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China agrees to invest 52 billion USD in Pakistan in next five years !

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What happened to Dhaka Metro Project ? I heard JICA wanted to invest

Dhaka MRT delayed by lack of skilled labour
21 February 2014

Construction work on the Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) 6 has been delayed due to lack of necessary Bangladeshi engineers, said Takao Toda, chief representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The Japanese government, through JICA, will provide BDT 166bn (USD 2.16bn) of the total project cost of BDT 220bn (USD 2.5bn) as loan at a 0.01 per cent interest rate. The rest will be managed by the Bangladesh government.

Dhaka MRT delayed by lack of skilled labour - Tunnels & Tunnelling International
Our Indian friends won't be pleased.
Do you actually believe that Pakistan is capable to absorb all this money?? I would say even 5 bill $ would be overwhelming for this nation. They have been trying to build Lahore metro for over 35 years. India went from no metro to metros in 15 cities in that time.
Here is my proof for the rant!
China reveals its cards for investing $20 billion in Pakistan - thenews.com.pk

Your nation Pakistan is submissive and weak period. China said we will not bid and we want all projects without any competition, your leaders said YES SIR!!! Its unbelievable how 2 nations born at the same time took different trajectories in development and world status. One is submissive and other stands tall for inclusive development.
China reveals its cards for investing $20 billion in Pakistan - thenews.com.pk

We Indians also want a stake in Pakistan's development!! Infact any nation that has investment capacity would like to have a stake in a big economy like Pakistan. But Pakistan is sending wrong message to the world.

The Pakistanis don't have any choice, who else will invest in Pakistan if not China?
Yes, apparently LDA tower and Mubarak centre would be revived.

Investment from EMAAR right ?
The Pakistanis don't have any choice, who else will invest in Pakistan if not China?
Given the chance India would pour billions into Pakistan, because of similiar conditions and market needs. But a puppet will always be a puppet.
Given the chance India would pour billions into Pakistan, because of similiar conditions and market needs. But a puppet will always be a puppet.

Indian companies would enter the market if they were allowed, but India won't be investing in Pakistani infra, that's for sure.

It'll be interesting to see if this actually works out, investment on this scale usually has plenty of indicators on the global investor community and I haven't heard of anything. Doesn't mean much, but China's proposed investment in India made ripples way before it was even announced in the media.
The Pakistanis don't have any choice, who else will invest in Pakistan if not China?

I have a question... whoever invest or not ... whats your ....bloody problem? Something positive happening in Pakistan leads to indian butthurt? why??:lol:
. India went from no metro to metros in 15 cities in that time.

But most of your Metros are really butt ugly. Not kidding. It seems people decided to take sh!t along the Overhead Concrete Pillars....
Indian companies would enter the market if they were allowed, but India won't be investing in Pakistani infra, that's for sure.

It'll be interesting to see if this actually works out, investment on this scale usually has plenty of indicators on the global investor community and I haven't heard of anything. Doesn't mean much, but China's proposed investment in India made ripples way before it was even announced in the media.
Another sign that no one takes Pakistan seriously!!

But most of your Metros are really butt ugly. Not kidding. It seems people decided to take a sh!t along the Overhead Concrete....
It's still a sight that you don't get to see in your country. Indian metros are world class, just come and visit.
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