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Change is happening: Kashimiri students, first time ever, sing Pakistani

And here people say India is worst than Pakistan. Doesn't that means we are faing worse than you. Isn't it against that India is facing more tougher challenges than Pakistan.

Take one stance.

BTW All come back to topic of Kashmir. Debate on changing Kashmiri demography, economy, tourism and social aspects.
The try that Pakistan made of reducing Hindu population in Kashmir thru terrorism actually has no significance any more.. Since the talk of plebiscite is as stillborn as it could be... Pakistan is now more busy trying save Balochistan and KP from breaking away from Pakistan than trying to make a move on Kashmir.. The Afghanistan strategy for India couldnt have worked any better...

The scare was created by the then Indian Government which initiated and started the exodus of Pandits from Kashmir.

Your government wanted to achieve certain objects through the exit of Pandits. It failed and then did not have even a bit of courtesy to either accept its follies, or properly look after these poor people and blamed it all on Kashmiris. This is a fact - you guys will never accept it because the blame falls on India rather than the freedom fighters.

No need to drag the Sikhs and Buddhists or even the xtians here. They dont have a chip on their shoulders constantly whining how they are discriminated, how they are victimized, bla bla. You want to make a point on behlaf of the Muslims, go ahead, but no need for the pakatthu elaikku payasam by dragging in the other minorities. Well to say frankly, minorities like SIkhs, Buddhists, Jains etc dont even consider them minority in a social milieu but only strictly number wise.

Yeah yeah and yeah again.

pakatthu elaikku payasam - lagarr bagarr charkh or whatever
How many muslims you want to proclaim it.........

Even i say i'm muslim first ...indian second.

When it will come to choosing between islam and india....we will choose islam first.

And it does overwhelmingly proves majority are muslim first then indian.

Goood for you. The actions and the consequent reactions all come out of one's one deeds.
@ karan.1970
That's why the forcing out of Kashmiri Pundits failed. There plan was successfully nullified by Indian policy makers and defense establishment to some extent.

BUT we should make decisions for their rehabilitation back in Kashmir. Why should they live as refugees in their own nation. Congress has used Muslim vote bank a lot now we need a leader who can do justice to these Hindus too.

Problem in India is when 10 Muslims suffer in India, Human rights, opportunists parties etc make so much noise but if thousands of Hindus suffer, they say nothing.

Kashmir should be restored to its previous position.
@ karan.1970
That's why the forcing out of Kashmiri Pundits failed. There plan was successfully nullified by Indian policy makers and defense establishment to some extent.

BUT we should make decisions for their rehabilitation back in Kashmir. Why should they live as refugees in their own nation. Congress has used Muslim vote bank a lot now we need a leader who can do justice to these Hindus too.

Problem in India is when 10 Muslims suffer in India, Human rights, opportunists parties etc make so much noise but if thousands of Hindus suffer, they say nothing.

Kashmir should be restored to its previous position.

I wish I could share some of the things that are being planned for Kashmir (economically), but can not violate the confidentiality agreement I have signed with my company .. All I can say, is that successful economic revival of J&K is going to be a major election plank of Congress in 2014...If things go as planned, J&K will give Gujrat a run for its money...
The scare was created by the then Indian Government which initiated and started the exodus of Pandits from Kashmir.

Yeah right, it was the Indian govt that was blaring from the mosque louspeakers Ae Kafiroo Ae Zalimoo, Kashmir Hamara Chhod Do and Asi gache Pakistan, Batav ros Batnev san threatening the Pandits to leave their homeland. It was the Indian govt that raped, killed and ethnically cleansed the Hindu Pandits to establish what the terrorists call Nizam-e-Mustafa. Yeah it was the Indian mainstream newspapers and not the Al-safa and Srinagar Times that carried direct threats to Hindusto get lost of Kashmir or be killed. Yeah it was the Indian govt that was also responsible for also your neighbourhood mulla's langoti being stolen.

Quit talking trash. Those who perpetrated the worst ethnic cleansing in our part of the world after '71 got their just desserts and have had the fear of their God inserted into them subsequently.
I dragged your religion..:disagree:.Wait a minute...let me post your words

Page 15, Post #218. # 222
Even i say i'm muslim first ...indian second."

Using large fonts to make you notice it was you, not me, who brought you in discussion.

You dragged yourself and now blaming me. That you always do.
How about payin attention to your post#210 page#14
Let me too increase the font size in case you have missed it.....

Ask any Muslim in India, is he Muslim first or Indian first. All Indians know the answer.It was you first making a sweeping statement bringing in muslim first and of course that includes me hence you got your reply for dragging my religion directly.

First you bring yourself in middle and if someone disagrees with you, you call it targeting and you play victim card. You insult other people like our soldiers then expect Indians to read your statements. And your cheerleader starts defending even if he doesn't know the truth .
First thing i never bring my self i get dragged in when i'm part of the issue say women issue or muslim issue i'll speak for it and its not playing victim card rather retorting to falsehood.

IA will always be criticized for its deeds.dont expect the false parise for it from me.

And no i dont expect indians to read my posts.Indians are not the only people on this board there are many other nationalities.I think indians have some sort of problem that they feel themselves to be self-important here hence the statements like as you said,"i expect indians to read my posts", comes in once in a while.Btw you and other indians are welcome to ignore my post.damn youse the ignore button webmaster has provided you.
You are only ayear old when i came here i was put on ignore list by many indians..you do the same use the button.

And I dont have any cheerleader here coz i dont pay anyone to cheer lead for me.....

Again you bringing Manipur women to defend Your Rioters.?

Are you seriously justifying those rioters ?
only a blind would be unable to see the outrage in both cases.Can be expected from you ...nothing new.

Sania doing it for sponsors not for love of this nation. Are you saying she is greedy not patriot by saying the statement. Who are you to judge her real motives ?
And who are you to proclaim that she plays for india hence she is patriot.its all about money honey....:P

Can't access the video, and don't tell me what I am worthy of. Don't make me go personal then you have already made by bringing yourself as an example of Muslim who consider herself Muslim first.
Yeah ...it only can be expected from guys only that too indian ones.....ie getting personal....or do you expect me to get threatened by your blackmail of getting personal.Damn i'm right here in india near you place do whatever you wish to do.I've seen guys like you through out my life .Tum jaison ko to apne sandal ki nok par rakhati hoon.

You carry on your :blah: anywhere you want and let the research do the talking.

You are dodging the factors I raised regarding kashmir.

Can you debate on Kashmir situation just I approached. Can you debate on demographics, immigration, emigration, effect of terrorism, tourism and other social changes affecting Kashmiris and Kashmir's stability.
i said already i say it again.you are not worth it wrt Islam.
99% of Pictures posted here are old. It does indicate we had problem in the past. As far as being disturbed and having human right violations are concerned Kashmir will not even figure out at world level. I am serious there is hardly any violence, police encounters, and stone pelting incidences in recent times for over a year. On the contrary tourism is flourishing in Kashmir.

Compare this to Karachi.

Before you jump and post old stuff, I will say post something current.

Additionally we do not care if few thousands wants to separate. They do not have ability to do so is what matters.
Arrey .... I was not talking to you.

I was talking about you and giving your example and it is my opinion.

And I am always right - well almost always.

Tumhein nahin pasand - na sahi.
Why i said is coz people term you my cheerleader.

99% of Pictures posted here are old. It does indicate we had problem in the past. As far as being disturbed and having human right violations are concerned Kashmir will not even figure out at world level. I am serious there is hardly any violence, police encounters, and stone pelting incidences in recent times for over a year. On the contrary tourism is flourishing in Kashmir.

Compare this to Karachi.

Before you jump and post old stuff, I will say post something current.

Additionally we do not care if few thousands wants to separate. They do not have ability to do so is what matters.
Akela chana bhi bhaad fod deta hai maharaj.................
Pakistani leaders had different views on Kashmir from time-to-time.Some said,its part of Pakistan,some said it should be a separate state.India firmly stuck to a single opinion.Kashmir is considered to be an integral part by India.
So far as the present scenario is concerned,nothing is going to happen.There used to be far more anti-India sentiments and a much higher level of insurgency back in the 90s.With a lot of socio-economic development happening over there,more and more people are getting absorbed into the mainstream.
So it is status-quo for unified Kashmir.
Yeah right, it was the Indian govt that was blaring from the mosque louspeakers Ae Kafiroo Ae Zalimoo, Kashmir Hamara Chhod Do and Asi gache Pakistan, Batav ros Batnev san threatening the Pandits to leave their homeland. It was the Indian govt that raped, killed and ethnically cleansed the Hindu Pandits to establish what the terrorists call Nizam-e-Mustafa. Yeah it was the Indian mainstream newspapers and not the Al-safa and Srinagar Times that carried direct threats to Hindusto get lost of Kashmir or be killed. Yeah it was the Indian govt that was also responsible for also your neighbourhood mulla's langoti being stolen.

Quit talking trash. Those who perpetrated the worst ethnic cleansing in our part of the world after '71 got their just desserts and have had the fear of their God inserted into them subsequently.

Kashmir belong to the Kashmiris and not Indians. So yes the Indians should leave. What's wrong with that.

Why didn't the people from Laddakh leave, why didn't the people from Jammu leave - why was it that only Pandits were encouraged to leave. Even from places where such noises never sounded in the manner.

The exodus was perpetrated by Indian Government who couldn't control the event and created havoc in the lives of these people by making them refugees in their own country.

Yeah it is time you people stop talking trash and stop throwing dust in the eyes of your own people.
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