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China agrees to import rice from 17 mills in India

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I guess you lost your mind when you figured out that all of India's borders are named after white British men like Henry MacMahon. :P

There was no such thing as India before the colonialists came. Even the name India is taken from a river in another country (Pakistan) because that was a part of the British Raj, not the Republic of India.

Pakistan's Indus River is what the British used when they came up with the idea of India. Hinduism is also named after this same river. So are West Indians (black people in the Carribean) who were also named by the British after this same river.

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I guess you lost your mind when you figured out that all of India's borders are named after white British men like Henry MacMahon. :P

There was no such thing as India before the colonialists came. Even the name India is taken from a river in another country (Pakistan) because that was a part of the British Raj, not the Republic of India.

Pakistan's Indus River is what the British used when they came up with the idea of India. Hinduism is also named after this same river. So are West Indians (black people in the Carribean) who were also named by the British after this same river.
for once i thought you are having serious discussion but urge to troll is irresistable, isn't it?
Yes India dint even existed before 1947 but China was before 10,000 BC is that's your point?

And rice Orginated from India and then spread to China that's what the source says. And the China u talking about in those time a small unstable central parts surrounded by many small kingdoms. U may say same to India but matter of fact our culture was same from afghanistan to Eastern end of Asia in those days. It isn't historical facts? Or you want to say It's not in sarcastic way

Well it's all about timeline. Our trade with entire world was very old than yours that's the point am making. In fact influence and culture Buddhism and spirituality to you self defence Kung-fu all migrated from India isn't it?

When an Indian wants to talk about historical FACTS yet he dare claim Chopsticks originated from Japan says enough about your credibility. Oh boy here we go again Kung Fu came from India discussion again. I'm not gonna start this because it was debated some years ago and no Kung Fu did not originate from India. Once again India trade dominating Asia ? Really? You even know no shame when you said India was dominating in trade before China had a proper civilization lol
I think chopsticks are the reason we do not see too many fat or obese Chinese. If I were to eat with chopsticks, I'd be constantly hungry for the rest of my life.

Daal chawal with hands tastes different. Eating it with a steel spoon just leaves the taste of steel in your mouth.

India have more hungry people than africa, both don't use chopsticks.

We invented porcelain, make spoon out of it, no metal taste.

I guess you should have consumed more rice and veggie if you r really vegetarian.


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for once i thought you are having serious discussion but urge to troll is irresistable, isn't it?

I was having a nice food-related discussion until an Indian started boasting about how India invented everything, including rice. :P

I know you guys believe that you are a superpower (and that Ancient "Indians" invented space ships), but if you want to make such claims, at least bring proof.

It is a known fact that the very first record of rice cultivation and domestication occurred in China over ten thousand years ago.
There were no nation states anywhere in the world till a few centuries ago. India certainly exsisted as a civilization for many millennia . We were not "invented by the British" !!!!! :hitwall:
Since India has exsisted as a civilization for many millennia, but why you today can not recognize Indus script (also known as the Harappan script)??

The Chinese script born in the similar era is called as Oracle bone script (甲骨文). In China we now even has the Oracle bone script dictionary. Even An ordinary Chinese with one or two hours training can recognize these 3000~4000 year old characters!

India have more hungry people than africa, both don't use chopsticks.

We invented porcelain, make spoon out of it, no metal taste.

I guess you should have consumed more rice and veggie if you r really vegetarian.

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I know Indians don't eat much meat, something like 5-10% of what Chinese consumed, but I didn't know they even eat less rice and vegetables than Chinese. What exactly do they eat? :o:
When an Indian wants to talk about historical FACTS yet he dare claim Chopsticks originated from Japan says enough about your credibility. Oh boy here we go again Kung Fu came from India discussion again. I'm not gonna start this because it was debated some years ago and no Kung Fu did not originate from India. Once again India trade dominating Asia ? Really? You even know no shame when you said India was dominating in trade before China had a proper civilization lol
Documented proof of Kung Fu existed in China before Buddha was born.
China established Silk Road, the major trade of the known civilized world.
India have more hungry people than africa, both don't use chopsticks.

We invented porcelain, make spoon out of it, no metal taste.

I guess you should have consumed more rice and veggie if you r really vegetarian.

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Just like to state for the record, since I'm new, that I have nothing against the Chinese. I think India and China are destined to rise together, and there is no sense in antagonism from either side. No one wins from that. Simply said, we can hurt each other too badly to be neighbors and enemies. Yes we do have that relationship with the Pakistanis, but the circumstances and histories are very different and so not comparable.

I have tried learning how to eat with chopsticks (Japanese partners gifted me a ceremonial show set, but I use ordinary ones for practice). I even briefly had a Hong Kong Chinese girlfriend (she's a doctor in Australia) who tried her best. No luck. Besides having me as her boyfriend that is.

I know Indians don't eat much meat, something like 5-10% of what Chinese consumed, but I did know they even eat less rice and vegetables than Chinese. What exactly do they eat? :o:
Who knows what they eat?
They eat less rice, wheat, veggie and meat....
Yes, using proper cutlery is a sign of progress of civilisation.
Wow... That's really an amazing way to measure progress. You cannot apply rules of a tradition or culture to another one and say this is not civilised.
They now use English as their lingua franca.

Of course.

Otherwise how on Earth will the government of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Indian Punjab communicate with each other?

All of their written communications to other regional governments are done in English.

Their entire system of law is English law, and their parliamentary system is British.

Otherwise there is nothing holding them together. An Indian Punjabi is culturally the closest to a Pakistani Punjabi, and neither of them have much culture in common with an Indian Tamil. Or a Tribal from Eastern India.
Just like to state for the record, since I'm new, that I have nothing against the Chinese. I think India and China are destined to rise together, and there is no sense in antagonism from either side. No one wins from that. Simply said, we can hurt each other too badly to be neighbors and enemies. Yes we do have that relationship with the Pakistanis, but the circumstances and histories are very different and so not comparable.

I have tried learning how to eat with chopsticks (Japanese partners gifted me a ceremonial show set, but I use ordinary ones for practice). I even briefly had a Hong Kong Chinese girlfriend (she's a doctor in Australia) who tried her best. No luck. Besides having me as her boyfriend that is.

i have no issue with India and Indians, I have issue with those typical bragging RSSers.
i have no issue with India and Indians, I have issue with those typical bragging RSSers.

How do you make rice sticky? By not draining the water completely? Or over-cooking to a lumpy consistency?

Its funny how cultures differ. Out here if a girl learning how to cook does the same, she gets a ticking off from her mom. Lol
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