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Chief of Army Staff | General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

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Incorrect! Your Nasr or whatever you call it will not change the Cold Start doctrine. The tactical nuke you mention if ever used against Indian Forces will be met by massive Indian retaliation not just on the battlefield but nuking all your cities of which there are not many (9 to be precise). 9 Hiroshimas within the hour! Won’t look good at all!

So don’t even think of this scenario. Escalation to nuclear war is a bad idea. And I’m sure the powers that be in Pakistan fully understand the implications of using this tactical nuke against mobile combat groups penetrating deep inside Pakistan. In other words it’s both a dangerous and stupid idea to be the first to use ANY nuke even in a limited war. And remember, you'll be using your tactical nukes within YOUR OWN territory!

Unfortunately it looks like you do not understand the geopolitics of the region as can be seen by your simplistic assessment. Firstly, the US of A isn’t just going to desert Afghanistan completely. There would be stationed at least 40,000 American troops for years. Any attempt by Pakistan to install the Taliban there will come a cropper. They would never allow anything that will go against their national security interests.

Secondly, the confusion is going to be confounded by the influence of the CIS Republics, Shia Iran, China, and the ‘Northern Alliance’ supported by India, Russia and Iran and the many local tribes including Tajiks, Pashtuns, Hazaras, Uzbeks, Turkmen and others. Pakistan would be a bit player trying to prop up a pliable Taliban regime so that it achieves its doctrine of ‘Strategic Depth’ against India.

And then what would happen to Pakistan's economy without those billions of dollars that the US of A is dishing out on a platter? There'll be no more free lunches from 2014 onwards! By which time Pakistani Forces would in all likelihood be still fighting a counter insurgency war with the TTP, further putting pressure on the economy. So it's not going to be party time once the ISAF withdraws from Afghanistan!

Now do you see the big game in Afghanistan? It's not just about Pakistan and the Taliban! :azn:

A lot of effort on your part to respond to a tongue in cheek comments. Just a fool who have taken the western media's misinformation hook line and sinker and have no sense of the ground reality and will not know about it until it bites in ths A$$. You know any conventional attack from India will sooner or later escalate to a nuclear war Nasr will just be a warning shot and it will be Pakistan who will be first to take out your cities and hell with the conequences. Our approach is simple we are willing to go down and will take you with us almost like a suicide bomber at a country level. As far a Afganistan is concerned Taliban are nothing but Pushtuns on steroids representing 50% of the total population of Afghanistan and Americans know they cannot win in Afghanistan without talking to the Talibans and they are doing so. As far as Pakistan is concerned 500 hundred containers and Tankers are moving through Pakistan to support ISAF every day. They can talk about alternate routes but they are none, they know that and we know that. So go do your ram ram and don't waste time and band width on a Pakistani site.
Yeah. Guud were the days when one would starch his Khahki uniform and sit like a baboo. A CO would be just be felt and not seen. And the 2I/Cs were at war with the Lts. The Adjts would bully you as if you were still a GC. Catering Member would always be in a thick shyt as the mess menu would be hard to maintain. i do miss the guud old days when one would ride his bicycle and check the guards. One would have loonngg chats with NCOs and Jawans and you would even know when was the last time he took bath.

Guud days!

Haha well said, when CO sahab visited 'taraweeh' prayers in ramdan, all soldiers wait for him to leave....When results of promotion board were not texted via SMS, a complete 'Gulab jaman' cermony was held to announce it....when only landline numbers were the only threat for officers at home, or a special jawan was sent to send message to CO sahb's home.

And the most important, placing one man/RP at unit's gate (sometime with gun and without bullets and sometime without gun) was considered secure....Ahh peaceful days.
Yeah. Guud were the days when one would starch his Khahki uniform and sit like a baboo. A CO would be just be felt and not seen. And the 2I/Cs were at war with the Lts. The Adjts would bully you as if you were still a GC. Catering Member would always be in a thick shyt as the mess menu would be hard to maintain. i do miss the guud old days when one would ride his bicycle and check the guards. One would have loonngg chats with NCOs and Jawans and you would even know when was the last time he took bath.

Guud days!

abb kam kerna perr raha hay..... the good all days might be over, but the nation has taken loan from IMF to double your gross salary!! so.... what i suggest is that army needs to change even more....

dont agree with me?? .... i can tell you the easy targets and sitting ducks in rawalpindi which are without security and which deserve some serious SOP from army side. the list is long.

dont forget , the person who was responsible for security lapse during the GHQ attack was promoted to the rank of General..... we have yet to see one head roll while the sins are great...any one remember the NLC scam....but yet again, the list is long. lets kill it here.
buddy the IMF loans go mostly towards forex reserves stability and that too based on stringent conditions....IMF money has nothing to do at all with the Army or salaries no need to resort to sensationalism.

i do agree though that lapses in security are not just regrettable but most be investigated thoroughly and corrected --with definite action. you could have just worded it that way instead of maligning them :)
CENTCOM chief meets Kayani, Wynne

ISLAMABAD: Chief of the US Central Command Gen James Mattis, on Monday, held meetings with the military leadership of the country and discussed with them the regional and security situation, especially in the aftermath of drone attacks and the Abbottabad operation.

In his meetings with the Chief of the Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and Chairman Joint Chiefs of the Staff Committee Gen Khalid Shamim Wynne, the visiting US general took the military leadership into confidence and stated that without Pakistan’s cooperation and help, process of reconciliation in Afghanistan cannot move forward. He said the situation in Afghanistan directly affects Pakistan and the US wants both the countries to forget the misunderstandings of the past and take immediate steps for the confidence building between the two countries.

According to sources, both sides also discussed the situation in the post-Abbottabad operation scenario while Pakistan’s military leadership took up the drone attacks’ issue with the US military leadership and urged the US to respect parliament’s consensus resolution in this regard, as such attacks would have negative effects on the two countries’ relations. In the meeting the Pak-Afghan border issues were also discussed. online
Yeah. Guud were the days when one would starch his Khahki uniform and sit like a baboo. A CO would be just be felt and not seen. And the 2I/Cs were at war with the Lts. The Adjts would bully you as if you were still a GC. Catering Member would always be in a thick shyt as the mess menu would be hard to maintain. i do miss the guud old days when one would ride his bicycle and check the guards. One would have loonngg chats with NCOs and Jawans and you would even know when was the last time he took bath.

Guud days!

i think this is downright 'rude' and 'petty' on your behalf

Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani arriving at ceremony of handing over of Post Balochistan Flood Report to Government of Balochistan today.

Gentlemen, we are in the same team. !!!

No PR129/2011-ISPR Dated: June 3, 2011
Rawalpindi - June 3, 2011:

Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani conferred military awards to the Army personnel in an investiture ceremony held at General Headquarters today. A large number of senior military officials and relatives of awardees attended the ceremony.

26 officers were awarded HILAL-E-IMTIAZ (MILITARY), 102 officers were awarded SITARA-E-IMTIAZ (MILITARY), 1 officer was awarded TAMGHA-E-IMTIAZ (CIVIL), 1 officer and 13 soldiers were awarded United Nations (UN) Medal. Medals of Shuhada were received by their family members.


Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani conferred military awards to the Army personnel in an investiture ceremony held at General Headquarters on Friday. (03-06-2011) – Photo ISPR
No PR133/2011-ISPR Dated: June 7, 2011
Rawalpindi - June 7, 2011:

Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Command and Staff College Quetta today. He addressed the student officers on matters of professional interest. The address was followed by an extensive interactive session.

Earlier on arrival, COAS was received by Commandant Command and Staff College Lieutenant General Khalid Rabbani.

Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani presiding over the 139th Corps Commanders’ Conference held at General Headquarters Rawalpindi on Thursday.
Rawalpindi - June 9, 2011:

139th Corps Commanders Conference was held at the GHQ on 9th June 2011. COAS General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani chaired the meeting. The participants were given a comprehensive briefing with special reference to internal security, terrorism, role of the media, the society, and all organs of the state to comprehensively address the ongoing challenges that the Country faces, and military to military relationship with the US. COAS also apprised the Forum about his interaction with various foreign visitors, military as well as civilian, who met him after the Abbotabad incident.
While reviewing the internal security situation, the participants voiced their concern on the blowback of the Abbottabad incident which has resulted in the upsurge in terrorism and consequent loss of innocent lives. It was concluded that all law enforcement agencies, though trying their best to cope with the situation, need to be more focused and proactive and Army will be there to extend all possible support. The participants noted with regret that despite briefing the Joint Session of the Parliament and deferring the ultimate findings to the Commission appointed by the Government, some quarters, because of their perceptual biases, were trying to deliberately run down the Armed Forces and Army in particular. This is an effort to drive a wedge between the Army, different organs of the State and more seriously, the people of Pakistan whose support the Army has always considered vital for its operations against terrorists. COAS noted that in order to confront the present challenges, it is critical to stand united as a Nation. Any effort to create divisions between important institutions of the Country is not in our national interest. The participants agreed that all of us should take cognizance of this unfortunate trend and put an end to it.
The Forum was informed by the COAS that military to military relationship with the US has to be viewed within the larger ambit of bilateral relations between the two countries. It had to be assessed afresh in the backdrop of 2nd May incident as well as the dictates of the Joint Parliamentary Resolution passed on 14th May 2011. In this regard, aspirations of the people of Pakistan also need to be taken into account. In line with the demands of these important factors, Army has drastically cut down the strength of US troops stationed in Pakistan. It needs to be clarified that Army had never accepted any training assistance from the US except for training on the newly inducted weapons and some training assistance for the Frontier Corps only. Even that has ceased now. The Forum was informed by the COAS that economic rather than military aid was more essential for Pakistan. In line with the position taken in Pak-US strategic dialogue in Mar 2010, it is being recommended to the Government that the US funds meant for military assistance to Army, be diverted towards economic aid to Pakistan which can be used for reducing the burden on the common man. Paying tributes to the resilience and sacrifices of valiant people of Pakistan, the participants assured the Nation that Army will do its utmost and continue to sacrifice for the security and well being of the people.
The participants were also informed about the extent of intelligence cooperation with the US. It has been decided to share intelligence strictly on the basis of reciprocity and complete transparency. It has been clearly put across to US intelligence officials that no intelligence agency can be allowed to carry out independent operation on our soil.
News about military operations in NWA also came under discussion. COAS informed the participants that the Army was following a well thought out campaign plan and is under no pressure to carry out operations at a particular time. Future operations, as and when undertaken, will be with political consensus. He, however, called upon the brave people of NWA to evict all foreigners from their soil and take charge of their land and destiny once again. He emphasised that it was wrong, in principle, to allow others to use our land for fighting their battles. This must not be allowed. Army in NWA is committed to supporting the people of NWA in this effort. As far as drone attacks are concerned, Army has repeatedly conveyed to all concerned that these are not acceptable under any circumstances. There is no room for ambiguity in this regard. Government is making necessary efforts in this direction.
COAS also informed the forum that the often quoted figure of US $ 13-15 Billion utilised by the Army in last ten years is misplaced. Under the head of Coalition Support Fund (CSF), against a total sum of US $ 13 Billion expected from the US, only US $ 8.6 Billion have been received by the Government of Pakistan. The Government has further made available only US $ 1.4 Billion to the Army over last ten years. A relatively smaller amount has gone to Navy and PAF as well. The rest i.e. approximately US $ 6 Billion, have been utilised by the Government of Pakistan for budgetary support which ultimately means the people of Pakistan (The figures quoted here have been reconciled with the Ministry of Finance).
Participants of the Conference voiced extreme respect and appreciation for the sacrifices rendered by the troops for the security of the Country. They are putting their life at stake for the noble cause of defending their Motherland. Nothing should distract them from the job at hand. Their reward lay in the hands of Almighty Allah and in the prayers of people of Pakistan. The participants paid special tributes to the Shuhada, their families and the children. They reiterated their resolve to complete their mission and secure future of Pakistan, which undoubtedly lies in an Islamic Republic with a tolerant society in the true spirit of Islam, having no room for terrorism.
Pakistan’s internal situation is the most important factor and it cannot be relegated in priority. Army leadership reaffirmed its resolve to continue supporting the democratic system without any preference to any particular political party. It is also determined to lead the fight on terror in partnership with other law enforcement agencies and in line with the Constitution.
COAS also informed the forum that the often quoted figure of US $ 13-15 Billion utilised by the Army in last ten years is misplaced. Under the head of Coalition Support Fund (CSF), against a total sum of US $ 13 Billion expected from the US, only US $ 8.6 Billion have been received by the Government of Pakistan. The Government has further made available only US $ 1.4 Billion to the Army over last ten years. A relatively smaller amount has gone to Navy and PAF as well. The rest i.e. approximately US $ 6 Billion, have been utilised by the Government of Pakistan for budgetary support which ultimately means the people of Pakistan (The figures quoted here have been reconciled with the Ministry of Finance).

i have already told the forum about this, so now we can attribute it to the 'horse' himself.
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