

Here's how one person said it:


Inner party democracy is the biggest oxymoron that's been sold as political concept. It is essentially a few dozen powerful poliburo members with a paramount leader at the top. You may as well argue that a feudal European society is a democracy since the it was "democracy amongst nobles". Oligarchy is what it is, and no amount of praises for the CCP will change the fact. China is NOT a democracy, not even close. The American government at both Federal and State level could be voted out of office. Can you say the same for CCP? What if I don't like the CCP and wants to vote other parties? Before you cite those small parties in China, let me remind you they are CCP controlled puppets.

You said everybody gets to vote in China? I don't remember anybody voting for Hu Jintao. I certainly don't remember anybody I know voting for any of the "People's represenatives" sitting in that rubber stamp of a national assembly. Dissidents are routinely monitored and jailed with vague charges in China. The judicial and legislative branches are little more than subordinates of the Party. If people had the wronged by the government, most of the time there are close to nothing they could do except in a few high profile cases.

Don't pretend everything is fine and dandy. 粉饰太平 does nothing to help China progress.
Inner party democracy is the biggest oxymoron that's been sold as political concept. It is essentially a few dozen powerful poliburo members with a paramount leader at the top. You may as well argue that a feudal European society is a democracy since the it was "democracy amongst nobles". Oligarchy is what it is, and no amount of praises for the CCP will change the fact. China is NOT a democracy, not even close. The American government at both Federal and State level could be voted out of office. Can you say the same for CCP? What if I don't like the CCP and wants to vote other parties? Before you cite those small parties in China, let me remind you they are CCP controlled puppets.

You said everybody gets to vote in China? I don't remember anybody voting for Hu Jintao. I certainly don't remember anybody I know voting for any of the "People's represenatives" sitting in that rubber stamp of a national assembly. Dissidents are routinely monitored and jailed with vague charges in China. The judicial and legislative branches are little more than subordinates of the Party. If people had the wronged by the government, most of the time there are close to nothing they could do except in a few high profile cases.

Don't pretend everything is fine and dandy. 粉饰太平 does nothing to help China progress.

Sir, You have a deep misunderstanding of China, Allow me to explain it for you. Why are we not interested in American-style democracy?

1. Chinese people believe that, Prosperous life important than a single vote. We know Western media hopes that China has a bloody revolution, to terminate the rise of China, but that is impossible. In history, a good economy national, no country will be a revolution. China is no exception.

2. Ordinary Chinese people can become president, but not through the media to get the seat. You have to start from the most junior civil servants, You must through capacity and effort been promoted again and again, So he is definitely not a fool who can be president.
So USA had some good president, for example: Clinton, Bush(old)...and USA also had some bad president, for example(only my opinion): Bush(young), Obama...But the China National policy is very stable.

3. Wall Street can control USA gov through the media.
For example, family planning, state-owned enterprises reform, etc... these policies all can not implemented in the USA. Because selfish media will destroy it all, and USA President also did not dare to do it. But China can do it!

4. Does Hu Jintao have term limits ? Yes, 10 Years.
Does China's rights by one person to master it? No, nine people rule the country together. Hu Jintao's State Rights a lot less than Obama.

5. China will continue to increase democracy politics? Yes, Of course. China's model of democracy will be Nordic. We will continue political reform, never stops.
Inner party democracy is the biggest oxymoron that's been sold as political concept. It is essentially a few dozen powerful poliburo members with a paramount leader at the top. You may as well argue that a feudal European society is a democracy since the it was "democracy amongst nobles". Oligarchy is what it is, and no amount of praises for the CCP will change the fact. China is NOT a democracy, not even close. The American government at both Federal and State level could be voted out of office. Can you say the same for CCP? What if I don't like the CCP and wants to vote other parties? Before you cite those small parties in China, let me remind you they are CCP controlled puppets.

You said everybody gets to vote in China? I don't remember anybody voting for Hu Jintao. I certainly don't remember anybody I know voting for any of the "People's represenatives" sitting in that rubber stamp of a national assembly. Dissidents are routinely monitored and jailed with vague charges in China. The judicial and legislative branches are little more than subordinates of the Party. If people had the wronged by the government, most of the time there are close to nothing they could do except in a few high profile cases.

Don't pretend everything is fine and dandy. 粉饰太平 does nothing to help China progress.

Who voted for Gordon Brown? No one. MPs voted for him. You say people you know never voted? They never bothered to do it. You can vote for different individual candidates, just that they're all CPC. Well, no, you don't. You vote for a council at the village/district level that votes for another smaller council at the city level that votes for another council at the province level that votes for NPC representatives. There. You don't actually vote directly for anyone of importance, see why no one bothers voting? If you don't like the CPC that's just too damn bad. What if you're in Singapore and don't like the PAP or the Lee family? Well, you got 3 choices: rebel and be hanged, move away, or live with it. China's the same way, just that Singapore's a US ally and doesn't get the same scrutiny. It is also one of the richest places in the world.

Did voting help India or Phillipines? No, it's just playing chair flipping with one mafia criminal after another. You think you can vote them out? Who told you you can vote them out? If they can vote the corrupt politicians out why are they still sitting there in the office stealing money?
How Chinese people think the USA? We do not trust the USA. If one politicians to accept USA's help, we will abandon him, we will think he is a traitor. For example, Liu Xiaobo, his political life has finished.
Liu Xiaobo received Western aid, so he will service the West interests, not our interest. We will not trust him.

Why is that so? China has a traditional Ruling Ideology, that is "内圣外王".
That is why most Chinese people do not trust the USA. Because the USA is that "内圣外王"! We are too familiar with the practice of the USA. We have 5,000 years to play "内圣外王".

What is "内圣外王"?
make easy, "内圣" is "protect own citizens, defend their interests", "外王" is "unfair treatment of foreign, implementation imperialism."
内圣外王 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
So USA democracy is only democracy in the American people. Other countries democratic, have or have not, the decision by the US's interests.

Therefore, Chinese people will see "Dictatorship" or "Democracy" as the USA to develop rules of the game.
Britons have rules "The transmission of civilization", use it to colonial the world.
Crusader have rules "Holy war", use it to invasion of the Middle East.
Ancient China also have rules "教化蛮夷", we certainly is not a good neighbor...

So We will not follow the rules of the USA, we will draw up own rules.
USA media can not deceive us. It wants us to do, not necessarily in our interest, just consistent with USA interests.
We will find own way, to develop new rules of the game, protect our own interests.
He honestly thinks that you can actually use democracy to limit corruption! What a joke! Mexico, India and Phillipines all have democracy yet how much of their GDP is in swiss banks? Singapore and Japan are or used to be 1 party states and are both developed nations!
Democracy is not completely useless. Don't look at the US, look at Hongkong.

Besides regardless the pro/cons of democracy, the rule of law is an absolute must.
Democracy is not completely useless. Don't look at the US, look at Hongkong.

Besides regardless the pro/cons of democracy, the rule of law is an absolute must.

Hong Kong is not a democracy nor has it ever been a democracy. The rule of law has nothing to do with democracy. Singapore has rule of law and is not a democracy. Mexico has rule of drug dealers and is a democracy.
Why the Western media crazy scream "China! Democracy! Revolution!"
Chinese people think so:
That is a direct result of elitist entitlement mentality, better known as superiority complex. China's continuing success challenges the beliefs of those who use those beliefs as a self-endowed privilege to lecture and/or belittle others.
The dynamic is very similar to how a teacher with years of experience has a student who does things completely opposite of what the teacher is trying to teach them, yet succeeds despite the warnings of the teacher. This makes the teacher look bad in front of all the other students and causes the teacher to lose authority.
This is the conundrum faced by all the brow beating journalists and free-press (but not free-thinking) media who have been beating various mantras for years that China demolishes with its glaring success. That's why you see free press (but not free-thinking) media do the 24/7 unconstructive criticism.
Twenty years ago, it might have been well meaning constructive criticism. However, today it's a blatant hidden wish that China has a bloody revolution.
Sir, You have a deep misunderstanding of China, Allow me to explain it for you. Why are we not interested in American-style democracy?

1. Chinese people believe that, Prosperous life important than a single vote. We know Western media hopes that China has a bloody revolution, to terminate the rise of China, but that is impossible. In history, a good economy national, no country will be a revolution. China is no exception.

2. Ordinary Chinese people can become president, but not through the media to get the seat. You have to start from the most junior civil servants, You must through capacity and effort been promoted again and again, So he is definitely not a fool who can be president.
So USA had some good president, for example: Clinton, Bush(old)...and USA also had some bad president, for example(only my opinion): Bush(young), Obama...But the China National policy is very stable.

3. Wall Street can control USA gov through the media.
For example, family planning, state-owned enterprises reform, etc... these policies all can not implemented in the USA. Because selfish media will destroy it all, and USA President also did not dare to do it. But China can!

4. Does Hu Jintao have term limits ? Yes, 10 Years.
Does China's rights by one person to master it? No, nine people rule the country together. Hu Jintao's State Rights a lot less than Obama.

5. China will continue to increase democracy politics? Yes, Of course. China's model of democracy will be Nordic.
I did not state China must borrow the American system. I simply stated that the so called "inner party democracy" is the biggest joke there is. Do you deny China is an authoritarian state run by an Oligarchy? Do you deny that the judiciary is subjected to the control of the CCP? Do you deny that the legislative branch is little more than a rubber stamp?

Certainly ordinary people can become president. Hell there were even examples of peasants being promoted to knighthood during the medieval ages, and street bums placed as high officials. Does that mean it is a good system? The CCP has been advertising democracy for the people for decades, even wrote a nice constitution. Every authoritarian regime tries to market itself as democratic, and CCP is no different.
Why the Western media crazy scream "China! Democracy! Revolution!"
Chinese people think so:
That is a direct result of elitist entitlement mentality, better known as superiority complex. China's continuing success challenges the beliefs of those who use those beliefs as a self-endowed privilege to lecture and/or belittle others.
The dynamic is very similar to how a teacher with years of experience has a student who does things completely opposite of what the teacher is trying to teach them, yet succeeds despite the warnings of the teacher. This makes the teacher look bad in front of all the other students and causes the teacher to lose authority.
This is the conundrum faced by all the brow beating journalists and free-press (but not free-thinking) media who have been beating various mantras for years that China demolishes with its glaring success. That's why you see free press (but not free-thinking) media do the 24/7 unconstructive criticism.
Twenty years ago, it might have been well meaning constructive criticism. However, today it's a blatant hidden wish that China has a bloody revolution.

I'm trying to make a case here for democracy one day, but not for those idiot Chinese yeppies who think they're revolutionary saints because they have a VPN and a twitter account.
I did not state China must borrow the American system. I simply stated that the so called "inner party democracy" is the biggest joke there is. Do you deny China is an authoritarian state run by an Oligarchy? Do you deny that the judiciary is subjected to the control of the CCP? Do you deny that the legislative branch is little more than a rubber stamp?

Certainly ordinary people can become president. Hell there were even examples of peasants being promoted to knighthood during the medieval ages, and street bums placed as high officials. Does that mean it is a good system? The CCP has been advertising democracy for the people for decades, even wrote a nice constitution. Every authoritarian regime tries to market itself as democratic, and CCP is no different.

Well you could look at it as a meritocracy that still needs work.
Inner party democracy is the biggest oxymoron that's been sold as political concept. It is essentially a few dozen powerful poliburo members with a paramount leader at the top. You may as well argue that a feudal European society is a democracy since the it was "democracy amongst nobles". Oligarchy is what it is, and no amount of praises for the CCP will change the fact. China is NOT a democracy, not even close. The American government at both Federal and State level could be voted out of office. Can you say the same for CCP? What if I don't like the CCP and wants to vote other parties? Before you cite those small parties in China, let me remind you they are CCP controlled puppets.

You said everybody gets to vote in China? I don't remember anybody voting for Hu Jintao. I certainly don't remember anybody I know voting for any of the "People's represenatives" sitting in that rubber stamp of a national assembly. Dissidents are routinely monitored and jailed with vague charges in China. The judicial and legislative branches are little more than subordinates of the Party. If people had the wronged by the government, most of the time there are close to nothing they could do except in a few high profile cases.

Don't pretend everything is fine and dandy. 粉饰太平 does nothing to help China progress.

How dare you say the Congress is a rubber stamp? In 1993 it blocked a constitutional amendment on the grounds that the CPC does not have the right to recommend legislation and in 1994 refused to consider the Property Law for a vote.

National People's Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At the very least, there's no mafia criminals sitting in our Congress. More than we can say for great democracies like India, Phillipines and Mexico huh?

If American democracy was a product, I'd make sure it had several warning labels:

1.) Does not necessarily reduce corruption!
2.) Does not necessarily increase national income!
3.) Does not necessarily increase living standards
4.) May put criminals in power
5.) Your vote may not actually matter

Peasants becoming knights is totally different. Is it COMMON? No. But is it COMMON for peasants to join the CPC? There are 70 million members, bigger than France. 1/9 people in China above the age of 18 are in it.
Who voted for Gordon Brown? No one. MPs voted for him. You say people you know never voted? They never bothered to do it. You can vote for different individual candidates, just that they're all CPC. Well, no, you don't. You vote for a council at the village/district level that votes for another smaller council at the city level that votes for another council at the province level that votes for NPC representatives. There. You don't actually vote directly for anyone of importance, see why no one bothers voting? If you don't like the CPC that's just too damn bad. What if you're in Singapore and don't like the PAP or the Lee family? Well, you got 3 choices: rebel and be hanged, move away, or live with it. China's the same way, just that Singapore's a US ally and doesn't get the same scrutiny. It is also one of the richest places in the world.

Did voting help India or Phillipines? No, it's just playing chair flipping with one mafia criminal after another. You think you can vote them out? Who told you you can vote them out? If they can vote the corrupt politicians out why are they still sitting there in the office stealing money?
In a parliamentary system, the winning party's head becomes the prime minister. The MPs are voted in by the people, and no such election exists in China. The saying that ordinary people in China can vote is the biggest lie that I have ever heard. I lived in multiple cities in China and never heard of such election. You never look at the state television and wonder how those singers and celebrities got to be "people's represenantive"? Why should people who disagree with the government move away? Are they not entitled to a say in their own country?

Unlike some people, I will not sing praises for the CCP and pretend everything is working fine. The Communist Party is NOT China. In fact, they attempted to destroy China's culture.
Unlike some people, I will not sing praises for the CCP and pretend everything is working fine. The Communist Party is NOT China. In fact, they attempted to destroy China's culture.

So what ? A revolution because you don't like them? While they are still delivering China from the poor house?

Honestly we outside of China have no place to say what is good for those in China. We don't live there anymore.
How dare you say the Congress is a rubber stamp? In 1993 it blocked a constitutional amendment on the grounds that the CPC does not have the right to recommend legislation and in 1994 refused to consider the Property Law for a vote.

National People's Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At the very least, there's no mafia criminals sitting in our Congress. More than we can say for great democracies like India, Phillipines and Mexico huh?
The Chinese national assembly is a rubber stamp, and no matter how you want to cover it up, it is an entity controlled by CCP. The decisions are made in the poliburo by a few influential men and the country is run according to their will. Poliburo wants them to put on a show, they put on a show.

No mafia criminals sitting in the Congress? Really? You say that with a straight face? How much money do you think Li Peng embezzled? Why do you think the sons and daughters of each presidents are rich?
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