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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

CCP text book? what's that? your post is perfectly in line of idiotic comment, I also enjoy such you kind of indian idiotic comments, you know, can't build simple good builet, have to importing rifle, gun, blow up its submarine in yourself port, can't update submarine after about 20 years operation of submarine, most weapon are imported country, you as one indian from such loser country, come here discussing with Chinese in technology? and seems you are expert, mocking chinese, that's very hilarious.
Your comments is so idiotic, you can't understand it.

Your way of writing tells us a lot about your education. You are talking about Chinese technology? Which Chinese technology? one which used in J 15 or the one used in J31? I hope you got the point.

LCA can fly from Carrier?

Oh my dear!!!!!!!!! you innocence made me cry once again. The plane which took off from career are different from the planes used by air force. Naval version of Tejas will fly from career.

So LCA is better than JF 17 and J10? 1st generation aircraft need less time do this, so LCA is worse than that?

There are lots of videos on net. Forget about completing it before Tejas. Just post a video in which both plane completes 360* vertical loop. remember 360* and not 270-280*.

lighter and smaller than 1st generation aircrate? bird have lower RCS than LCA

You exposed yourself once again. You proved that you are not fit for technical discussion but good in trolling.

Really, So What? better than F22?

Your poor knowledge is on exhibition once again. F22 carries much more load than 3.5 tons and take off in much less time.

Sorry I am not a chinese. so I won't say that it is batter than F22. Even I would not say that it is batter than Mirage 2000. Batter than F22 , Su 35 PAKFA etc. is reserved for china. All chinese planes are Batter than the best. Such as 2 tons payload capacity J 15 is batter than Su 33 and 35, J 20 with so much aerodynamic flaws is a F22 killers etc,etc.

Add this, it spend your impotent scientist more than 30 years, and even be commissioned, also because of political fators.

your writing skills have reached to a level beyond understandable

Is these your fruit of education? suck.
Discuss on LCA? Wasting my time, More than 30 years, most of core sub-system and conponent are imported or with foreign company help, this is so-called indian indigenous aircraft, you don't know it is big joke in aircraft industry.

See, you are doing injustice to yourself and me. Just few minutes ago you ask me to educate you on Tejas. Now you say that you do not want to west you time. Why such a big confusion? Here the proper education comes in my dear. Any multinational company (Except Chinese) will fail you in psychometric test.


Basic layout can be improved partly, why can't? the article also not say it will change the basic layout completely, why can't change engine? F16 have been equiped with many kind of engines.

Chinese Expert contradicts Indian expert.
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Your way of writing tells us a lot about your education. You are talking about Chinese technology? Which Chinese technology? one which used in J 15 or the one used in J31? I hope you got the point. Chinese Expert contradicts Indian expert.
Copy, steal, borrow etc. It doesn't matter as long your technology knowledge of designing and building gets better and more advanced. China is aiming for 100% sufficient in everything. Just like US and Russia, and this will happen within 3 decades.
Copy, steal, borrow etc. It doesn't matter as long your technology knowledge of designing and building gets better and more advanced. China is aiming for 100% sufficient in everything. Just like US and Russia, and this will happen within 3 decades.

It is fine if it works but here copied and steal stuff is not working. It has witnessed some irreparable design flows. Steal, copy and borrow needs to be done smartly.
Next time once ur guys meet the Indian troller @HariPrasad, just ignore his fantasy statement whatever he wrote any wet dream here.

This Indian think himself living in U.S not India, totally trolling. Remember they only develop the LCA for more than 10x years, even weaker & slower than JF-17 project. It's his high-tech :omghaha:, much worse than J-20.

Except "steal" & "copy", China high-tech always more advanced than India's, Chinese always produce more modern weapons than India's. Today the gaps of economy & military between India and China are rapidly increasing ... we can see it.
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It is fine if it works but here copied and steal stuff is not working. It has witnessed some irreparable design flows. Steal, copy and borrow needs to be done smartly.
I see, maybe you should check the engines of F-22. They are even closer.

And look here: In many fields, there is great uncertainty as to whether a new design will actually do what is desired. New designs often have unexpected problems. A prototype is often used as part of the product design process to allow engineers and designers the ability to explore design alternatives, test theories and confirm performance prior to starting production of a new product.

Engineers use their experience to tailor the prototype according to the specific unknowns still present in the intended design. For example, some prototypes are used to confirm and verify consumer interest in a proposed design whereas other prototypes will attempt to verify the performance or suitability of a specific design approach.

In general, an iterative series of prototypes will be designed, constructed and tested as the final design emerges and is prepared for production. With rare exceptions, multiple iterations of prototypes are used to progressively refine the design. A common strategy is to design, test, evaluate and then modify the design based on analysis of the prototype.

Too bad your military knowledge is pretty novice. :-) You should read and study more in military related before talking rubbish.
Next time once ur guys meet the Indian troller @HariPrasad, just ignore his fantasy statement whatever he wrote any wet dream here.

This Indian think himself living in U.S not India, totally trolling. Remember they only has the LCA for more than 10x years ..........................

You see here I am discussing about J 20 which is Chinese. I am not discussing any Indian weapon so word fantasy not correct. You should know where and how to use word fantasy.

Our making Tejas for 10X years is not going to help you to overcome design flaws of J 20 my dear. Do not bring in something which is not the subject of discussion.
You see here I am discussing about J 20 which is Chinese. I am not discussing any Indian weapon so word fantasy not correct. You should know where and how to use word fantasy.

Our making Tejas for 10X years is not going to help you to overcome design flaws of J 20 my dear. Do not bring in something which is not the subject of discussion.
What u discuss here is about J-20 prototype like American YF-22, still not final step F-22 or production version J-20.

Well i can tell u, the production version J-20 is different with current J-20 prootype, there'r some changes. U will see N.o2003 J-20 pics soon.

Can u identify the difference between prototype aircraft and production aircraft ? All for aircraft design and data test. I'm sure J-20's schedule much faster than India LCA, before 2020 Indian can see J-20 mass production in China, and WS-15 on it.
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You see here I am discussing about J 20 which is Chinese. I am not discussing any Indian weapon so word fantasy not correct. You should know where and how to use word fantasy.

Our making Tejas for 10X years is not going to help you to overcome design flaws of J 20 my dear. Do not bring in something which is not the subject of discussion.
You are comparing Tejas with J-20. I hope you are kidding. LCA is a old design, just like J-10, F-16, Mig-29. J-20 is a new design and only US and Russia have done this before. So please don't ever compare between those 2. :-)
I see, maybe you should check the engines of F-22. They are even closer.

And look here: In many fields, there is great uncertainty as to whether a new design will actually do what is desired. New designs often have unexpected problems. A prototype is often used as part of the product design process to allow engineers and designers the ability to explore design alternatives, test theories and confirm performance prior to starting production of a new product.

Engineers use their experience to tailor the prototype according to the specific unknowns still present in the intended design. For example, some prototypes are used to confirm and verify consumer interest in a proposed design whereas other prototypes will attempt to verify the performance or suitability of a specific design approach.

In general, an iterative series of prototypes will be designed, constructed and tested as the final design emerges and is prepared for production. With rare exceptions, multiple iterations of prototypes are used to progressively refine the design. A common strategy is to design, test, evaluate and then modify the design based on analysis of the prototype.

Too bad your military knowledge is pretty novice. :-) You should read and study more in military related before talking rubbish.

You see, some time what is true for small design is not true for complex designs. e.g redesigning of fuselage will require a new design of fuselage, its compatibility with rest of the structure, extensive aerodynamic testing, new construction and extensive flight trials. If it fails, you have to do it again. That is why you have to be extremity careful in designing such complex machine. Extensive aerodynamic testing are required.
Uh oh! Some of the hyper-nationalists here won't be to happy that you posted this :pop:

Actually, it's the other way round.
The anti-China troll brigade will have orgasms over these claims.

Every piece of advanced technology goes through growing pains and China is well on its way along the learning curve. Any issues will be resolved in due time.
You see, some time what is true for small design is not true for complex designs. e.g redesigning of fuselage will require a new design of fuselage, its compatibility with rest of the structure, extensive aerodynamic testing, new construction and extensive flight trials. If it fails, you have to do it again. That is why you have to be extremity careful in designing such complex machine. Extensive aerodynamic testing are required.
China will have at least 8 different J-20 Prototypes. And each will have different configurations, designs etc. I hope you realize J-20 existed long before it was made to the public.
China will have at least 8 different J-20 Prototypes. And each will have different configurations, designs etc.
Tell the truth, Indian lack the aircraft design skills. Even YF-22 or JSF there'r many different prototypes, not only one F-22 or F-35 aircraft. They think others design fighter just like their LCA cost more than 10years, FUNNY~!

YF-22 prototype

F-22 fighter

X-35 prototype

F-35 fighter
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Well i can tell u, the production version J-20 is different with current J-20 prootype, there'r some changes. U will see N.o2003 J-20 pics soon.

Do you even know what is the implication of such expirement? All flight trial done to date is Zero if the design changes are Major.

Can u identify the difference between prototype aircraft and production aircraft ? All for aircraft design and data test.

Man, I am tired of explaining you guys. I wish you best of luck for J 20. Have a good day.

You are comparing Tejas with J-20. I hope you are kidding. LCA is a old design, just like J-10, F-16, Mig-29. J-20 is a new design and only US and Russia have done this before. So please don't ever compare between those 2.

Man , I am explaining word fantasy which means " a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person." . I am an Indian. I am in discussion with Chinese on J20 which is Chinese. How can there be any fantasy in my post? So using word fantasy for my post by clneio is wrong. I was simply saying that.

Thanks. This is my last post in response to your post. Have a good day. Enjoy!!!!!!!
Tell the truth, Indian lack the aircraft design skills. Even YF-22 or JSF there'r many different prototypes, not only one F-22 or F-35 aircraft. They think others design fighter just like their LCA cost more than 10years, FUNNY~!
6-8 should be more correct. Pak-fa will have at least 8 prototypes. This was said by a russian guy with great knowledge.
China will have at least 8 different J-20 Prototypes. And each will have different configurations, designs etc. I hope you realize J-20 existed long before it was made to the public.


Still has lots of design flaws. Aviation technology is not easy to master.

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