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Chaos at Chaman

90 percent of these people have nothing to fear from taliban they are opportunists trying to get into Pakistan where they will do all kinds of illegal activities from terrorism to robberies and stealing our peoples resources and jobs... they must not be allowed to enter the country whatever happens... they should go to US and Europe we are barely feeding our own people... and we already have more than enough Afghans on our side we don't need them... these idiots think it is their right to enter Pakistan I say seal the border if you want peace and stability of Pakistan... and whenever a terrorist is captured or a target killer or a kidnapper most of the times people committing these crimes are our very dear afgan brothers...
they mostly appear definitely have families both sides of border and will have proof to be let in to Pakistan

Unless you come from this area you have no power to close border on their ethnic group kin
Keep it closed, enough is enough. These same people will abuse Pakistan in the future. I will not forgive this government if they make the mistake if letting in more refugees
90 percent of these people have nothing to fear from taliban they are opportunists trying to get into Pakistan where they will do all kinds of illegal activities from terrorism to robberies and stealing our peoples resources and jobs... they must not be allowed to enter the country whatever happens... they should go to US and Europe we are barely feeding our own people... and we already have more than enough Afghans on our side we don't need them... these idiots think it is their right to enter Pakistan I say seal the border if you want peace and stability of Pakistan... and whenever a terrorist is captured or a target killer or a kidnapper most of the times people committing these crimes are our very dear afgan brothers...
It's because the afghan economy is collapsing due to the TB's takeover. All educated people have fled for their lives and food supply is dire due to drought, money has stopped coming in and now the nation is experiencing capital flight. If things do not get controlled we will witness a migrant crisis akin to the Soviet times.
Enough is enough. We have already been hosting them since 80s. All 1.4m of them.

You are quoting the number of Afghans that were in Pakistan between 1981 and 1982. The ACTUAL number of legal and illegal Afghans in Pakistan NOW is AT LEAST 5.5 million.
Fleeing Afghans should try to get to border, says UK defence secretary
Ben Wallace signals few places remain on UK rescue flights as fears of attack grow and deadline looms
Afghans board an RAF flight to the UK at Kabul airport

Dan Sabbagh and Aubrey Allegretti
Wed 25 Aug 2021 22.40 BST

Afghans who want to flee to Britain may be better off “trying to get to the border” than awaiting RAF evacuation, the defence secretary has said as British troops made last-ditch attempts to airlift at least 1,500 remaining interpreters and others who have supported the UK.
Ben Wallace, in a briefing to MPs, signalled there were few places left on British rescue flights, which have evacuated more than 11,000 people from Kabul since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan less than two weeks ago.

An evacuation control checkpoint at Hamid Karzai international airport, Kabul, Afghanistan on Wednesday.
UK nationals of Afghan origin being overlooked in Kabul airlift, claim lawyers
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More than 80,000 people have been airlifted by western forces, with the US saying on Wednesday that planes were taking off almost every half hour from the capital’s airport. In 24 hours, 19,000 people were flown out on 90 planes as part of an operation that could surpass the 1975 evacuation of Saigon to become the biggest airlift in history.

All these thousands that are being flown out are they mostly westerners or Afghans ? I’m still surprised so many westerners were in Afghanistan doing what ?
Thousands of Afghans at the Spin Boldak Border crossing, trying to flee #Afghanistan and get into #Pakistan. Reportedly, the situation is worse here than at #Kabul airport. Tens of thousands of Afghans cue every day to try and enter Pakistan.

Complete insanity, has Pakistan's establishment gone senile? Limited resources, but we open our legs everytime something goes down in Afghanistan. Then we complain and never learn.
Indian friends have already closed their doors to Afghans
This will be a disaster for Pakistan and local people of the region.
Pakistan must take a stand rather than be a soft hearted people and gove sanctuary to them.
It's because the afghan economy is collapsing due to the TB's takeover. All educated people have fled for their lives and food supply is dire due to drought, money has stopped coming in and now the nation is experiencing capital flight. If things do not get controlled we will witness a migrant crisis akin to the Soviet times.
Crisis or not food or not we don't care Pakistan is not a developed country and we can't by any means afford to keep more Afghans in our country considering how many of them hate Pakistan with a passion.... we will have to provide them education,health,jobs and integrate them in our society which is not possible when our own are living very hard lives due to inflation.. it is a hard choice but Afghans should be banned from entering we sheltered them in 80s and it brought us death destruction and misery for 20 years.... US and Europe should allow all of these scared educated Afghans in their own countries we don't have the resources to clean up their mess... and taliban have already announced no harm will come to anyone all of them are forgiven.... they should stay in their own countries and rebuild them instead of running with their tails between their legs and leeching off other countries... our people come first.... whatever happens in Afghanistan should not concern us anymore leave that to taliban seal the borders and complete the fence it's time we looked after our own countrymen in need instead of rescuing Afghans who always bite us in the back.....
According to Pakistan's PM Imran khan, Afghanistan has broken the chain of slavery. After that they are coming Pakistan to enjoy freedom.

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