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Change that others couldn't bring after ruling for several decades


Apr 27, 2010
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PTI is in govt for first time in a war and corruption affected province, KPK. And yet in span of 3 - 4 months, its been able to do reforms in Patwari and Thana culture. Even opposite parties and journalists have acknowledged it.

Still a long way to go KP Govt. make us proud and make all critics wrong with your performance.

@Leader @Aeronaut @Echelon @HRK @PWFI @Zarvan @mafiya @jaibi @Marshmallow @Pukhtoon @Armstrong @balixd @Slav Defence @mr42O @Patriots @Mani2020 @Side-Winder
good but what, it has done to stop, jail breakings by the innocent terrorists, or may we call them shaheed terrorists now?
good but what, it has done to stop, jail breakings by the innocent terrorists, or may we call them shaheed terrorists now?
They are doing the thing which involves a super powers in the world and even the major powers of the world is not easy to handle mr and thanks to your dumbo Musharraf who destroyed Pakistan they still have to face his blunders
good but what, it has done to stop, jail breakings by the innocent terrorists, or may we call them shaheed terrorists now?

You never mentioned drones because of getting a back-lash and entire blame on his excellency Musharaf :disagree:

Jail Breaking by "innocent terrorist" was an even involving Pakistan Army and Arab "friends" who took every jail-breaker to Syria. No inquiry was ordered, no one did politics on the event. There was complete silence within a week on the media and everybody is hunky-dory. Listen to Sheikh Rasheed who between the lines mentioned where these jail breakers ended. PTI or KPK government doesn't have independent ties with Saudis. Are you getting a feeling who should you ask this question?

Regarding Shaheed, we Pakistanis better stop giving importance to the opinion of a crack head. Our defination of Islam doesn't come from JI neither Munawar Hassan is an alim or mufti. We better put a cap on this stupid discussion and focus on things which matter. If you have confusion, watch Tahirul Qadri's program in which he gave Ahadith and explained who is terrorist and who not.

Tahirul Qadri explaining who is Shaheed and who is Baghi


They are doing the thing which involves a super powers in the world and even the major powers of the world is not easy to handle mr and thanks to your dumbo Musharraf who destroyed Pakistan they still have to face his blunders
ok so now you wanted to blame musharaf for 9/11, after which a superpower went to take action against a holy coward given refuge by other, hard line religious bigots called talibans?
so we should blame, those who made only super power of the world doing carpet bombings in TORABORA, after which whole bunch of cowards, run inside pakistan for shelter?
wow blame army?
KPK govt to dismiss twenty officers over corruption

Evidence provided by Special Branch

Imran Khan's Reply to QWP Allegations

I Appreciate PTI on Sacking corrupt Ministers-Rauf Klasra

PMLN's minister twitted PTI is a corrupt party and we have no corrupt ministers

Nusrat Javed gone MAD after Imran Khan sacked QWP ministers in KPK

QWP forged document with Imran Khans signatures to malign pti for sacking QWP's ministers

PPP senior most Politician from KPK admitted in front of Kashif Abbasi and Sahanzeb Khanzada that Police culture and Patwari culture has changed for the better and corruption has reduced due to right to Information act

Imran Khan has zero tolerance for corruption --- Mujeeb Shami

Aftab Sherpao had 4 million dollars of black money in swiss banks found in Musharaf Military rule
You never mentioned drones because of getting a back-lash and entire blame on his excellency Musharaf :disagree:

Jail Breaking by "innocent terrorist" was an even involving Pakistan Army and Arab "friends" who took every jail-breaker to Syria. No inquiry was ordered, no one did politics on the event. There was complete silence within a week on the media and everybody is hunky-dory. Listen to Sheikh Rasheed who between the lines mentioned where these jail breakers ended. PTI or KPK government doesn't have independent ties with Saudis. Are you getting a feeling who should you ask this question?

Regarding Shaheed, we Pakistanis better stop giving importance to the opinion of a crack head. Our defination of Islam doesn't come from JI neither Munawar Hassan is an alim or mufti. We better put a cap on this stupid discussion and focus on things which matter. If you have confusion, watch Tahirul Qadri's program in which he gave Ahadith and explained who is terrorist and who not.

Tahirul Qadri explaining who is Shaheed and who is Baghi


did musharaf told the OBL & co. to do the 9/11 after which the whole world got united against the only nuclear islamic state pakistan?wow bravo not a single word against those who, did the most horrible terrorist attack in the history of the world?
why cant dear free royal wine drinker IMRAN KHAN couldnt make the the royals of england understand , to do something to stop, drone attacks, on innocent terrorists?
after all UK is the most vital allay on WAR ON TERROR to USA?
is thats an army job to secure prisons too?
ok where is that, stupid ADNAN RASHIED in pakistan or in sirya?
facts are too different, from the tongues of politicians!
last part of your, post i agree on that 100%, yes TuQ is far more great, teacher ,researcher of islam then these desil molvis!
i allways have my love & respect for TuQ!
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the question is who was the head, and why didn't khattak took action before, and why imran had to intervene in KPK's govt workings in order to take that notice

and only QWP ministers are not fired, 11 ministers were scrutinised as a whole, 1 who was fired belongs to PTI itself

it looks like there is more to it then meets the eye
Nusrat Javed gone MAD after Imran Khan sacked QWP ministers in KPK

QWP forged document with Imran Khans signatures to malign pti for sacking QWP's ministers

PPP senior most Politician from KPK admitted in front of Kashif Abbasi and Sahanzeb Khanzada that Police culture and Patwari culture has changed for the better and corruption has reduced due to right to Information act

Imran Khan has zero tolerance for corruption --- Mujeeb Shami

Aftab Sherpao had 4 million dollars of black money in swiss banks found in Musharaf Military rule

IMRAN has 1000% tolerance of terrorism!

Multiple blasts target KP police; kill at least two

— File photo
Updated 2013-11-16 16:38:49
0 Comment(s)
PESHAWAR: Multiple bomb explosions shook northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on Saturday, killing at least two and injuring at least a dozen people.

The most recent attack came in the Dera Ismail Khan district.

According to police officials, a police van was hit by a blast in Mandi area as it was traveling from D I Khan to Hangu district. At least one policeman was killed and two were injured from what officials described as a roadside bomb explosion.

Earlier, a suspected suicide bombing wounded four paramilitary Frontier Corps personnel and two passersby in Bannu.

Official sources said the suspected suicide-bomber rammed his motorbike into a security forces vehicle, injuring the six men and damaging the vehicle.

Police also confirmed that the suicide bomber was killed. Security personnel cordoned off the area and started a search operation.

Another bombing injured three people in provincial capital Peshawar.

Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) personnel said approximately five kilograms of explosive material concealed in a cylinder blew up near a police van on Kohat road in Budhber area on Peshawar’s outskirts

As a result of the explosion, the police van was completely destroyed while three people sustained injuries.

Rescue teams reached the site of the blast while security forces cordoned off the area.

The injured were shifted to the Lady Reading Hospital.
doesnt these innocent tribal terrorists deserve drone attack?
change-that-others-couldnt-bring-after-ruling-for-several-months in KPK?

ok so now you wanted to blame musharaf for 9/11, after which a superpower went to take action against a holy coward given refuge by other, hard line religious bigots called talibans?
so we should blame, those who made only super power of the world doing carpet bombings in TORABORA, after which whole bunch of cowards, run inside pakistan for shelter?
wow blame army?
Not 9/11 but the way he became USA slaves gave the more freedom than they asked for and destroyed Pakistan and even sold Muslims to USA he was nothing but slave of USA
Not 9/11 but the way he became USA slaves gave the more freedom than they asked for and destroyed Pakistan and even sold Muslims to USA he was nothing but slave of USA
so, now he the one made muslims slave to US?
ohh why, what are the reasons are?
all what ever USA went after to catch or kill the crooks did 9/11, was becoming slaves?
9/11 is justfyied because, it was done by OBL the punisher sent by god to USA?
MUSHARAF made pakistan become slaves, thats why every pakistani have shackles around his neck?
thats why, you keep your anti-US parapoganda keep rolling till now, thats why musharaf lost in the elections, under himself!
you are really one, hell stupid torabora mullha mind on earth?lolzz
ohh BTW TALIBANS also became the slaves, to USA when the went for talks in QATAR, sure yes?
9/11 is a part the great game by jews, some Taliban groups were misused for this purpose. i have no doubt about that in my mind and Pervaiz Mushraf was integral part of this game not Pak Army.
Pak Army Zindabad, Mushi bhar me jaye.
Now on topic, i think you should also give some due credit to PMLN due to his positive behavior in subject matter, they provides green signal all before this to PTI.
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so, now he the one made muslims slave to US?
ohh why, what are the reasons are?
all what ever USA went after to catch or kill the crooks did 9/11, was becoming slaves?
9/11 is justfyied because, it was done by OBL the punisher sent by god to USA?
MUSHARAF made pakistan become slaves, thats why every pakistani have shackles around his neck?
thats why, you keep your anti-US parapoganda keep rolling till now, thats why musharaf lost in the elections, under himself!
you are really one, hell stupid torabora mullha mind on earth?lolzz
ohh BTW TALIBANS also became the slaves, to USA when the went for talks in QATAR, sure yes?
He made Pakistan slave of USA and destroyed Pakistan for ever and he didn't had any vision just became slaves of USA and took complete U turn and made biggest disasters ever and Pakistan is still paying the price of his disaster policies Musharraf lost the elections because Kiyani refused to rig elections Kiyani refused to accept his demands Mr other wise he planned lot of things
He made Pakistan slave of USA and destroyed Pakistan for ever and he didn't had any vision just became slaves of USA and took complete U turn and made biggest disasters ever and Pakistan is still paying the price of his disaster policies Musharraf lost the elections because Kiyani refused to rig elections Kiyani refused to accept his demands Mr other wise he planned lot of things
kiyani refused to rig elections? , was kiyani the head of EC?
you are lossing your dam logic now?
musharaf made pakistan slave because he was the one who did 9/11, after which whole world went against the terroerism of few stupids unluckly were the muslims?
why they done that?
they never knew whats going to happen as a result? no they were stupids or some kids playing with fire?
if he doesnt hve any vission, a dollar against a rupee never could hve stand at 62 ?
if not tell the damocrates, just make it back to 80?
why not, isnt USA giving the same ammount of financial AID now?
its on records there were a few of drone attacks in his times, but after him , ohh you cant count it by now?
wht about OBL mission, why not it was done by US , in musharaf,s time?
ohh your torabora mind couldnt get that?
& what about todays elections, same kiyani? why its been declared the most croupt elections innthe history of pakistan?
i think your mind is just stuck with mushraf, because of his will to fight against the stupid terror, which begain at 9/11?
its stupid, even to think with the terror we hve now in pakistan, specially in KPK, anything can be achive, by unleashing few makeup steps?

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