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Child dead in Israeli airstrike after firefight on Gaza border kills 2


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Child dead in Israeli airstrike after firefight at Gaza border kills 2 | Maan News Agency

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli air forces bombed the Gaza Strip and killed a 4-year-old Palestinian child after an Israeli and a Palestinian were shot dead at the border in the northern Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces launched an airstrike in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, killing a 4-year-old girl.

Israeli forces also launched an airstrike on Khan Yunis south of the Gaza Strip, firing three missiles at an alleged "Hamas site." It was unclear if there were any casualties in that strike.

Earlier on Tuesday afternoon, a Palestinian man was shot and killed by Israeli fire west of Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip, Palestinian sources said.

The attack follows an incident where a Palestinian sniper shot and killed an Israeli man working on the border fence in northern Gaza Strip a few hours earlier.
An Israeli army spokeswoman said the man was killed while doing "maintenance" work on the border fence.


If you haven't been following the recent news numerous Palestinians have been shot near the border and one killed.

I don't know if this is a response to that, but, Israel's response is childish. How about you don't lob bombs on Gaza and kill children and wait for Hamas to get the situation under control and investigate the incident.

That's what happened in Lebanon. Yet in Gaza they went straight to killing three people.
This Israeli 'man' isn't any Israeli man. He's part of the IDF.

Correction: The girl was a 3 year old girl now the reports are saying.

Three airstrikes as if now have hit Gaza territory.
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Shells were also fired into two neighborhoods in Gaza leaving another six injured.
Killed man was a civilian.

After this news:

Palestinian Hamas says it has resumed ties with Iran

Provocation in Gaza was only matter of time. Iran does not give money for free. Hamas employs their usual tactics: kill and whine.

He was an IDF 'employee' ...whatever that means.

And don't make unsupported claims, Gaza doesn't take any orders from Iran as we see in Lebanon too.

Iran won't get anything out of these minor incidents and you try to come out and make it appear as Palestinians are provoking violence without supporting your claims.

In the past week Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and the West Bank and numerous have been wounded by Israeli bullets.

Of course these don't qualify as provocations to you.
Now a total of 10 airstrikes have been launched against Gaza reports are indicating.

What an absurd way of dealing with incidents. The Gaza authorities could have took the matter into their hands and also increased security near border towns as a positive way of reacting to this minor incident.

We saw this in Lebanon a week or two before this incident. A individual actor was acting without any orders.

This is the same situation in Gaza, nevertheless, Israel rather react negatively and launch 10 airstrike, cause devastation, fire shells, kill 3 civilians and wound another 6 at least.

This is why the Palestinians have a right to arm themselves, had Hamas had the same military strength of Hezbollah in Lebanon Israel would have been deterred from going too far. As we've seen in a very similar situation a week ago.
Killed man was a civilian.

After this news:

Palestinian Hamas says it has resumed ties with Iran

Provocation in Gaza was only matter of time. Iran does not give money for free. Hamas employs their usual tactics: kill and whine.

Interesting how you try to spin this news into a 'blame-it-on-Iran' accident. It seems as if you Israelis have took over the rhetorics of others in the region, which basically means that everything negative in the region is due to Iran.

The fact that you keep building settlements, have economically blocked Gaza and are not willing to make any real concessions towards the Palestinian issue, of course is never mentioned.
Now the number of strikes have been raised to 12 against the Gaza Strip, this seems like Israel is really trying to provoke a conflict.

Keep in mind, nothing has been fired in return by Palestinian fighters.

Interesting how you try to spin this news into a 'blame-it-on-Iran' accident. It seems as if you Israelis have took over the rhetorics of others in the region, which basically means that everything negative in the region is due to Iran.

The fact that you keep building settlements, have economically blocked Gaza and are not willing to make any real concessions towards the Palestinian issue, of course is never mentioned.

Not to mention the shootings on the Gaza border in the past week which have left two killed and more than 6 wounded including farmers.
He was an IDF 'employee' ...whatever that means.
He was just a builder who was working on a fence inside sovereign Israeli territory.

And don't make unsupported claims, Gaza doesn't take any orders from Iran as we see in Lebanon too.
If you take Iranian money you follow their orders.

Iran won't get anything out of these minor incidents and you try to come out and make it appear as Palestinians are provoking violence without supporting your claims.
Iranian ally bombs Aleppo with barrel bombs for 9th day in row. They desperately need something to distract public attention.

In the past week Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and the West Bank and numerous have been wounded by Israeli bullets.
There is increasing terror attacks recently. Yesterday bus bombing attack (in my town by the way) today stubbing, then killing.
500, nothing will take attention of Syria. For the last time stop making bizarre statements. This isn't about Iranian 'money' as you call it.

Gaza is getting the help it can and this doesn't involve provoking violence as you absurdly claim.

In the past week recently several Palestinians have been killed and numerous have been wounded by Israeli attacks.

Today a Palestinian prisoner has also died in an Israeli jail.

Don't derail this thread please by pushing your belief here because it simply just doesn't make sense, I'm going to have to report you if do so again.

And also don't mention incidents unrelated to Gaza that have no connection to Gaza. Israel authorities deal with all violence related incidents by individuals whether they be Palestinians or Israeli drug dealers detonating car bombs in your own cities trying to assassinate people.

Unrelated incidents in no way justify attacks against Gaza.

Meanwhile, 3 Palestinians have been injured in artillery shelling along the Gazan coast.
Rest In Peace, innocent Children
although i cant say same for the Israelis who killed them
So a Palestinian man was killed in Beit Layha, a city in Gaza early on Tuesday. Which promoted the Palestinians to respond to these constant provocations against our people.

Contrary to what Israeli media is reporting, this incident was a direct response to Israeli forces thinking they can go around and kill whomever they want while expecting safety right on the border fence.

PRC has claimed has responsibility for the sniper shooting.

Another Palestinian has also been shot wounded in north Gaza.
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