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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Tell me why they designed J-20 so big like that? while there's no powerful engine support to it.
Sorry BoQ77 ! Why again a - honestly stupid - or at least provocative question ??

We all know that the J-20 is actually not that large, it is only a bit longer than a J-15 and not wider ... as such even if we all agree that until the WS-15 is ready it will be underpowered but if a AL-31 is sufficient for a Flanker it is at least fine enough as an interim engine.

You know the facts ... so what and why ?
Sorry BoQ77 ! Why again a - honestly stupid - or at least provocative question ??

We all know that the J-20 is actually not that large, it is only a bit longer than a J-15 and not wider ... as such even if we all agree that until the WS-15 is ready it will be underpowered but if a AL-31 is sufficient for a Flanker it is at least fine enough as an interim engine.

You know the facts ... so what and why ?
his is a typical viet````this may sound degrading, but for every Chinese thread, they came to troll mindlessly
Using MKI as a standard to gauge aviation benchmark compare to a Russian Su-35 is an failure in the first place. Too many Chinese suffer the inferiority complex that they need to seek foreign ideas as the best. The rise of China has happen and its equally important Chinese themselves must believe in it and trust it. The western bashing is always there and they will rubbish whatever they can to shake the Chinese faith. Never trust the usual western media and their hype especially regards to Chinese or anti-west.

The US like to brag how superior their M1A1 tank and bash Russia T-72 or Chinese Type 99A2 as complete failure and claim T-72 as a coffin tank due to the weapon loading compartment cramping together with crew while overhype and praise their blast off and ammunition seperate compartment as perfect to save crew in case of a penetration and claim its the bench mark to follow. I seen too many naive reader easily believe the US hype. The greatest threat to Chinese is not western propangada but when Chinese dont even believe in China and need to seek a foreign source for validation.
Then what other standards can Chinese designers use for validation ? In terms of exploiting technology for military use, what innovations have China produced, even for China's own, let alone serve as a benchmark to convince others to buy from China ?

No, it is not a failure to use foreign products as standards for indigenous designs. You guys boasts that reverse engineering in China is a sign of technological sophistication. In reverse engineering of an existing product, you have no choice but to use THAT product's specs as a par for your own copy. What else can you use in learning and advancing your own products ?

Get some real manufacturing experience before you spout off.
Sorry BoQ77 ! Why again a - honestly stupid - or at least provocative question ??

We all know that the J-20 is actually not that large, it is only a bit longer than a J-15 and not wider ... as such even if we all agree that until the WS-15 is ready it will be underpowered but if a AL-31 is sufficient for a Flanker it is at least fine enough as an interim engine.

You know the facts ... so what and why ?

I have no idea why you don't compare a stealth fighter to other stealth fighters but a non-stealth fighter?
They're different platform, different aerodynamic design.

I do hope to view the complete J-20 at its full performance, but I'm worried about the time, when they didn't give it the easier start. Lighter and Stronger.
Tell me why they designed J-20 so big like that? while there's no powerful engine support to it.

As I say before, the above demonstrate to us, you lack the necessary knowhow or knowledge in this discussion.

So what should correct size be... the size of F35 or what?

Do you know what is the real role of the J-20 or why both USAAF and JSF considered it as its greatest threat once induced?
I have no idea why you don't compare a stealth fighter to other stealth fighters but a non-stealth fighter?
They're different platform, different aerodynamic design.


Simply since You brought once again the J-20's "huge" size into question and simply since both - the Flanker and the J-20 - use the same engine and have about the same size ! You really simply don't want to understand ? Don't You ... not even Your own questions or answers to them ?
I have no idea why you don't compare a stealth fighter to other stealth fighters but a non-stealth fighter?
They're different platform, different aerodynamic design.

I do hope to view the complete J-20 at its full performance, but I'm worried about the time, when they didn't give it the easier start. Lighter and Stronger.

Looking at the mass and volume, the j20 is just about the size of j11. J20 is more compact with flat and long fuselage designed for cruising and speed like mig31. The mig31 and f111 are actually very heavy but could fly fast with longer range because of long flat fuselage design. J20 had maneuverability because of the forward canard and delta+spade wings. The forward canard had max RAM coatings to reduce RCS while using computer to control its tilt angle.

As opposed to j11 or flanker design that spread apart for max lift and maneuverabiliy. Despite having higher thrust to weight, it could not fly faster than mach 2.35 despite powered by AL41 engines (35,000lb afterburner thrust each) in su35.

The f22 was designed to meet US Navy requirements during ATF competition. That's why the f22 was restricted to 62ft in order to save space when operating on carrier. At the end, it didn't meet USN requirements when it got far overweight instead of the planned below 70k max take off. Lesson from this, never ever come up with fighter that could do both. The f35 is expected to fail 1 of it like f22.
If You like ...

AI 11.15 - J-20 update.png

And here: Are these pylons !??

J-20 + pylons maybe - 2610.15 - 1.jpg
J-20 + pylons maybe - 2610.15 - 2.jpg
By the way any news about another flight of '2016', any better new images - maybe + pylons ?? - or even more about '2017' ??

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