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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Great, Discussing the weakness of weapon also show self-confidence.

Shortcoming is not fearful, the fearful thing is that can't find and correct it.

Uh oh! Some of the hyper-nationalists here won't be to happy that you posted this :pop:
I am glad that the chinese expert can talk about the weakness of J20 confidently.

I don't know what do the Chinese Hyper-nationalist think, but, I know you are happy the OP posted this, maybe more, happily know that J20 have these weakness, is it?

:close_tema:they will call it lies, false and made up news and move along.
No it is not lie, but, the surprise to me is such your kind of indian again believe the Chinese media and expert, you should stick to that anything from China is Fake, including the article.

If u can't get the prototypes right, how will u get the production variants?
You are so exciting, why? because after more than 30 years, you finally get the prototypes of Second-Generation LCA right?
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The engine part is true. The design part not so much. Every plane is optimized for a certain flight envelope, with J-20's being high sub-sonic/supersonic performance. The design reflected that, and of course something had to be sacrificed.
Great, Discussing the weakness of weapon also show self-confidence.

Shortcoming is not fearful, the fearful thing is that can't find and correct it.

I am glad that the chinese expert can talk about the weakness of J20 confidently.

I don't know what do the Chinese Hyper-nationalist think, but, I know you are happy the OP posted this, maybe more, happily know that J20 have these weakness, is it?

No it is not lie, but, the surprise to me is such your kind of indian again believe the Chinese media and expert, you should stick to that anything from China is Fake, including the article.

You are so exciting, why? because after more than 30 years, you finally get the prototypes of Second-Generation LCA right?

The original article talks about 3 weakness,but also talks about the 5 advantages. I think the translators do not want the Indian guys to see it, so delete it. And finally this trick make the Indians really high and reach climax:dance3:
Those are prototypes, production versions will be different.

To Change fuselage, change wing, Change weapon bay and change engine and Engine position. What is left not? It will be a totally new plane. We have heard about J 15, J10, J31 and now are hearing same about J 20. China has yet to come out with a reliable quality of plane.
Yep! The Hans are going to go berserk over this report. In fact one already has! Defending the indefensible!!

The J-20 seems to be a lemon!! :haha:

You Indian talks like you know better how to design a 5th gen fighter, LMAO which still depend on Russian's T-50. and who know when you guys gonna get the 5th gen fighter?:p:. J-20 is Chinese design, we can fine tunned any time the same way as J-10A to J-10B...knowing our weakiness is better than know nothing at all...but I can't say the same about your LCA which you guys know nothing about It :o: because all the LCA's messy parts are bought from abroad...which you guys don't even have a clue how to make its works and that explain how it got delayed for over two decades...or more.
You Indian talks like you know better how to design a 5th gen fighter, LMAO which still depend on Russian's T-50. and who know when you guys gonna get the 5th gen fighter?:p:. J-20 is Chinese design, we can fine tunned any time the same way as J-10A to J-10B...knowing our weakiness is better than know nothing at all.
Trolling as usual or are you that ignorant? The J20 was copied from Russian MIG 1.44. Did the Russians sell you their design? Nope! You simply copied it with a few modifications to hide this fact! The front end of J20 is a look-alike of F-22/F35. Did the Americans sell you the design of the F-22/F-35. Nope! You simply copied it with a few modifications to hide this fact! And you got it by hook or by crook, which needless to say, you guys are experts at!

For example, the Chinese were able to develop the stealth technology from parts of an American F-117 Nighthawk that was shot down over Serbia in 1999.
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Chinese Idiot found nothing to argue So he is getting consolation by saying Idiot to some one in pure technical discussion.
Technological arguing with indian idiot? I suggest you indian don't talking about industry, especially weapon, you know the reason, or you are too idiotic don't know the reason?!

Yep! The Hans are going to go berserk over this report. In fact one already has! Defending the indefensible!!
The J-20 seems to be a lemon!! :haha:
Speaking of tolerating weakness, have to say Indian is much better than Chinese, for Chinese, the weakness should be solved, especally weapon, be close to perfect, not like indian, can stand more than 30 years rubbishing project---LCA, Arjun, even tolerate such rubbishes be commissioned by political force.

Trolling as usual or are you that ignorant? The J20 was copied from Russian MIG 1.44. Did the Russians sell you their design? Nope! You simply copied it with a few modifications to hide this fact! The front end of J20 is a look-alike of F-22/F35. Did the Americans sell you the design of the F-22/F-35. Nope! You simply copied it with a few modifications to hide this fact! And you got it by hook or by crook, which needless to say, you guys are experts at!
For example, the Chinese were able to develop the stealth technology from parts of an American F-117 Nighthawk that was shot down over Serbia in 1999.
Copy MIG 1.44? I though F22. Tell you, China will copy any advanced weapon(Seems not indian weapon) before we be leader, you don't need angry, you are not leader, also have not advanced weapon or thing, of course, flating USA Russia may let you can buy more advanced weapon from them.

The end, when your indian company copy western medicine, have you pay for it? or western give your permission?
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Do tell me about world's most advanced fighter plane, the LCA. Wait, I bet we can learn a thing or two from the world's most expensive training tank Arjun before we do that.

Discription is too long but some highlight.

1)It carries double the payload of J 15 (2 engine and more than twice the weight)
2) It completes vertical loop of 360* in Just 20 second which JF 17 and J 10 can not do.
3) It is lightest and smallest fighter aircraft in the world with very high agility with very low RCS.
4) it easily takes off with 3.5 ton payload in a critical area like leh in just 10 to 12 second etc. etc.

You can educate yourself further from net.

By the way come to LCA related forum to discuss anything about LCA
It is just the opinion of one person。

What's the big deal?

Everyone knows engine is an issue,issue that will be resolved when WS-15 comes online in a few years。
Trolling as usual or are you that ignorant? The J20 was copied from Russian MIG 1.44. Did the Russians sell you their design? Nope! You simply copied it with a few modifications to hide this fact! The front end of J20 is a look-alike of F-22/F35. Did the Americans sell you the design of the F-22/F-35. Nope! You simply copied it with a few modifications to hide this fact! And you got it by hook or by crook, which needless to say, you guys are experts at!

You forgot that add that Chinese copy the wheels as well:disagree:. you can call J-20 is a copy of any airplane as you wish, we don't give a rat A$$ because all airplanes nowaday are more less a copy of other, Airbus and Boeing as example...Chinese are not going to invente an alien ship or X-wing or Tie fighter of StarWar movie just to please Indians and to prove ourself.

But Indians know how to copy? that is a big question:o:, maybe after all you want to prove that Indians are honnest citizens of this planet and obeit the IP laws as lame excuse again :omghaha:
Your post is perfectly in line of your education in concentration camp with CCP text book. Keep posting. We are here to enjoy!!!!!
CCP text book? what's that? your post is perfectly in line of idiotic comment, I also enjoy such you kind of indian idiotic comments, you know, can't build simple good builet, have to importing rifle, gun, blow up its submarine in yourself port, can't update submarine after about 20 years operation of submarine, most weapon are imported country, you as one indian from such loser country, come here discussing with Chinese in technology? and seems you are expert, mocking chinese, that's very hilarious.

Your comments is so idiotic, you can't understand it.

Discription is too long but some highlight.
1)It carries double the payload of J 15 (2 engine and more than twice the weight)
LCA can fly from Carrier?

2) It completes vertical loop of 360* in Just 20 second which JF 17 and J 10 can not do.
So LCA is better than JF 17 and J10? 1st generation aircraft need less time do this, so LCA is worse than that?

3) It is lightest and smallest fighter aircraft in the world with very high agility with very low RCS.
lighter and smaller than 1st generation aircrate? bird have lower RCS than LCA

4) it easily takes off with 3.5 ton payload in a critical area like leh in just 10 to 12 second etc.
Really, So What? better than F22?

Add this, it spend your impotent scientist more than 30 years, and even be commissioned, also because of political fators.

You can educate yourself further from net.
By the way come to LCA related forum to discuss anything about LCA
Is these your fruit of education? suck.

Discuss on LCA? Wasting my time, More than 30 years, most of core sub-system and conponent are imported or with foreign company help, this is so-called indian indigenous aircraft, you don't know it is big joke in aircraft industry.
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Trolling as usual or are you that ignorant? The J20 was copied from Russian MIG 1.44. Did the Russians sell you their design? Nope! You simply copied it with a few modifications to hide this fact! The front end of J20 is a look-alike of F-22/F35. Did the Americans sell you the design of the F-22/F-35. Nope! You simply copied it with a few modifications to hide this fact! And you got it by hook or by crook, which needless to say, you guys are experts at!

For example, the Chinese were able to develop the stealth technology from parts of an American F-117 Nighthawk that was shot down over Serbia in 1999.

Bro that does not take credit away from them. They are leaping forward on tech tree and their defense industry is bigger and better than us.
Discription is too long but some highlight.

1)It carries double the payload of J 15 (2 engine and more than twice the weight)
2) It completes vertical loop of 360* in Just 20 second which JF 17 and J 10 can not do.
3) It is lightest and smallest fighter aircraft in the world with very high agility with very low RCS.
4) it easily takes off with 3.5 ton payload in a critical area like leh in just 10 to 12 second etc. etc.

You can educate yourself further from net.

By the way come to LCA related forum to discuss anything about LCA
Where did you get these "data" from? Do you know the maximum payload of J-15? Do you have a complete flight envelope data for JF-17 and J-10? Since when did you get these info? The Indian intelligence agency should definitely hire you.

Nah just kidding, you should be a comedian.
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