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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Yes, ... but why not ?! That bird is surely still alive.

The j20 top fuselage all the way to back resembles the firefox science fiction stealth fighter from Clint Eastwood movie.

Su-30? :blink:
Eurofighter is also going to get TVC.
When did Su-30 has canard and TVC? You mean IAF Su-30MKI? Seriously , do you trust latest flanker design Su-35 more or Su-30 MKI more for a successful design? The Russian original Su-35 has canard during the initial prototype phase but they find it redundant and eliminated it. More or less tells you Canard and TVC combo is a failure. Su-34 has canard but not TVC. IAF Su-30MKI with canard is on Indian request since Indian is paying the money for that plane. If they want gold plate on it and paying it, the Russian will do it too since the Russian is making money. The Indian think with Canard and TVC it will be better. Who cares? The Russian inventor of Flanker series never think that way.

As for Euro typhoon, TVC added in is so far just talk and no concrete plan. It just a gimmick trying to scam the defense government more money for useless thing.
When did Su-30 has canard and TVC? You mean IAF Su-30MKI? Seriously , do you trust latest flanker design Su-35 more or Su-30 MKI more for a successful design? The Russian original Su-35 has canard during the initial prototype phase but they find it redundant and eliminated it. More or less tells you Canard and TVC combo is a failure. Su-34 has canard but not TVC. IAF Su-30MKI with canard is on Indian request since Indian is paying the money for that plane. If they want gold plate on it and paying it, the Russian will do it too since the Russian is making money. The Indian think with Canard and TVC it will be better. Who cares? The Russian inventor of Flanker series never think that way.

As for Euro typhoon, TVC added in is so far just talk and no concrete plan. It just a gimmick trying to scam the defense government more money for useless thing.

Su30mk series comes with TVC and forward canard. Not just Indian su30mki, other variants of su30mk series and newer are fitted with TVC.

Ef2000 and rafale tvc options are postponed at the meantime. There was dogfight between RAF Ef2000 vs Indian su30mki TVC where Ef2000 without TVC won. Also the Rafale without TVC defeated f22 with TVC in dogfight. Because of these 2 dogfight results, the Europeans are putting TVC on hold until there's new fighter that could challenge EF2000 and rafale in dogfight.

Having tvc does give you added advantage in turn rate. Not really a bad thing but will need more attention on tvc maintenance.

What are advantages of TVC engine ?

TVC gives you tighter turn radius, added advantage in dogfight.
So no TVC engine for J-20?

It's under consideration but not at the moment. China is focusing on development of WS10b and WS15 engines at the moment. Effectiveness of TVC is also on study. The cons of tvc when activated would also expose the fighter in vulnerable position to enemy missile when hovering in the air.
Su30mk series comes with TVC and forward canard. Not just Indian su30mki, other variants of su30mk series and newer are fitted with TVC.

Ef2000 and rafale tvc options are postponed at the meantime. There was dogfight between RAF Ef2000 vs Indian su30mki TVC where Ef2000 without TVC won. Also the Rafale without TVC defeated f22 with TVC in dogfight. Because of these 2 dogfight results, the Europeans are putting TVC on hold until there's new fighter that could challenge EF2000 and rafale in dogfight.

Having tvc does give you added advantage in turn rate. Not really a bad thing but will need more attention on tvc maintenance.

TVC gives you tighter turn radius, added advantage in dogfight.
But what matter is the latest version of Flanker , Su-35 has no TVC. The Russian eliminated the canard based from their finding as unnecessary since it equipped with TVC. Russian as creator of flanker more or less holds more weight on this finding.

If TVC is really that critical for a canard design, I do see it will be added in as neccessity in the first place and not later.
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But what matter is the latest version of Flanker , Su-35 has no TVC. The Russian eliminated the canard based from their finding as unnecessary since it equipped with TVC. Russian as creator of flanker more or less holds more weight on this finding.

If TVC is really that critical for a canard design, I do see it will be added in as neccessity in the first place and not later.

The latest Su35 has TVC but with the forward canard removed for better RCS, speed and range having better aerodynamic. Buying either su30mk series or Su35bm, the forward canard and TVC are optional depends on customers preference.

Chinese are more willing to pay for best materials for their j11. They chose the best lightweight material to get higher thrust to weight. They see the usefulness of lightweight like Ef2000 has high thrust to weight could easily defeat heavier American fighters.
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The latest prototype (2016) J-20, with its powerful canard in tension.
Developed at a record pace after the Chinese hackers stole all information about the F-22 and F-35.

In 1999, a US stealth bomber of the type F-117 shot down over Yugoslavia. This was the first and only time the plane that was specially designed to fly over enemy territory were shot down.

Parts of the plane ended up eventually at the museum, but where it was the most is that no one knows with certainty. The assumption is that it was collected by the local and resold to the Chinese authorities.

The shooting of an F-117 aircraft in 1999, according to the rumors have been the start of China's development of stealth. But the breakthrough came later.

This was probably the start of the stealth fighter program for the country, which so far had lagged far behind the other major powers on flyutvikling.

Now we know that Chinese hackers in any case from 2007, maybe earlier, had managed to gain access to secret material to development including combat aircraft programs F-22 Raptor and F-35. This was the great revolution in combat aircraft development.

The pictures that appeared in 2011.

In 2011 showed the Chinese for the first time present a prototype of the giant stealth fighter J-20 Black Eagle. This is a so-called fifth-generation fighter who has a cruise speed higher than the speed of sound - so-called super cruise - something F-35 can only dream about.

Also read: This is China's new super weapon

The pictures of the plane confused experts worldwide. At first glance it might look like a blueprint of what is considered the world's most advanced fighter, the F-22 Raptor, but it was mostly about Watching the profile. Trained eyes revealed quickly that it had some pretty significant differences.

F-22 Raptor in full display.

Firstly, it was much larger, apparently to make room for more fuel to patrol China's vast land and sea areas.

J-20 photographed during testing.

The size also creates room for considerably greater internal våpenrom and it can thus put more ammunition - primarily air-to-air and air-to-sea missiles.

Chengdau J-20 Black Eagle

The plane is not completed and no specifications have been confirmed, but the following information presented by Aviation Week - based on the prototype in 2012.

  • Length: 20 meters
  • Wingspan: 13 meters
  • Height: 4.45 m
  • Wing area: 78 m2
  • Tom weight: 19.391 kg
  • Net weight: 32.092 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 36.288 kg
  • Fuel capacity: 11.340 kg
  • Engines: 2 x WS-10, AL-31F or Xian WS-15 turbo jet engines with afterburner
  • Range: Unknown
  • Top speed: Unknown
  • Cruise speed: More than 1 Mach
  • Weapons: Short- and long-distance air-to-luftraketer (AAM) - no canon is so far implemented. One also believe the plane can carry missiles powerful enough to take out warships.
But even if the front of the plane much like the F-22, was the second part of the fuselage more inspired by the Russians. The motors are Russian-made, and unable to control the jet stream - so-called "thrust vectoring" - and did not appear to have particularly good stealth characteristics.

The prototype also had engines that experts believed were not powerful enough to maintain super cruise.

In addition, the large, movable canard front. This contributes to a much better maneuvering capabilities, but has been considered relatively inconvenient stealthfly since it creates a radar signature that is harder to hide.

Early there was a rumor that the program had significant technical challenges.

But since news of the new fighter plane swooped down like a bomb in 2011, the Chinese have launched a number of new updates of the plane - and a new prototype codenamed "2016" was observed in September. This is referred to as the 6-flying prototype.

The Chinese stole and translated F-35 documentation in detail.

The advances that have been made since the aircraft was showcased in 2011 has been partly enormous, and experts believe much has come as a result of the Chinese now have had full access to the secrets of F-35.

Among other things, appeared last year a prototype with what looked to be a copy of the F-35s electro-optical targeting system has been highlighted as one of the aircraft's main features.

Some have hinted frempå that the Chinese full insight into F-35s secrets, radar systems and targeting systems also allows the F-35 is more or less outdated before it has come into full production because China, as a potential enemy, has been able to adapt aircraft capabilities .

New versions of the plane also shows signs of the engines have been replaced by more powerful versions, with improved exterior design for reduced radar visibility. Rumors whatever it that plane by 2020 will change engines again, in order to enable "super cruise" over the long haul.

It has also been made room for rear-facing radar so the aircraft overview in a dogfight will be complete.

Aviation Experts believe that J-20, with what we know about the plane today, with all probability will have an easy match against the F-35 in a 1-on-1 match. F-35 is a multirollefly, while J-20 is a pure luftherredømmefly. More powerful engines and better maneuverability makes it charged up against the F-22.

F-35 is made to be a multirollefly, including opportunities to ground support. J-20 need not take such considerations.

Americans are straightforward concerned that the large upper hand they have had in the air against the Chinese shrinks at record pace, and that perhaps it was not a good idea to reduce the number of produced F-22 Raptor to 187. plan was to replace all the country F -15, but US Air Force currently has still over 450 (Eagle and Strike Eagle) of the old trotter operational.

But it emphasized at the same time that the comparison is quite unfair, and that the effect of the fighters in the future to a greater extent will be about the network effect, where fighters are just one part of a larger battle machine that supports one another.

Currently, China back a little here, but they work simultaneously with a frenzied modernization program for all military - which now also seems to mean an expansion of the aircraft carrier fleet.

There are also those who believe that J-20 might not really have a one luftherredømmefly, but that it really is an airplane for interception and potentially to withdraw maritime targets.

And here is a bit of problem: We do not really know very little about the J-20.

2015 version of the J-20 in test.

What we do know however was that early flight information indicated that the Chinese wanted to put the airplane into operation from 2020, but a variety of media are now reporting that the aircraft can reach so-called Initial Operating Capability (IOC) already towards the end of 2017 or in 2018.

But when all is said about fast stealth aircraft: The question is whether it is going to be relevant in particular for a long time. According to Aviation Week will Lockheed Martin already in 2009 have been tested, with success, radars used in the F-35, which according to them made F-22 aircraft were picked up.

Thus it may be that the Chinese choice of canard was not so stupid after all?

Sources: Washington Times, Aviation Week,Popular Science, Taringa, The Register,Business Insider, Washington Free Beacon,Wikipedia

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I had to delete 4 photographs related to this article to get this published in this forum, because its not alloud to publish a thread more then 8 photoes. To the all phoes open the link here, this is orignally published in a norwegian newspaper, i have translated using translate.gooogle.com

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