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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

the angle from which the picture is take make them look similar as far as the canards and delta wings are concerned but apart from this there is noting in common in the two planes!
specially if you see the side on view the difference is clear!



look at the different shape of nose
the tail is of different shape and design
the bubble canopy is absent
even the canards and the delta wing appear to be differnet in view
not to mention the entirely different air intakes!

so the bottom line is:
sir muse, sir jee there is no similarity!!! ;)


the canards are stationary/fixed no DSI as well looks more like mirrage with fixed canards
President Asif Ali Zardari has left Pakistan on a four-day visit to China today. During this visit to china he will explore avenues for cooperation with China in the fields of energy and agriculture resources. An 11-member delegation will accompany Zardari. President Zardari will hold talks with the Chinese counterpart about the acquisition of two squadrons of Fc-20 fighter jets which are customized version of Chinese J-10 jets on easy terms in the first phase of cooperation. Pakistan air force has an eventual requirement of five squadrons of Fc-20.
These fighter jets from china will be powered by the Russian AL-31 turbojet engine with thrust vectoring technology. First of these jets will land within one year on the agreement on final aspects of technology and finances.Fc-20 will serve as frontline fighter jet equipped with AESA radar, advance BVRAAM and WVRAAM for PAF to counter Indian Su-30MKI.
ASIAN DEFENCE: President Zardari to discuss the purchase Fc-20 for PAF
President Asif Ali Zardari has left Pakistan on a four-day visit to China today. During this visit to china he will explore avenues for cooperation with China in the fields of energy and agriculture resources. An 11-member delegation will accompany Zardari. President Zardari will hold talks with the Chinese counterpart about the acquisition of two squadrons of Fc-20 fighter jets which are customized version of Chinese J-10 jets on easy terms in the first phase of cooperation. Pakistan air force has an eventual requirement of five squadrons of Fc-20.
These fighter jets from china will be powered by the Russian AL-31 turbojet engine with thrust vectoring technology. First of these jets will land within one year on the agreement on final aspects of technology and finances.Fc-20 will serve as frontline fighter jet equipped with AESA radar, advance BVRAAM and WVRAAM for PAF to counter Indian Su-30MKI.
ASIAN DEFENCE: President Zardari to discuss the purchase Fc-20 for PAF
around 100 aesa fc20s?? thats a relief
President Asif Ali Zardari has left Pakistan on a four-day visit to China today. During this visit to china he will explore avenues for cooperation with China in the fields of energy and agriculture resources. An 11-member delegation will accompany Zardari. President Zardari will hold talks with the Chinese counterpart about the acquisition of two squadrons of Fc-20 fighter jets which are customized version of Chinese J-10 jets on easy terms in the first phase of cooperation. Pakistan air force has an eventual requirement of five squadrons of Fc-20.
These fighter jets from china will be powered by the Russian AL-31 turbojet engine with thrust vectoring technology. First of these jets will land within one year on the agreement on final aspects of technology and finances.Fc-20 will serve as frontline fighter jet equipped with AESA radar, advance BVRAAM and WVRAAM for PAF to counter Indian Su-30MKI.
ASIAN DEFENCE: President Zardari to discuss the purchase Fc-20 for PAF

February 20, 2009 news posted today ?????

Thats a very very old news.
I'm find the similarity of the J10 and Saab Viggen interesting - BTW, I understand the Viggen was once a candidate for the PAF along with some production facilities, before the Mirage was chosen.



I think now there is some similarity, WINGS
here is some more interesting article on J-10 by Australian Think tank
J-10 the Sinocanards
The pinnacle of indigenous Chinese fighter design is the Chengdu J-10, a single engine delta-canard agile multirole fighter which was alleged to be a clone of the IAI Lavi design, enhanced through alleged access to Pakistani F-16A examples. Even cursory comparison of the J-10 and Lavi indicates that 'Lavi-cloning' is not the case, even if the fighters share the same general configuration [1], [2]. The nose and vertical tail shape are however near enough to the F-16 to raise serious questions.

Development of the J-10 commenced in 1988, with the first prototype flying in 1996, and production planned to commence in 2005. The J-10 occupies the same niche as the F-16C/D/E/F and the Rafale, being smaller than the F/A-18E/F and Eurofighter. It is to form the low end of a hi-lo mix with the Su-27SK/J-11/Su-30MKK and be used for air combat and strike roles, replacing the J-6, Q-5 and J-7 in frontline combat regiments.

Early models are powered by the Russian AL-31F common to the Su-27/30, with Chinse sources claiming the indigenous WS-10 fan will be introduced later. The design is claimed to use a quadruplex digital fly-by-wire control system, a glass cockpit similar in layout to the Gripen is employed, and a HMS is expected to be used. Chinese sources claim the Phazotron Zhuk series and indigenous JL-10A to be the likely candidate radars for production.

The J-10 represents an important milestone for China's industry - it is modern combat aircraft competitive in cardinal parameters with current EU production technology, and is clearly a unique indigenous design despite the comments of Western critics. Just like the Su-27/MiG-29 blended the best ideas in the teen series types, the J-10 blends the best ideas from the Eurocanard series and the F-16, to produce a high performance low cost mass production fighter. While the J-10 will not have the strategic impact of the long range Sukhois, it is well matched to the PLA-AF's established Soviet-like all-arms warfare doctrine, providing local air superiority over land forces and close air support / battlefield interdiction capabilities. With the likelihood of large scale production, we could see in time well over a thousand airframes built and exports made to various established PRC clients in the region.

In close combat the J-10 is apt to match or outperform the teen series fighters, and match the Eurocanards. Its principal limitation will be in its sizing and combat radius performance - the top end roles being ceded to the Sukhois.

With the J-10 China has finally joined the club of nations capable of designing a modern agile combat aircraft.
Chengdu J-10 Sinocanard
there is a snap of J-10 and SU-27 taking off togather what does it shows???
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Description: The J-10 is a lightweight, single-engine, multi-role fighter developed by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC) and 611 Institute for the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). The high-performance J-10 aircraft has been designed as an air superiority fighter with air-to-surface capability. The aircraft's development started in the mid-1980s based upon the cancelled Israeli Air Force Lavi lightweight fighter. In the 1990s, the Russians joined the J-10 project providing the AL-31FN as the replacement engine for Chinese incapable WS-10 turbofan. The first J-10 prototype made its maiden flight in March 1998 and the aircraft achieved initial operational capability (IOC) with PLAAF by late 2003/early 2004.

The J-10 aerodynamic configuration is based on a delta-wing with canard foreplanes design with a single ventral air intake. All in, the J-10 is very similar to Eurofighter/Typhoon multi-role aircraft being procured by European countries. The J-10 aircraft is made of composite materials resulting in a high thrust-to-weight ratio with enhanced maneuverability and low drag thanks to its advanced aerodynamics. The flight control system is based on a 4-channel fly-by-wire (FBW) system. An engine digital control system provides for fuel consumption efficiency. The J-10 has been fitted with a glass cockpit and pulse-Doppler radar system capable of tracking 10 targets at ranges of up 100 km while engaging four of them simultaneously.

The J-10 aircraft has 11 external stations for weapons and auxiliary fuel tanks. For air-to-air engagements the aircraft can be equipped with PL-8 (a version of Israel's Python 3) infrared-guided short-range and PL-12 radar active medium-range missiles. Laser guided bombs, free fall bombs and rockets are provided for the air-to-ground attack role. In addition, the J-10 is provided with a single-barrel 23mm internal gun. Future plans call for the installation of the improved Chinese-built WS-10A turbofan in lieu of AL-31FN. The J-10 might be fitted with a detachable air refueling probe to extend its radius of operation or carrying a greater load of weapons. A pilot's helmet-mounted sight system is under study.

The single-seat J-10A, dubbed Vigorous Dragon, is an air superiority fighter with capabilities and performance that resemble closer to those of F-15, F-16, F-18, Mig-29 and Su-27 aircraft. The J-10 has been designed as the replacement for aging J-7 and Q-5 aircraft within the PLAAF with an estimated initial requirement for 300 aircraft. The F-10 designation refers to a export version. The J-10B is an improved version highlighting enhanced maneuverability and equipped with AL-31FN-M1 engine featuring thrust vectoring control. The J-10B maiden flight is expected in 2007. Currently, CAC's assembly line is delivering 2 to 3 J-10 aircraft per month a second assembly may double that figure with approximately 60 J-10s delivered per year at full rate production

J-10A / F-10, J-10B, Vigorous Dragon

---------- Post added at 06:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 PM ----------

J-10 looks great but reminds of Israel Lavi aircraft
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