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Change is happening: Kashimiri students, first time ever, sing Pakistani

Ask any Muslim in India, is he Muslim first or Indian first. All Indians know the answer.

Industries are planning to move in, tourism rising, Kashmiri premier League, many other development activities, Kashmir is doing fine after so many years witnessing cross border terrorism.
Ask any Muslim in India, is he Muslim first or Indian first. All Indians know the answer.

Industries are planning to move in, tourism rising, Kashmiri premier League, many other development activities, Kashmir is doing fine after so many years witnessing cross border terrorism.
Not ur fault brother its pakistan,s media,books,politics,goverment fault that they gotta make u guys learn and listen from childhood that kashmir is a part of pakistan......
Kashmir has never been part of India. Why dont Indians just accept that? Its an occupied territory. It has mass graves, high density military presence. If it was part of India, this would not have been happening there.

Why do Kashmiris celebrate Pakistan Independence day? Why do they chant Pakistan zindabad slogans when Pakistan wins cricket match? There is a lot to think about for Indians and they should stop blaming us for their woes. They have created these problems by occupying the part of the land which is not and will never be theirs.

do you know the meaning of name Kashmir?

this land was home to hindus, buddhists till 12th century; muslims came later

The Buddhist Mauryan emperor Ashoka is often credited with having founded the old capital of Kashmir, Shrinagari, now ruins on the outskirts of modern Srinagar. Kashmir was long to be a stronghold of Buddhism.[3]

Kashmir threads in "Kashmir" subforum only!
Kashmir has never been part of India. Why dont Indians just accept that? Its an occupied territory. It has mass graves, high density military presence. If it was part of India, this would not have been happening there.

Why do Kashmiris celebrate Pakistan Independence day? Why do they chant Pakistan zindabad slogans when Pakistan wins cricket match? There is a lot to think about for Indians and they should stop blaming us for their woes. They have created these problems by occupying the part of the land which is not and will never be theirs.

This argument is circular. Kashmir was a free country from August 1947 to October 1947 - like Nepal or Bhutan. Why did Pakistan invade it?
This argument is circular. Kashmir was a free country from August 1947 to October 1947 - like Nepal or Bhutan. Why did Pakistan invade it?

Why were dogra forces commiting kashmiri genocide? killing 2.7 lac kashmiris and looting burning villages tht could be seen from murree hills and kashmiri refugees were coming to jehlum valley in Pakistan?while ww2 veteran from kashmir were requesting GoP for help.
Ask any Muslim in India, is he Muslim first or Indian first. All Indians know the answer.

Industries are planning to move in, tourism rising, Kashmiri premier League, many other development activities, Kashmir is doing fine after so many years witnessing cross border terrorism.
I'm muslim First.............................

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Isolated cases. One Youtube video doesn't tell entire story. Few dozens against the argument in a population of 100s of millions Muslim population is insignificant data.

Cite example from international journals with case strength over or subjects over tens of thousands ranging for many years to support the claim.
This argument is circular. Kashmir was a free country from August 1947 to October 1947 - like Nepal or Bhutan. Why did Pakistan invade it?

No Sir,

Indians invaded first and not the Pathans. Surprisingly, this fact is not even known to many Pakistanis as well.

The invasion of Kashmir was planned by Hindu Indians and their leaders much before the Pathan ingresses in to Kashmir to save the Muslims from being completely massacred by marauding Hindu invaders from India. It was all started by and planned in meetings between rulers of Alwar, Kapurthala and Patiala etc with Maharaja of Kashmir, in complete knowledge of Hindu Indian leaders.

And, the intrusion of Pathans has been blamed for everything. However, does any of you even know that after the 1947 pogrom in Punjab where Muslims were killed in millions in order to ethnically cleanse the areas and change the demography, where did these marauding Hindu and Sikh hordes were sent to? No you wouldn’t know or probably wouldn’t want to acknowledge it – these hordes were sent to Jammu to loot, rape, abduct and kill Muslims.

As planned, in the initial instance, they intended to ethnically cleanse areas of Jammu where Muslims were in minority. Between July and October 47, over 500,000 Muslims were thrown out of their homes, out of which 200,000 thousand were killed and about 300,000 were forced to emigrate to Pakistan. This was the first stage of this operation. The Pathans came to safeguard the Muslims from hordes of marauding Sikhs and fundamentalist Hindus.

May I recommend more study of actual history than what is being taught in Indian school and college system and propagated in India.
Isolated cases. One Youtube video doesn't tell entire story. Few dozens against the argument in a population of 100s of millions Muslim population is insignificant data.

Cite example from international journals with case strength over or subjects over tens of thousands ranging for many years to support the claim.
How many muslims you want to proclaim it.........

Even i say i'm muslim first ...indian second.

When it will come to choosing between islam and india....we will choose islam first.

And it does overwhelmingly proves majority are muslim first then indian.
How many muslims you want to proclaim it.........

Even i say i'm muslim first ...indian second.

When it will come to choosing between islam and india....we will choose islam first.

And it does overwhelmingly proves majority are muslim first then indian.

This is the root of all problems.I feel,if muslims starts to consider themselves as national first then there would be a huge jump in their contribution.
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